Class | Description |
ASPathAttribute | ASPathAttribute contain an ASPath, whose structure is documented in aspath. |
ASPrependFilter | BGPRouteFilter that prepends an AS to the AS path. |
AcceptSession | |
AddressFamilyMismatch | |
AfiSafi | |
AggregateRoute | |
AggregationFilter | filters out aggregate routes depending whether on IBGP or EBGP outbound branch. |
AggregationHandler | |
AggregationTable | |
AggregatorAttribute | |
AsPath | An AsPath is a list of AsSegments, each of which can be an AS_SET, AS_CONFED_SET, AS_SEQUENCE, or an AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE. |
AsSegment | Parent class for AsPath elements, which can be either AsSet or AsSequence. |
AtomicAggAttribute | |
Att_Ptr_Cmp | Att_Ptr_Cmp is needed because we want BGPAttributeManager to use a set of pointers, but when we check to see if something's in the set, we want to compare the data and not the pointers themselves. |
AttributeManager | AttributeManager manages the storage of PathAttributeLists, so that we don't store the same attribute list more than once. |
BGP4ByteASCapability | |
BGPCapParameter | |
BGPMain | The password for TCP-MD5 authentication. |
BGPMain::RoutingTableToken | Token generator to map between unicast and multicast. |
BGPMain::RoutingTableToken::WhichTable | |
BGPMain::Server | Store the socket descriptor and iptuple together. |
BGPMultiProtocolCapability | |
BGPMultiRouteCapability | |
BGPPacket | The main container for BGP messages (packets) which are sent back and forth. |
BGPParameter | |
BGPPeer | |
BGPPeerData | Data that applies to a specific peering. |
BGPPeerList | |
BGPPlumbing | |
BGPPlumbingAF | |
BGPRefreshCapability | |
BGPRouteFilter | Base class for a single filter within FilterTable's filter bank. |
BGPRouteTable | Base class for a stage in BGP's internal plumbing. |
BGPTimerConst | |
BGPUnknownCapability | |
BGPUpdateAttrib | Encoding used in BGP update packets to encode prefixes (IPv4 only) for withdrawn routes and NLRI information. |
BGPUpdateAttribList | |
BGPVarRW | Allows reading an modifying a BGP route. |
BGPVarRWCallbacks | |
BGPVarRWExport | Returns the output peering for the neighbor variable. |
BgpTrie | The BgpTrie is an augmented, specialized trie that allows us to lookup by network address or by path attribute list. |
CLUSTER_LISTAttribute | |
CacheRoute | Used in CacheTable to store a SubnetRoute and the genid of the RibIn that generated the route. |
CacheTable | specialized BGPRouteTable that stores routes modified by a FilterTable. |
ChainedSubnetRoute | |
CommunityAttribute | |
ComponentRoute | |
ConfigVar | The value of a configuration variable and its state enable/disabled. |
CorruptMessage | This exception is thrown when a bad input message is received. |
Damp | An entry of this form exists for all networks. |
DampPeerOscillations | Manage the damping of peer oscillations. |
DampRoute | An entry of this form exists only if the route has been damped. |
Damping | |
DampingTable | Manage the damping of routes. |
DebugPeerHandler | |
DebugTable | |
DecisionTable | BGPRouteTable which receives routes from all peers and decided which routes win. |
DeleteAllNodes | Delete nodes in the cache table trie. |
DeletionTable | DeletionTable is a temporary BGPRouteTable used to delete routes when a peer goes down. |
DummyNextHopResolver | |
DumpIterator | |
DumpTable | |
FanoutTable | |
FilterTable | specialized BGPRouteTable implementing a filter bank to modify or drop routes. |
FilterVersion | specific version of a static route filter. |
IBGPLoopFilter | BGPRouteFilter that drops routes that came to us from an IBGP peer. |
InternalMessage | InternalMessage is used to pass route changes between BGP route table classes. |
Iptuple | Store the Local Interface, Local Server Port, Peer Interface and Peer Server Port tuple. |
KeepAlivePacket | KeepAlivePacket are extremely simple, being made only of a header. |
KnownCommunityFilter | BGPRouteFilter that processes well-known communities. |
LocalData | Data that applies to all BGP peerings. |
LocalPrefAttribute | LocalPrefAttribute is a well-known uint32 |
LocalPrefInsertionFilter | BGPRouteFilter that inserts a LocalPref attribute. |
LocalPrefRemovalFilter | BGPRouteFilter that deletes a LocalPref attribute. |
MEDAttribute | MEDAttribute is an optional non-transitive uint32 |
MEDInsertionFilter | BGPRouteFilter that inserts a MED attribute. |
MEDRemovalFilter | BGPRouteFilter that removes a MED attribute. |
MPReachNLRIAttribute | |
MPUNReachNLRIAttribute | |
MessageQueueEntry | |
NHRequest | |
NewAsPath | |
NewAsSegment | |
NextHopAttribute | NextHopAttribute contains the IP address of the next hop. |
NextHopCache | A cache of next hop information. |
NextHopCache::NextHopEntry | |
NextHopResolver | |
NextHopRibRequest | Make requests of the RIB and get responses. |
NextTableMap | NextTableMap behaves more or less like a map between a BGPRouteTable<A>* and a const PeerHandler*, but it gives deterministic ordering semantics so our test suites aren't dependent on the memory allocator. |
NextTableMapIterator | |
NexthopPeerCheckFilter | BGPRouteFilter rewrites the nexthop if it matches the peers address. |
NexthopRewriteFilter | BGPRouteFilter that changes the nexthop attribute in a route. |
NhLookupTable | |
NoFinder | |
NotificationPacket | |
ORIGINATOR_IDAttribute | ORIGINATOR_IDAttribute is an optional non-transitive uint32 |
OpenPacket | |
OriginAttribute | OriginAttribute has a payload of size 1 containing the origin type. |
OriginateRouteFilter | Perform any filter operations that are required for routes that we originate. |
PathAttribute | |
PathAttributeList | PathAttributeList is used to handle efficiently path attribute lists. |
Path_Att_Ptr_Cmp | |
PeerDumpState | |
PeerHandler | PeerHandler's job is primarily format conversion. |
PeerTableInfo | |
PolicyTable | Generic Policy filter table suitable for export filters. |
PolicyTableExport | Export policy tables match neighbor in a different way. |
PolicyTableImport | Import policy tables also deal with propagating policy route dumps. |
PolicyTableSourceMatch | SourceMatch table has the aditional ability to perform route dumps. |
ProcessWatch | |
ProcessWatch::Process | |
RRIBGPLoopFilter | BGPRouteFilter that drops or reflects routes from an IBGP peer. Add the originator ID and the cluster ID. |
RRInputFilter | BGPRouteFilter that drops routes with this routers ORIGINATOR_ID or CLUSTER_ID. |
RRPurgeFilter | RRPurge Remove ORIGINATOR_ID and CLUSTER_LIST attributes. |
ReaderIxTuple | |
RibDeregisterQueueEntry | The old answer if we are in the process of reregistering so that lookups will be satisfied with this old answer. |
RibInTable | Specialized BGPRouteTable that stores routes from a BGP peer. |
RibIpcHandler | |
RibOutTable | |
RibRegisterQueueEntry | |
RibRequestQueueEntry | The queue of outstanding requests to the RIB. |
RouteData | Container for a route and the meta-data about the origin of a route used in the DecisionTable decision process. |
RouteQueueEntry | |
RouteTableReader | |
SimpleASFilter | BGPRouteFilter that drops routes that have a particular AS in their AS path. |
Socket | |
SocketClient | |
SocketServer | |
StoredAttributeList | |
SubnetRoute | SubnetRoute holds a BGP routing table entry. |
SubnetRouteConstRef | a class to hold a const reference to a SubnetRoute. |
SubnetRouteRef | a class to hold a reference to a SubnetRoute. |
UnknownAttribute | |
UnknownFilter | BGPRouteFilter that processes unknown attributes. |
UnresolvableHost | from_previous_peering is set on messages where the deleted route originates from a previous peering that has now gone down. |
UpdatePacket | |
XrlBgpTarget | |
XrlQueue | |
XrlQueue::Queued | |
fixed_header | Overlay for the BGP common header (on the wire) |