Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vote to play Ron English's Popaganda billboard correction film on PBS

The PBS independent film series on Channel Thirteen REEL 13 (public broadcasting TV in the USA) has chosen three short films this week including the 8-minute version of "POPaganda: The Art & Subversion of Ron English" for broadcast on July 5th as their Independence Day theme celebration. But you must vote for POPaganda in order to make it the winner by simply clicking on the link below and casting your vote.

Directed by Pedro Carvajal (USA, 2005, 8 min.), POPaganda: The Art & Subversion of Ron English is a short expose on the modern day Robin Hood of Madison Avenue, Ron English who paints, perverts, infiltrates, reinvents and satirizes modern culture on canvas, in songs, and directly on hundreds of pirated billboards. Shot entirely guerilla-style, this film chronicles the evolution of an artist who offers an alternative universe where nothing is sacred, everything is subverted and there's always room for a little good-natured fun.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." --Pablo Picasso