Thursday, April 02, 2009

How to tell if your Windows computer is infected with Conficker

More info about the worm

Easy, non-invasive visual test to see what's up with your computer at a glance.

Mac and Linux computers are not in danger from this one.
Experts say it is the worst infection since the SQL Slammer. Estimates of the number of computers infected range from almost 9 million PCs to 15 million computers, however a conservative minimum estimate is more like 3 million which is more than enough to cause great harm.

Another anti-virus software vendor, Panda Security, reported that of the 2 million computers analyzed through ActiveScan, around 115,000 (6%) were infected with this malware.

Why you should care whether your computer has it or not:

* because nobody knows which bad things it will do to you, your networks, and the people you know

* because it could cause your computer to become part of a botnet, spamming everyone

* because infected computers could get locked out of internet access

* because in the past worms have exposed private information to bad guys who sell and exploit it for profit and fun

* because worms tend to open back doors to your computer, allowing bad guys in to steal your data or plant dangerous files on your computer

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