Monday, September 18, 2006

Security expert advises renewing passports before RFID rolls out

Too late for UK, NZ, NL, and Germany, but Americans may still have a small window of opportunity to get a chip-free document. Read the article to find out why chips are bad news for you.

Update: It seems it's also too late if you send your passport to Colorado for renewal: Notice from State Dept.

But what if explosives could be triggered when a US passport is detected? It seems the shielding on the passports is flawed. There's a YouTube video with this post that explains the problem

Great. Another half-baked idea that doesn't increase safety or security. Just what we need.

Update2: Someone told me that he applied for a passport recently and the form said he would get a chipped passport but that when it arrived it was still the old style, so you can't tell just by reading the form.
