
jython: Java source interpreter

Name:jython Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:2.2 License:Modified CNRI Open Source License
Release:0.a0.1jpp URL:
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% Pure Java. Jython is freely available for both commercial and non-commercial use and is distributed with source code. Jython is complementary to Java and is especially suited for the following tasks: Embedded scripting - Java programmers can add the Jython libraries to their system to allow end users to write simple or complicated scripts that add functionality to the application. Interactive experimentation - Jython provides an interactive interpreter that can be used to interact with Java packages or with running Java applications. This allows programmers to experiment and debug any Java system using Jython. Rapid application development - Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the equivalent Java program. This translates directly to increased programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during development and in shipping products.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Feb 16 23:52:37 2004
Packager:David Walluck <>
Size:4.25 MiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Feb 16 23:52:37 2004
Packager:David Walluck <>
Size:2.04 MiB


* Sun Feb 15 23:00:00 2004 David Walluck <david{%}anti-microsoft{*}org> 0:2.2-0.a0.1jpp
- 2.2a0 (CVS)
- add URL tag
- add Distribution tag
- change cachedir patch to use ~/.jython instead of ~/tmp
- remove sys.platform patch
- use included python 2.2 files
- mysql support is back
* Sat Apr 12 00:00:00 2003 David Walluck <david{%}anti-microsoft{*}org> 0:2.1-5jpp
- rebuild for JPackage 1.5
- remove mm.mysql support
* Sun Jan 26 23:00:00 2003 David Walluck <david{%}anti-microsoft{*}org> 2.1-4jpp
- add PyXML modules from 0.8.2
- make BuildRequires a bit more strict

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