Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Democracy in the US is at risk.
Why War takes aim at the new voting machines in the US, which are designed so badly that they hide voting fraud. The maker of these machines is trying to suppress the information (at the link above) about the design flaws and why-war.com is resisting by spreading the information around the internet instead. This site also has a lot of civil disobediance information.

What you can do if you live in the US:

1. Email some of this info to your congress members today and tell them to reject these flawed machines in your state.

2. Make your own media and put pressure on other media. Print something effective and on-topic and spread it all over town for the not-on-net population. Send a copy of the information above to your local newspapers and radio stations and ask why they are not covering this huge story.

Don't accept fake voting! Demand voter verifiable paper audit trails. This could be our last chance to stop it before the next fake election.
