
dresden-ocl: A compiler that generates code out of OCL expressions

Name:dresden-ocl Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:1.1 License:LGPL
Release:1jpp URL:
This is a compiler that generates code out of OCL expressions. The generated code evaluates the OCL constraint for a model instance, i.e. a program or data base, at runtime. Constraints formulated during analysis and design can then easily be checked in the implementation. While the Java code generator that is being implemented makes certain restrictions to the OCL constructs that can be used, the other compiler modules are implemented as close to the OCL specification of UML 1.3 as possible.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Sat Oct 11 01:51:21 2003
Packager:Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at>
Size:2.85 MiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Sat Oct 11 01:51:21 2003
Packager:Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at>
Size:2.04 MiB


* Sat Oct 11 10:00:00 2003 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at> - 1:1.1-1jpp
- Update to 1.1.
- Clean up jar manifests.
- Run unit tests during build.
- Non-versioned, crosslinked javadocs.
* Sat Apr 12 10:00:00 2003 David Walluck <david{%}antti-microsoft{*}org> 0:20020105-5jpp
- fix Vendor tag and add Distribution tag
* Fri Apr 11 10:00:00 2003 David Walluck <david{%}antti-microsoft{*}org> 0:20020105-4jpp
- rebuild for JPackage 1.5
- use -Dbuild.compiler=modern instead of USE_JIKES
- use java sdk >= 1.4.0 for org.xml support

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