Sunday, April 01, 2001


It is impossible to say anything meaningful when someone dies suddenly and tragically, because it defies sense, logic. We are stunned and saddened. Sope was a cool guy who was well liked, and he had great style. He was WAY too young to go. Big hugs for his crewmembers, friends, and family.

BA crew would appreciate your Sope photos for his memorial page. Go to to do that and to pay your respects. They have a eulogy for Bill here.

There are only a few of his pieces online right now. They don't do justice to his work, life or influence. But they're all we have now except the memories.

You are your own greatest asset. Respect yourself and be wise. Cities are dangerous places and deadly accidents happen every day. Writers especially are at risk, because of that abandoned building fetish.

Don't go alone.
Take a phone.
Never trust a rotten roof.
Know your escape routes.
Watch your back.
Don't set fires.
Avoid concentrated fumes.

Be careful out there.
