Chapter 27. Red Hat Network

Red Hat Network is an Internet solution for managing a Red Hat Linux system or a network of Red Hat Linux systems. All Security Alerts, Bug Fix Alerts, and Enhancement Alerts (collective known as Errata Alerts) can be downloaded directly from Red Hat using the Red Hat Update Agent standalone application or through the Software Manager Web interface available at

To start using Red Hat Network, follow these three basic steps:

  1. Create a System Profile by running the Red Hat Network Registration Client (rhn_register) on the system that you want to register.

  2. Log in to RHN at and entitle the system to Software Manager. Everyone receives a free Red Hat Network Software Manager subscription for one system. Additional subscriptions are $19.95/month for each system.

  3. Start scheduling updates through the Software Manager Web interface or download Errata Updates through the Red Hat Update Agent.

For more detailed instructions, read the Red Hat Network User Reference Guide available at

The Software Manager interface allows you to view a list of all your registered systems as shown in Figure 27-1, view details of Errata Alerts, install packages on entitled systems, apply Errata Updates to entitled systems, monitor the status of any pending actions, and much more.

Figure 27-1. System List