- Exploring Mental Models
for Application in Networking Applications, Telephony and Environments
Project publications:
Light, A. Vermersch's
Explicitation Interviewing Technique Used in Analysing Human-Computer Interaction.
CSRP 513. University of Sussex.
- Light, A., and I.
Wakeman. 2000. My Name is Chris...: The Effect of Producer Visibility on the
Use of Interactive Websites. In Proceedings of OzCHI, December 2000. Sydney,
Light, A., and I.
Wakeman. In press. Beyond the Interface: Perceptions of Interaction and
Audiences on Websites. Interacting with Computers.
- Rimmer, J., and
I. Wakeman. 1999. Who Helps the Helpers: Technological Change in the Helpdesk.
[Word97] In Proceedings of Ethnographic
Studies in Real and Virtual Environments: Inhabited Information Spaces and
Connected Communities, 1999. Edinburgh.
- Rimmer, J., I. Wakeman,
L. Sheeran, and A.M. Sasse. 1999. Examining Users' Repertoire of Internet
Applications. [pdf] In M.A. Sasse and
C. Johnson, eds. Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT'99 - Proceedings of IFIP
TC.13 International Conference, August/September 1999. Edinburgh: IOS
- Rimmer, J., I. Wakeman,
L. Sheeran, and M.A. Sasse. 2000a. How the Users Talk: Capturing User Repertoire
for Interface Design.
- Rimmer, J., I. Wakeman,
L. Sheeran, and M.A. Sasse. 2000b. Messages from a Tangled Web. [Word97]
In Proceedings of OzCHI, December 2000. Sydney, Australia.
- Sheeran, L. 2000.
Users' Models of the Internet. [Word97]
In Proceedings for the Doctoral Consortium at CHI2000, March 2000. The Hague,
- Sheeran, L., M.A.
Sasse, J. Rimmer, and I. Wakeman. 2000. Contemporary
Legends: a Method for the Conceptual Designer's Toolbox. RN/00/52. Dept.
Computer Science, UCL.
- Sheeran, L., M.A.
Sasse, J. Rimmer, and I. Wakeman. 2000a. Back to Basics: Is a better Understanding
of the Internet a Precursor for Effective Use of the Web? [Word97]
In Proceedings of NordiCHI, October 2000. Stockholm, Sweden.
Sheeran, L., M.A.
Sasse, J. Rimmer, and I. Wakeman. 2000b. How Web Browsers Shape Users'
Understanding of Networks. South African Journal of Information Management,
vol 2(2). [Online]. Available: http://www.rau.ac.za/journal/sajim.
Other references
which may be of interest:
Last changed by L.Sheeran@cs.ucl.ac.uk
on 30 August 2000