Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hiphop with the Sims on YouTube

Too bad that some of these were pulled by short-sighted rights holders (not that web-deletion works, given everyone's diligence about reposting stuff - so it's probably still there if you look around a bit).

You can't buy this kind of internet love.

M.I.A. - "Galang"

Lil Mama - Lip Gloss

Beyonce - "Irreplaceable

UGK (feat. Outkast) - "Int'l Player's Anthem"

Ice Cube - Down For Whatever

More Sims hiphop on YouTube

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Online Etch-a-Sketch

This is better than the real thing because you can use arrow keys instead of knobs to draw with. No more dropping it on the floor, either.

Best of all, with computer sketching, you can get screenshots to preserve your work. Firefox users, for example, can use an extension called Page Saver for easy screenshots. Unlike most screen capturing software, it can be set to capture the entire page even on very long pages. (Use PNG format for best results.)

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Surfing St. Marks

Duncan Zuur?s wakeboarding stunt in Venice, Italy.
- via neatorama

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Sunday, July 27, 2008


Create, share, hide, modify, and download TrueType fonts -- using this Web-based lettering tool.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Graffiti Practice Book - Free PDF

Download and print a free coloring book with dumpsters, trucks, and other familiar but boring surfaces to decorate.
- From Fakeproject Corporation.

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008


"Zon is an unique interactive massively multiplayer online role playing game for learning Mandarin Chinese.

"By interacting in the Zon environment you will be exposed to Chinese language and cultural knowledge in a new and exciting way. Everything that you do in the game is another chance to learn new words, phrases and cultural info about China. Never before has learning Chinese been more fun.

"The nice part about Zon is it is all browser based. No client applications are required, so you can log in and play from school, work or home. Zon is a persistant environment, so when you log off, the world still keeps going.

"As you progress through the game, your character graduates from the tourist class, to a resident of Zon and then finally a citizen, where you can own businesses and create new content for the world. "

[The website is coy about pricing, but it seems to be free for a while anyway. It's in beta still. A university project of some kind. - Susan]

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Monday, June 16, 2008

For the Star Wars / graffiti fan

"Customised by EASE and JK5 for Suckadelic, the Hasbro toy (AT-AT Walker) is tagged in gin-u-wine Aurebesh language, and is expected to go for between $1,500 and $2,000."

Thanks to Chachi for the heads up.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Games: online, free, and likely even fun - a list

There are tons of free, online games listed, many of which would also be good for kids, even educational. Plenty of shootemups of course and games for improving big-keyboard skills with those digital letters. Strategy, puzzles, old favorites ... I'm not sure about the "strangely compelling cat-tossing game" though. Gotta be something wrong with that.

(Might want to check out the blog there too if you're designing things for a living or running a business. )

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Digital spray can for the Wii

Cool looking prototype. Painting with your fiends online sounds like fun.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Daniel Dociu - Guild Wars artist

Extraordinary game illustration you really should see, in an interview with its creator, Daniel Dociu on BLDG. As you marvel at the deep worlds he's created, consider that he's doing it with little more than his big imagination, a little charcoal, and Photoshop.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mac Game Store

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How to create your own viral videos on YouTube

Wired how-to wiki has the nitty gritty.

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Friday, January 18, 2008


This looks like fun.

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Draw on the blank screen. Pretty!

Easy ways to save what's on your screen:

Windows: Hold down Alt and press printscreen. Open a Word or Paint window (or any word processor or image program). Press ctrl-V to paste the picture into the new window. Save!

Mac: Command-shift-3 (captures screen) (or Cmd-shift-4 to marquee your capture area). Picture file appears on your desktop.

More Mac screen capture tips:

Tip: you might have to reload the site after the capture.

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Universal Apology Form

Nicely done and customizable!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

German Christmas Calendar

Here's a modern interpretation of the traditional German Christmas calendar. You are supposed to open one day at a time in December.

Made by Malte at GRACO (artist agency) in Berlin

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Play game to feed the hungry: Free Rice

Here's a game that can improve your vocabulary while feeding hungry people, but it's not just good, it's fun.

Read the article above to find out more or play the game.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Design a Mimoco Vimobot

USB flash fun.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Visuwords: online graphical dictionary

djdamico pointed out this very cool word tool. It's more like a thesaurus actually, because it shows the relationships between words and ideas. MCs and slammers will love this.

Give it a try with epitaph and epithet

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Sketch Swap


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Check the time right now anywhere in the world

This is neat. Find out what time it is in your friend's country before you call.


Monday, December 12, 2005

NYC Subway and Street Map


Free, printable National Geographic posters

Animals and scenery, very beautiful.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Free TV and videos on your Mac

Looks like you can make your own stuff available or make a channel to provide shows you produce too. Neat. Free software, Open media. Windows version "coming soon". Ron English has already made his video "Popaganda" available there, on the Media Rights channel. It's worth downloading. Very funny and wonderful.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Text games

Back in the day when the Internet was text, we used to call them "games" but now they are called "interactive fiction". You interact by typing your actions or directions (like "north" or "open door" or "look") To find out which commands you can use, type "about". Press Enter to see the next page whenever you see "more". If you like this one, there are a bunch more linked to it.


Saturday, July 23, 2005

What other people are doing online has fascinating tidbits every day. Addictive.

secondlife is a shared virtual world where you can make your own everything. Are you playing it? Are you playing something else even better, maybe where you can paint too? Let me know and I'll post a list of cool places to hang out.

oishii is a list of currently popular links from


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Best fractals ever

I know you like fractals, even if you don't know what they are yet. These are some of the best I've seen anywhere. Check them out.

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Friday, August 13, 2004

Oh NO, it's Weboggle

Goodbye solitaire, Weboggle to the rescue. Totally addictive. Compete with others and yourself.

Works with Safari and Netscape 7 on Macs. Try it with Explorer or _better yet_ Firefox on Windows.


Friday, June 25, 2004

Bicycle Bombing

See it in action (Quicktime movie)

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