Thursday, July 26, 2007

The King of Kowloon, RIP

" A poor and crippled Hong Kong man who became a cultural icon for his unique Chinese-style street graffiti has died at the age of 86, sparking nostalgic calls to preserve his vanishing legacy.

Tsang Tsou-choi, dubbed "The King of Kowloon" after the district he lived in -- was a Hong Kong original, who never saw himself as an artist but was hailed internationally as one.

... Tsang spent five decades roaming the metropolis -- often shirtless and on crutches -- scrawling his idiosyncratic calligraphy on lamp-posts, walls, phone boxes, pedestrian underpasses and electrical boxes."

Update: I made an RIP page for Mr Tsang and you can send your photos for me to add, if you wish.

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