Saturday, May 27, 2006

Oblivion Dominos

"Doing a Domino Day in TES Oblivion with books." by Secumfex

This artform is called "machinima." It was made with the Oblivion game editor.

Machinima FAQ


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Keep the Internet open and free

Please sign the Move On petition today (above link) to keep the Internet neutral and free. Corporate interference in the US is threatening the neutrality of the Internet.

Net Neutrality prevents AT&T from choosing which websites open most easily for you based on which site pays AT&T more. So Amazon doesn't have to outbid Barnes & Noble for the right to work more properly on your computer.

Many members of US Congress take campaign contributions from these companies, and they don't think the public are paying attention to this issue. Let's show them we care - please sign this petition today.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not Your Soldier - Anti-recruitment camps for youth

Young people are being tricked, lured, and pushed into the military in order to fight unjust wars for dishonest politicians. Especially the poor kids. Not Your Soldier offers information, tools, and tactics to those who want to resist recruitment.
From the site:

"Why Counter Recruitment?

When we organize against military recruitment, we are not only getting involved in our communities and working to stop this war - we are also questioning the whole system that the military is built on.

We are fighting the way that recruiters prey on the lack of affordable housing, healthcare, and the decrepit state of our schools.

We are refusing to fight in an unjust war.

But most importantly, we are building skills and resources within our generation of youth leadership for justice.

Want to do something in your community to stop recruiters and fight the war?

Take back your school! Check out the War Resister's League book, "Demilitarized Zone: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the Military." You'll get a lot of ideas about organizing to keep military recruiters out of your school, including detailed legal information, concrete campaign suggestions, and up-to-date statistics.

Protect your privacy! Make it hard for recruiters to get your home number by joining Military Free Zone's Opt Out campaign. If you "opt out", your school can't give your information to the military.

Educate your friends! Show AFSC's video "Before You Enlist." Invite a local veteran from Iraq Vets Against War to speak to your class or club. Get copies of the comic book, "Addicted to War" and pass it around. "

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Sultan's Elephant. The Grande Finale

Giant puppet girl and huge mechanical elephant enchanted London last week. It's a lot more interesting than it sounds. See the video on youtube. [found, like the one below, on BoingBoing]


Evolution of Dance

This video on youtube is hilarious.
