Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Election maps, USA

Here are a bunch of election maps from various sources shown on one page from Yahoo. You can see that things are looking good for Obama, but that there are a bunch of battleground states that could go either way. Your vote will matter more this year than ever, especially if you're in a state where the count is close. It isn't over until it's over. In lots of districts the race will probably be decided by a few hundreds or thousands of votes.

Some reports are coming in about the touch screen voting machines changing votes. This seems to be a calibration problem. Be careful to check your results on those before you finalize your vote. If you're more than 5 feet tall, it's easy to hit the wrong candidate with your finger, just like on ATMs. Report any problems at the polls and to reportvotingproblems.org.

Expect long lines in some places and take something to entertain yourself. Expect idiots to try to discourage you and fool you into not voting by trying to get you out of line somehow. Expect to get lies on flyers and mailings. Whenever the vote is tight this kind of discouragement happens to try to get people to give up. Most of that stuff is illegal, so report it as best you can.

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