If you are installing Red Hat Linux 6.0 via NFS, you will now need to configure your NFS server information.
The next dialog requests information about the NFS server (see Figure
38). Enter the name (which must be a
fully-qualified domain name) or IP address of your NFS server, and the
name of the exported directory that contains the Red Hat Linux CD.
For example, if the NFS server has the Red Hat Linux CD mounted on
/mnt/cdrom, enter /mnt/cdrom in the Red Hat
directory field. If the NFS server is exporting a mirror of the Red Hat Linux
installation tree instead of a CD, enter the directory which contains the
RedHat directory. For example, if your NFS server contains the
directory /mirrors/redhat/i386/RedHat,
enter /mirrors/redhat/i386.
After a short delay, the next dialog box will appear.
Please Note: An NFS install does not require a support diskette in the installation process, unless you are using a PCMCIA device to complete the installation. If so, you will need to use the PCMCIA support disk when prompted.