Sunday, February 20, 2005

Muralist faces jail time for painting breasts and the word "love"

In the USA (of course) an artist faces 30 days in jail, a fine, and probation for painting after a Michelangelo work. I had a *bible* with a color plate of bare-breasted Eve once. I thought fig leaves were the time-tested punishment for this infraction, in any case.

The word "love" was a problem because words violate the local sign code in some way. (Some cities have made words into the defining characteristic between art and advertising, in order to regulate ads. Unfortunately the effect seems to be to prohibit various art expressions instead.)

Although this artist is not a graffiti artist, clearly his problem is one most graffiti artists share, typically being men of words, if not the occasional exuberant portrayal of cleavage.

It's always easier to pick on the little guy painting his own wall, too. It's hard to imagine Clear Channel facing a criminal prosecution for an erotic billboard image. Maybe Michelangelo had it right when he made sure the richest people in town paid for his nude paintings.

Thanks to Boing Boing for the tip.
