Thursday, March 01, 2001


Here's another great ambitous hacker project: Freenet. Definitely watch that space, at least. If you've got geek skills, lend a hand. It will create peer to peer networks like Napster only more private and robust. It is not corporate controlled, but is a new kind of infrastructure for private file transfer and more. Anarchy is what we need online, because all the alternatives are much much worse.

"Freenet is a distributed decentralised information storage and retrieval system. It is designed to allow the free distribution of information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this it provides anonymity to those placing information into Freenet, and those accessing information from Freenet. It is also totally decentralized, nobody is in control of Freenet, not even its creators. This makes is virtually impossible to force the removal of a piece of information from the system. "