Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- python-argparse - Optparse inspired command line parser for Python
- python-cpopen - Creates a sub-process in simpler safer manner
- python-daemon - Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
- python-imgcreate - Python modules for building system images
- python-inotify - Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux
- python-inotify-examples - Examples for Python inotify module
- python-ioprocess - Python bindings for ioprocess
- python-kitchen - Small, useful pieces of code to make python coding easier
- python-lockfile - A platform-independent file locking module
- python-mock - A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
- python-ordereddict - Implementation of Python 2.7's OrderedDict
- python-ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- python-pthreading - Re-implement threading.Lock, RLock and Condition with libpthread
- python-websockify - WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol