Friday, September 14, 2001

I've been freaked the fuck out that last few days.

I've been recording a lot of my thoughts that I'll link to from here at some point.

I was on the streets in Brooklyn this morning and saw a beautiful mural today that was obviously graffiti influenced. It was over some posters on a construction wall. It had a white background and in rollered letters said "Love and Persevere".

I urge writers to use this time for positivity and unification. Writers play no small part in the feelings of the street and have the opportunity to contribute in real and large ways.

On Tuesday a muralist that uses spray paint, Chico, created a mural on 14th st in the East Village that made local news coverage and really helped people get through. There should be more of that.

People need something to lift their spirits. Help the local Palestinians that run the corner store by getting their permission to paint something on their building. Give a shout out to the firefighters from around the world that are risking their lives to clear the debris in downtown Manhattan right now.

More love, less hate.