Using ILU with Java: A Tutorial

Formatted 14 January 1998.

Copyright (C) 1995 Xerox Corporation
All Rights Reserved.


This tutorial will show how to use the ILU system with the programming language Java, both as a way of developing software libraries, and as a way of building distributed systems. In an extended example, we'll build an ILU module that implements a simple four-function calculator, capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It will signal an error if the user attempts to divide by zero. The example demonstrates how to specify the interface for the module; how to implement the module in Java; how to use that implementation as a simple library; how to provide the module as a remote service; how to write a client of that remote service; and how to use subtyping to extend an object type and provide different versions of a module. We'll also demonstrate how to use OMG IDL with ILU, and discuss the notion of network garbage collection.

Each of the programs and files referenced in this tutorial is available as a complete program in a separate appendix to this document; parts of programs are quoted in the text of the tutorial.

Specifying the Interface

Our first task is to specify more exactly what it is we're trying to provide. A typical four-function calculator lets a user enter a value, then press an operation key, either +, -, /, or *, then enter another number, then press = to actually have the operation happen. There's usually a CLEAR button to press to reset the state of the calculator. We want to provide something like that.

We'll recast this a bit more formally as the interface of our module; that is, the way the module will appear to clients of its functionality. The interface typically describes a number of function calls which can be made into the module, listing their arguments and return types, and describing their effects. ILU uses object-oriented interfaces, in which the functions in the interface are grouped into sets, each of which applies to an object type. These functions are called methods.

For example, we can think of the calculator as an object type, with several methods: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Clear, etc. ILU provides a standard notation to write this down with, called ISL (which stands for "Interface Specification Language"). ISL is a declarative language which can be processed by computer programs. It allows you to define object types (with methods), other non-object types, exceptions, and constants.

The interface for our calculator would be written in ISL as:



TYPE Calculator = OBJECT
    SetValue (v : REAL),
    GetValue () : REAL,
    Add (v : REAL),
    Subtract (v : REAL),
    Multiply (v : REAL),
    Divide (v : REAL) RAISES DivideByZero END
This defines an interface Tutorial, an exception DivideByZero, and an object type Calculator. Let's consider these one by one.

The interface, Tutorial, is a way of grouping a number of type and exception definitions. This is important to prevent collisions between names defined by one group and names defined by another group. For example, suppose two different people had defined two different object types, with different methods, but both called Calculator! It would be impossible to tell which calculator was meant. By defining the Calculator object type within the scope of the Tutorial interface, this confusion can be avoided.

The exception, DivideByZero, is a formal name for a particular kind of error, division by zero. Exceptions in ILU can specify an exception-value type, as well, which means that real errors of that kind have a value of the exception-value type associated with them. This allows the error to contain useful information about why it might have come about. However, DivideByZero is a simple exception, and has no exception-value type defined. We should note that the full name of this exception is Tutorial.DivideByZero, but for this tutorial we'll simply call our exceptions and types by their short name.

The object type, Calculator (again, really Tutorial.Calculator), is a set of six methods. Two of those methods, SetValue and GetValue, allow us to enter a number into the calculator object, and "read" the number. Note that SetValue takes a single argument, v, of type REAL. REAL is a built-in ISL type, denoting a 64-bit floating point number. Built-in ISL types are things like INTEGER (32-bit signed integer), BYTE (8-bit unsigned byte), and CHARACTER (16-bit Unicode character). Other more complicated types are built up from these simple types using ISL type constructors, such as SEQUENCE OF, RECORD, or ARRAY OF.

Note also that SetValue does not return a value, and neither do Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide. Rather, when you want to see what the current value of the calculator is, you must call GetValue, a method which has no arguments, but which returns a REAL value, which is the value of the calculator object. This is an arbitrary decision on our part; we could have written the interface differently, say as

TYPE NotOurCalculator = OBJECT
    SetValue () : REAL,
    Add (v : REAL) : REAL,
    Subtract (v : REAL) : REAL,
    Multiply (v : REAL) : REAL,
    Divide (v : REAL) : REAL RAISES DivideByZero END
-- but we didn't.

Our list of methods on Calculator is bracketed by the two keywords METHODS and END, and the elements are separated from each other by commas. This is pretty standard in ISL: elements of a list are separated by commas; the keyword END is used when an explicit list-end marker is needed (but not when it's not necessary, as in the list of arguments to a method); the list often begins with some keyword, like METHODS. The raises clause (the list of exceptions which a method might raise) of the method Divide provides another example of a list, this time with only one member, introduced by the keyword RAISES.

Another standard feature of ISL is separating a name, like v, from a type, like REAL, with a colon character. For example, constants are defined with syntax like

Definitions, of interface, types, constants, and exceptions, are terminated with a semicolon.

We should expand our interface a bit by adding more documentation on what our methods actually do. We can do this with the docstring feature of ISL, which allows the user to add arbitrary text to object type definitions and method definitions. Using this, we can write


  "this error is signalled if the client of the Calculator calls
the Divide method with a value of 0";

TYPE Calculator = OBJECT
  DOCUMENTATION "4-function calculator"
    SetValue (v : REAL) "Set the value of the calculator to `v'",
    GetValue () : REAL  "Return the value of the calculator",
    Add (v : REAL)      "Adds `v' to the calculator's value",
    Subtract (v : REAL) "Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value",
    Multiply (v : REAL) "Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'",
    Divide (v : REAL) RAISES DivideByZero END
      "Divides the calculator's value by `v'"
Note that we can use the DOCUMENTATION keyword on object types to add documentation about the object type, and can simply add documentation strings to the end of exception and method definitions. These docstrings would be passed on to the lisp docstring system, so that they are available at runtime from lisp. Documentation strings cannot currently be used for non-object types or from Java.

ILU provides a program, islscan, which can be used to check the syntax of an ISL specification. islscan parses the specification and summarizes it to standard output:

% islscan Tutorial.isl
Interface "Tutorial", imports "ilu"
  {defined on line 1
   of file /tmp/tutorial/Tutorial.isl (Fri Jan 27 09:41:12 1995)}

  real                       {<built-in>, referenced on 10 11 12 13 14 15}

  Calculator                 {defined on line 17}
      SetValue (v : real);                          {defined 10, id 1}
        "Set the value of the calculator to `v'"
      GetValue () : real;                           {defined 11, id 2}
        "Return the value of the calculator"
      Add (v : real);                               {defined 12, id 3}
        "Adds `v' to the calculator's value"
      Subtract (v : real);                          {defined 13, id 4}
        "Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value"
      Multiply (v : real);                          {defined 14, id 5}
        "Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'"
      Divide (v : real) {DivideByZero};             {defined 16, id 6}
        "Divides the calculator's value by `v'"
      "4-function calculator"
    unique id:  ilu:cigqcW09P1FF98gYVOhf5XxGf15

  DivideByZero               {defined on line 5, refs 15}

islscan simply lists the types defined in the interface, separating out object types (which it calls "classes"), the exceptions, and the constants. Note that for the Calculator object type, it also lists something called its unique id. This is a 160-bit number (expressed in base 64) that ILU assigns automatically to every type, as a way of distinguishing them. While it might interesting to know that it exists (:-), the ILU user never has know what it is; islscan supplies it for the convenience of the ILU implementors, who sometimes do have to know it.

Implementing the True Module

After we've defined an interface, we then need to supply an implementation of our module. Implementations can be done in any language supported by ILU. Which language you choose often depends on what sort of operations have to be performed in implementing the specific functions of the module. Different languages have specific advantages and disadvantages in different areas. Another consideration is whether you wish to use the implementation mainly as a library, in which case it should probably be done in the same language as the rest of your applications, or mainly as a remote service, in which case the specific implementation language is less important.

We'll demonstrate an implementation of the Calculator object type in Java, which is one of the most capable of all the ILU-supported languages. This is just a matter of defining a Java class, corresponding to the Tutorial.Calculator type. Before we do that, though, we'll explain how the names and signatures of the Java functions are arrived at.

What the Interface Looks Like in Java

For every programming language supported by ILU, there is a standard mapping defined from ISL to that programming language. This mapping defines what ISL type names, exception names, method names, and so on look like in that programming language.

The mapping for Java is simple. For type names, such as Tutorial.Calculator, the Java name of the ISL type Interface.Name is Interface.Name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. That is, the name of the interface in ISL becomes the name of a class in Java. So the name of our Calculator type in Java would be Tutorial.Calculator, which is really the name of a Java class.

The Java mapping for a method name such as SetValue is the method name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. The return type of this Java method is whatever is specified in the ISL specification for the method, or void if no type is specified. The arguments for the Java method are the same as specified in the ISL; their types are the Java types corresponding to the ISL types. An instance is simply a value of that type. Thus the Java method corresponding to our ISL SetValue would have the prototype signature

   void SetValue(float v) throws xerox.ilu.SystemException

Similarly, the signatures for the all methods, in Java, are encapsulated in this generated interface

package Tutorial;

public interface Calculator extends xerox.ilu.IluObject{
  public void SetValue(double v)
    throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
  public double GetValue()
    throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
  public void Add(double v)
    throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
  public void Subtract(double v)
    throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
  public void Multiply(double v)
    throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
  public void Divide(double v)
    throws DivideByZero, xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
} //Calculator
Note that we don't always want to generate code in a package name derived directly from the interface name. The stubber allows to specify a prefix package.

Note that even though most methods do not raise an exception, we still dedclare the system exceptions. The mapping of exception names is similar to the mapping used for types. So the exception Tutorial.DivideByZero would also have the name Tutorial.DivideByZero, in Java.

One way to see what all the Java names for an interface look like is to run the program java-stubber. This program reads an ISL file, and generates the necessary Java code to support that interface in Java. One of the files generated is `', which contains the definitions of all the Java types for that interface.

% java-stubber Tutorial.isl
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/

Building the Implementation

Now we provide an implementation of our object; the CalculatorImpl class implement the generated Java interface for our Calculator class:

package Tutorial;

 * While this class complies to the Tutorial.isl specification
 * it is a local implementation.  Its instances need to be
 * registered explicitely or implicitely with Ilu before they 
 * are publicly accessible.

public class CalculatorImpl implements 
            Tutorial.Calculator {
    double theValue = 0.0;
    public CalculatorImpl(){
        theValue = 0.0;
    public void SetValue(double v) {
        theValue = v;
    public double GetValue() {
        return theValue;
    public void Add(double v) {
        theValue = theValue + v;
    public void Subtract(double v) {
        theValue = theValue - v;
    public void Multiply(double v) {
        theValue = theValue * v;
    public void Divide(double v) throws Tutorial.DivideByZero {
        if (v==0.0) throw new Tutorial.DivideByZero();
        theValue = theValue / v;
} //CalculatorImpl

Each instance of a Tutorial.CalculatorImpl implements a Tutorial.Calculator. Each has an instance variable called theValue, which maintains a running total of the `accumulator' for that instance. We can create an instance of a Tutorial.CalculatorImpl object by simply calling new Tutorial.CalculatorImpl().

So, a very simple program to use the Tutorial module might be the following:

 * A simple client program that demonstrates the use of the
 * Calculator module as a library.
 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.simple1 number [number...]

package Tutorial;

public class simple1 {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        CalculatorImpl calc;
        //create the calculator
        calc = new CalculatorImpl();
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null TapeCalculator");
        //clear the calculator before using it
        //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
        int i = 0;
        while (i<argv.length) {
            Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]); //don't bother about exceptions
            i = i+1;
        //and print the result
        System.out.println("The sum is " + calc.GetValue());
    } //main
} //simple1

This program would be compiled and then run as follows:

% java Tutorial.simple1 34.9 45.23111 12
the sum is 92.13111

This is a completely self-contained use of the Tutorial implementation; when a method is called, it is the true method that is invoked. The use of ILU in this program adds some overhead in terms of included code, but has almost the same performance as a version of this program that does not use ILU.

Using ILU generated interfaces

Lets do this little change: instead of
        CalculatorImpl calc;
        calc = new CalculatorImpl();
we will write
        Tutorial.Calculator calc;
        calc = new CalculatorImpl();
This obvously doesn't cause any real change but conceptionally the change is quite large: calc isn't simply a local class anymore but now is the java interface representing the ILU object.

Checking for Exceptions

Suppose, instead of the Add method, we'd called the Divide method. In that case, we might have had to handle a DivideByZero exception; that is, notice the exception and do something sensible. We do this by establishing a handler for the exception:

        try {
            //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
            int i = 1;
            while (i<argv.length) {
                Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]); //don't bother...
                i = i+1;
        } catch (Tutorial.DivideByZero e) {
            System.err.println("raised DivideByZero exception: " + e);
And here's an example of what we get when it runs:
% java Tutorial.simple2 12345 6 7 8 9
the sum is 4.08234126984
% java 12345 6 0 8 9
exception signalled:  Tutorial: DivideByZero
Actually, every method may return an exception, as there are a number of standard system exceptions which may be signalled even by methods which have no declared exceptions. So we should check every method to see if it succeeded, even simple ones like GetValue.

Providing the True Module as a Network Service

Now let's see what's involved in providing the calculator functionality as a network service. Basically, there are three things to look at:

Using Factories to Build Objects

When one program uses code from another address space, it has to get its hands on an instance of an ILU object, to be able to call methods. In our library application, we simply made a call into the true module, to create an instance of the calculator object. In the networked world, we need to do the same kind of thing, but this time the call into the true module has to be a method on an object type. In short, we need to have some object type which exports a method something like

  CreateCalculator () : Calculator

There are several ways to provide this. The standard way of doing it is to add an object type to our Tutorial interface, which contains this method. This kind of object type is sometimes called a factory, because it exists only in order to build instances of other object types. We'll add the following type definition to our `Tutorial.isl':

    CreateCalculator () : Calculator

Then we need to provide an implementation of the Factory object type, just as we did with the Calculator type:

//we will be lazy and not make an extra file
class FactoryImpl implements Tutorial.Factory  {
    xerox.ilu.IluServer server;
    public FactoryImpl(xerox.ilu.IluServer server) {
        this.server = server;
    public Tutorial.Calculator CreateCalculator() 
        	throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException
        Tutorial.Calculator calc = new Tutorial.CalculatorImpl();
        return calc;
} //FactoryImpl

Now, to provide other programs a way of creating calculator objects, we'll just create just one instance of Tutorial.Factory, and let programs call the CreateCalculator method on that at will, to obtain new calculator objects.

Publishing a Well-Known Instance

The question then arises, how does a program that wants to use the Factory object get its hands on that one well-known instance? The answer is to use the simple binding system built into ILU. Simple binding allows a program acting as a "server" to publish the location of a well-known object, and allows programs acting as "clients" of that server to look up the location, given the object's name.

The name of an ILU object instance has two parts, which are the instance handle of the object, and the name of its kernel server, called the server ID. (The kernel server is a data structure maintained by the ILU kernel which takes care of all communication between different address spaces.) These two combined must form a universally unique ID for the object. Usually you can simply let the ILU system choose names for your objects automatically, in which case it takes care to choose names which will never conflict with names in use by others. However, for objects which we wish to publish, we need to specify what the name of an object will be, so that users of the well-known object can find it.

When working with the Java programming language, this act of explicitly specifying an object name is divided into two steps. First, we create a kernel server with a specified server ID. Secondly, we create an instance of an object on this new server, with a specified instance handle. Together, the server ID and the instance handle form the name of the instance.

For instance, we might use a server ID of Tutorial.domain, where domain is your Internet domain (typically something like, or This serves to distinguish your server from other servers on the net. Then we can use a simple instance handle, like theFactory. The name, or object ID, of this object would then be theFactory@Tutorial.domain, where domain would vary from place to place. Note that this implies that only one instance of this object is going to exist in the whole domain. If you have many people using different versions of this object in your domain, you should introduce more qualifiers in the server ID so that your kernel server can be distinguished from that run by others.

The Server Program

Given this information, we can now write a complete program that will serve as a provider of calculator objects to other programs. It will create a single Factory instance with a well-known name, publish that instance, then hang out servicing methods invoked on its objects. Here's what it looks like:

package Tutorial;

import Tutorial.CalculatorImpl;
import xerox.ilu.Ilu;
import xerox.ilu.IluException;
import xerox.ilu.IluServer;
import Tutorial.DivideByZero;

//insert the factory code from above here...

public class TutorialServer {
    static FactoryImpl factory;
    static xerox.ilu.IluServer trueServer;
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        try {
            String serverId;
            if (argv.length < 1) {
                 System.out.println("Must specify a server id");
            //Create a server with appropriate server id (which is
            //taken from the first argument) 
            serverId = argv[0];
            trueServer = xerox.ilu.IluServer.createServer(serverId);
            //Now create an instance of a Factory object on the server
            //with an instance handle "theFactory"
            factory = new FactoryImpl(trueServer);
            //Make the factory well known by publishing it
            //Now we print the string binding handle (the object's name
            //plus its location) of the new Factory instance
            System.out.println("Factory instance published");
            System.out.println("Its SBH is '" + Ilu.sbhOfObject(factory) + "'");
            //the program doesn't terminate because the server is still alive...
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluException e) {
            System.out.println("IluException: " + e);
} //TutorialServer

When we run this program, we'll see something like:

% java Tutorial.TutorialServer &
Factory instance published.
Its SBH is ''.
This indicates that the object known as is being exported in a particular way, which is encoded in the somegibberish part of the string binding handle. Your specific numbers will vary, but it should look similar.

Using the Network Service

Given that someone has exported a module as a network service, by publishing the location of a well-known instance of an object type, a potential client of that module can then use the module by binding to that well-known instance. It does this by calling the standard ILU routine ilu.LookupObject(), which takes the name and type of an instance, and attempts to find that instance on the net. The name of the object is specified as a pair of strings, the server ID of the object's kernel server, and the instance handle of the object on that kernel server.

So, in our first example, we could replace the call to Create_Tutorial_Calculator with a routine that calls xerox.ilu.IluSimpleBinding.lookup() to find the factory, then creates an instance of a Calculator. The full code of the revised example, `', is available as section, but here's what the new code for obtaining an instance of a Calculator looks like:

    /* We define a new routine, "Get_Tutorial_Calculator", which 
     * finds the tutorial factory, then creates a new Calculator
     * object for us.
    public static Tutorial.Calculator 
    GetTutorialCalculator(String serverId, String factoryId) {
        Tutorial.Factory factory = null;
        Tutorial.Calculator calc = null;
        System.out.println("Looking up factory");
        try {
            /* We have to call lookupObject with the object ID of
             * the factory object, and the "type" of the object we're looking
             * for.
            factory = (Tutorial.Factory) 
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get factory: " + e);
        if (factory==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null factory");
        System.out.println("Got factory " + factory);
        System.out.println("Looking up Calculator");
        try {
            calc = factory.CreateCalculator();
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get Calculator: " + e);
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null Calculator");
        System.out.println("Got Calculator " + calc);
        return calc;
    } //GetTutorialCalculator
We then can use the simple3 program:
% java Tutorial.simple3 theFactory 1 2 3 4 5 6
the sum is 2.10000

Subtyping and Other ISL Types

ILU ISL contains support for a number of types other than object types and REAL. The primitive ISL types include 16, 32, and 64 bit signed and unsigned integers, bytes, 8 and 16 bit characters, a boolean type, and 32, 64, and 128 bit floating point types. A number of type constructors allow specification of arrays, sequences, records, unions, and enumerations, as well as object types. The ISL OPTIONAL type constructor provides an implicit union of some type with NULL, which is useful for building recursive data structures such as linked lists or binary trees.

To illustrate some of these types, we'll extend the Tutorial.Calculator type. Many real-world desktop calculators include a register tape, a printed listing of all the operations that have been performed, with a display of what the value of the calculator was after each operation. We'll add a register tape to Tutorial.Calculator.

We could do it by adding a new method to Tutorial.Calculator, called GetTape. Unfortunately, this would break our existing code, because it would change the Tutorial.Calculator object type, and existing compiled clients wouldn't be able to recognize the new object type. Instead, we'll extend the object type by subtyping; that is, by creating a new object type which uses Tutorial.Calculator as a supertype, but adds new methods of its own. This subtype will actually have two types; both its own new type, and Tutorial.Calculator. We'll also define a subtype of the Tutorial.Factory type, to allow us to create new instances of the new Calculator subtype. Finally, we'll define a new module interface for the new types, so that we don't have to modify the Tutorial interface.

First, let's define the necessary type to represent the operations performed on the calculator:


    SetValue, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide END;

TYPE Operation = RECORD
    op : OpType,
    value : REAL,
    accumulator : REAL

TYPE RegisterTape = SEQUENCE OF Operation;
The enumerated type OpType defines an abstract type with five possible values. The type Operation defines a record type (in Java, a dictionary) with 3 fields: the op field, which tells us which of the five possible calculator operations was performed, the value field, which tells us the value of the operand for the operation, and the accumulator field, which tells us what the value of the calculator was after the operation had been performed. Finally, the Operation type is a simple sequence, or list, of Operation. Note that Tutorial2 imports Tutorial; that is, it allows the use of the Tutorial types, exceptions, and constants, in the specifications in Tutorial2.

Now we define the new object types (in the same file):

  SUPERTYPES Tutorial.Calculator END
  DOCUMENTATION "4 function calculator with register tape"
    GetTape () : RegisterTape

TYPE Factory = OBJECT SUPERTYPES Tutorial.Factory END
    CreateTapeCalculator () : TapeCalculator
The SUPERTYPES attribute of an object type may take multiple object type names, so ISL supports multiple inheritance. The Tutorial2.TapeCalculator type will now support the six methods of Tutorial.Calculator, as well as its own method, GetTape.

We then need to provide an implementation for Tutorial2.TapeCalculator (We will be lazy again and put the actual code in the file with the server). We modify each method on the TapeCalculator object to record its invocation, and add a slot to hold the contents of the `tape'. We also provide an implementation for Tutorial2.Factory:

// lazy again... this is in other file

class Factory2Impl implements Tutorial2.Factory {
    public Factory2Impl() {
    public Tutorial.Calculator CreateCalculator() 
        		throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException {
        System.out.println("Factory2Impl: request for a simple calculator");
        return new Tutorial2.TapeCalculatorImpl();
    } //CreateCalculator
    public Tutorial2.TapeCalculator CreateTapeCalculator() 
		throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException {
        System.out.println("Factory2Impl: request for a tape calculator");
        return new Tutorial2.TapeCalculatorImpl();
    } //CreateTapeCalculator
} //Factory2Impl
Note that both the Tutorial2.FactoryImpl.CreateCalculator and Tutorial2.FactoryImpl.CreateTapeCalculator methods create and return instances of Tutorial2.TapeCalculator. This is valid, because instances of Tutorial2.TapeCalculator are also instances of Tutorial.Calculator.

Now we modify `' to create an instance of Tutorial2.Factory, instead of Tutorial.Factory, and to initialize the Tutorial2 true-side code (See section for the actual code).

Finally, see section, for an example of a client of the TapeCalculator type.

Note that one nice result of this approach to versioning is that old clients, which know nothing about the new TapeCalculator class, or about the whole Tutorial2 interface in general, will continue to function, since every instance of Tutorial2.TapeCalculator is also an instance of Tutorial.Calculator, and every instance of Tutorial2.Factory is also an instance of Tutorial.Factory.

Using OMG IDL with ILU

ILU also supports the use of the interface definition language OMG IDL, defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) for their Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). OMG IDL uses a C++-like syntax, so it may be easier for Java and C++ programmers to use than ILU ISL. Unfortunately, CORBA doesn't include some of the concepts in ILU, such as garbage collection for transient objects, or OPTIONAL types, so not every ILU interface can be expressed in OMG IDL, but many of them can. For example, here is the OMG IDL version of the Tutorial interface:
module Tutorial {

  exception DivideByZero {};

  interface Calculator {
    // Set the value of the calculator to `v'
    void SetValue (in double v);
    // Return the value of the calculator
    double GetValue ();
    // Adds `v' to the calculator's value
    void Add (in double v);
    // Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value
    void Subtract (in double v);
    // Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'
    void Multiply (in double v);
    // Divides the calculator's value by `v'
    void Divide (in double v) raises (DivideByZero);

  interface Factory {
    // Create and return an instance of a Calculator object
    Calculator CreateCalculator();

This can be used with the java-stubber:

% java-stubber Tutorial.idl
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/

This will be a bit slower than running the java-stubber on the equivalent ISL file, as the program works by converting the OMG IDL into ISL, then compiling from the ISL description. OMG IDL interfaces can be checked by running the OMG IDL-to-ILU ISL converter, idl2isl, directly:

% idl2isl Tutorial.idl

                SetValue (v : REAL),
                GetValue () : REAL,
                Add (v : REAL),
                Subtract (v : REAL),
                Multiply (v : REAL),
                Divide (v : REAL)
                        RAISES DivideByZero END
                CreateCalculator () : Calculator

You will notice that the ISL interface generated by idl2isl is a bit different, in that the object type modifier OPTIONAL is used in the description of the Calculator and Factory types. This is because CORBA has the notion that any object type instance passed as a parameter or return value (or field in an array, or element of a sequence, etc.) may be null, instead of being a valid instance pointer. Thus, when working with OMG IDL descriptions of your interfaces, it is necessary to check the return type of methods like Tutorial.Factory.CreateCalculator to see that a valid object reference has been returned, before using the object. ISL allows you to have these CORBA-style objects, by using the OPTIONAL modifier in the declaration of an object type, but it also allows object pointers which can't be null. By default ILU object instances may not be null.

The OMG IDL version of Tutorial2 can be found in section Tutorial2.idl.

Transient and Permanent Objects

Keen-eyed readers will have seen that the Calculator type in `Tutorial.isl' is marked with the modifier COLLECTIBLE, while the Factory type is not. ILU differentiates between two kinds of objects, which we call transient and permanent.

Transient objects are typically created for a specific use, and typically have a fixed lifetime. They often have state associated with them. They are frequently used to represent some ongoing computation or operation.

Permanent objects are usually expected to be around forever (or until some activity not captured by a programming concept terminates). Permanent objects are often gateways to some sort of service, or represent some external piece of data, such as a cell in a spreadsheet, or a file on a disk somewhere. They are often stateless; when they do have state, it is typically backed by some form of stable storage, as they have to be available across crashes of their server program.

ILU provides an automatic system for distributed garbage collection of transient objects; that is, of removing them from everyone's address space when everyone is done with them. This uses the underlying garbage collection techniques of the particular programming language being used. With Java, the ILU garbage collector works in conjunction with the Java collector; with ANSI C, we use the extremely primitive collector provided for C; that is, when the process terminates, the objects are collected. To indicate to ILU that a particular object type is to be treated as transient, you mark the object type specification, in the ISL, with the keyword COLLECTIBLE.

For permanent objects, like the Tutorial.Factory object type, the ILU Java support will maintain a reference to the instance, preventing the Java collector from collecting it.

General ILU Info

The Inter-Language Unification system (ILU) is a multi-language object interface system. The object interfaces provided by ILU hide implementation distinctions between different languages, between different address spaces, and between operating system types. ILU can be used to build multi-lingual object-oriented libraries ("class libraries") with well-specified language-independent interfaces. It can also be used to implement distributed systems. It can also be used to define and document interfaces between the modules of non-distributed programs.

The 2.0 release of ILU contains support for the programming languages ANSI C, C++, Modula-3, Java, and Common Lisp. It has been installed on many flavors of UNIX, including SPARC machines running SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2, SGI MIPS machines running IRIX 5.2, Intel 486 machines running Linux 1.1.78, DEC Alpha machines with OSF/1, IBM RS/6000 machines running AIX, and HP machines running HP/UX. It runs on Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT environments. It supports both threaded and non-threaded operation. Since one of the implementation goals of ILU is to maximize compatibility with existing open standards, ILU provides support for use of the OMG CORBA IDL interface description language, and can be thought of as a CORBA ORB system (though with omissions from and extensions to the CORBA spec). As another result, ILU includes a self-contained implementation of ONC RPC.

ILU is available free from

Commandline mumbojumbo

Before running any java stuff, a few environment variables need to be set up.

Make sure the "java" interpreter is on your PATH, and that "$(ILUHOME)/bin" is on your path. If you use the literal expression "$(ILUHOME)/bin", make sure that the environment variable ILUHOME is properly defined.

2. Make sure "./classes" and "$(ILUHOME)/lib/ilu.jar" are on your CLASSPATH.

3. Make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH has "$(ILUHOME)/lib" on it.



  "this error is signalled if the client of the Calculator calls
the Divide method with a value of 0";

  DOCUMENTATION "4-function calculator"
    SetValue (v : REAL) "Set the value of the calculator to `v'",
    GetValue () : REAL  "Return the value of the calculator",
    Add (v : REAL)      "Adds `v' to the calculator's value",
    Subtract (v : REAL) "Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value",
    Multiply (v : REAL) "Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'",
    Divide (v : REAL) RAISES DivideByZero END
      "Divides the calculator's value by `v'"

    CreateCalculator () : Calculator

package Tutorial;

 * While this class matches the Tutorial.isl specification
 * it is a local implementation.  Its instances need to be
 * registered explicitely or implicitely with Ilu before they 
 * are publicly accessible.

public class CalculatorImpl implements 
            Tutorial.Calculator {
    double theValue = 0.0;
    public CalculatorImpl(){
        theValue = 0.0;
    public void SetValue(double v) {
        theValue = v;
    public double GetValue() {
        return theValue;
    public void Add(double v) {
        theValue = theValue + v;
    public void Subtract(double v) {
        theValue = theValue - v;
    public void Multiply(double v) {
        theValue = theValue * v;
    public void Divide(double v) throws Tutorial.DivideByZero {
        if (v==0.0) throw new Tutorial.DivideByZero();
        theValue = theValue / v;
} //CalculatorImpl

 * A simple client program that demonstrates the use of the
 * Calculator module as a library.
 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.simple1 number [number...]

package Tutorial;

public class simple1 {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        CalculatorImpl calc;
        //create the calculator
        calc = new CalculatorImpl();
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null TapeCalculator");
        //clear the calculator before using it
        //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
        int i = 0;
        while (i<argv.length) {
            Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]); //don't bother about exceptions
            i = i+1; 
        //and print the result
        System.out.println("The sum is " + calc.GetValue());
    } //main
} //simple1

 * A simple client program that demonstrates the use of the
 * Calculator stub module with a local implementation.
 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.simple2 number [number...]

package Tutorial;

public class simple2 {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        Tutorial.Calculator calc;  //Interface from stubbing...
        try {
            //create the calculator
            calc = new Tutorial.CalculatorImpl();
            if (calc==null) {
                 System.err.println("Couldn't create calculator");
            //clear the calculator before using it
            if (argv.length<1) {
            } else {
                Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[0]);
            //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
            int i = 1;
            while (i<argv.length) {
                Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]); //don't bother...
                i = i+1;
            //and print the result
            System.out.println("the 'sum' is " + calc.GetValue());
        } catch (Tutorial.DivideByZero e) {
            System.err.println("raised DivideByZero exception: " + e);
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("raised IluSystemException exception: " + e);
    } //main
} //simple2

 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.TutorialServer servername
package Tutorial;

import Tutorial.Calculator;
import Tutorial.Factory;
import Tutorial.DivideByZero;
import Tutorial.CalculatorStub;
import Tutorial.FactoryStub;

import Tutorial.CalculatorImpl;

import xerox.ilu.Ilu;
import xerox.ilu.IluSimpleBinding;
import xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
import xerox.ilu.IluServer;

class FactoryImpl implements Tutorial.Factory  {
    xerox.ilu.IluServer server;
    public FactoryImpl(xerox.ilu.IluServer server) {
        this.server = server;
    public Tutorial.Calculator CreateCalculator() 
                throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException
        Tutorial.Calculator calc = new Tutorial.CalculatorImpl();
        return calc;
} //FactoryImpl

public class TutorialServer {
    static FactoryImpl factory;
    static xerox.ilu.IluServer trueServer;
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        try {
            String serverId;
            if (argv.length < 1) {
                 System.out.println("Must specify a server id");
            //Create a server with appropriate server id (which is
            //taken from the first argument) 
            serverId = argv[0];
            trueServer = xerox.ilu.IluServer.createServer(serverId);
            //Now create an instance of a Factory object on the server
            //with an instance handle "theFactory"
            factory = new FactoryImpl(trueServer);
            //Make the factory well known by publishing it
            //Now we print the string binding handle (the object's name
            //plus its location) of the new Factory instance
            System.out.println("Factory instance published");
            System.out.println("Its SBH is '" + Ilu.sbhOfObject(factory) + "'");
            //the program doesn't terminate because the server is still alive...
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.out.println("raised IluSystemException: " + e);
} //TutorialServer

 * A simple client program that finds the Calculator-Factory,
 * creates a calculator, and adds up its arguments.

 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.simple3 servername number [number...]
 * after making sure a server is running.

package Tutorial;

public class simple3 {
    /* We define a new routine, "Get_Tutorial_Calculator", which 
     * finds the tutorial factory, then creates a new Calculator
     * object for us.
    public static Tutorial.Calculator 
    GetTutorialCalculator(String serverId, String factoryId) {
        Tutorial.Factory factory = null;
        Tutorial.Calculator calc = null;
        System.out.println("Looking up factory");
        try {
            /* We have to call lookup with the object ID of
             * the factory object, and the "type" of the object 
             * we're looking for.
            factory = (Tutorial.Factory) 
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get factory: " + e);
        if (factory==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null factory");
        System.out.println("Got factory " + factory);
        System.out.println("Looking up Calculator");
        try {
            calc = factory.CreateCalculator();
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get Calculator: " + e);
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null Calculator");
        System.out.println("Got Calculator " + calc);
        return calc;
    } //GetTutorialCalculator
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        Tutorial.Calculator calc;
        if (argv.length < 2) {
            System.err.println("usage: java Tutorial.simple3 number*");
        //Find a calculator
        String serverId = argv[0];
        calc = GetTutorialCalculator(serverId, "theFactory");
        if (calc==null) {
            System.out.println("Null calculator");
        try {
            //clear the calculator before using it
            //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
            int i = 1;
            while (i<argv.length) {
                Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]);//exceptions possible
                i = i+1;
            //and print the result
            System.out.println("The sum is " + calc.GetValue());
/* This is awfull but Java does not let you catch exceptions which
 * are not raised.  What an idiotic feature!
 *      } catch (Tutorial.DivideByZero e) {
 *          System.err.println("Division by zero: " + e);

        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Some IluSystemException: " + e);
    } //main
} //simple3/*
 * A simple client program that finds the Calculator-Factory,
 * creates a calculator, and adds up its arguments.

 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial.simple3 servername number [number...]
 * after making sure a server is running.

package Tutorial;

import xerox.ilu.Ilu;
import xerox.ilu.IluException;
import xerox.ilu.IluServer;
import Tutorial.DivideByZero;

public class simple3 {
    /* We define a new routine, "Get_Tutorial_Calculator", which 
     * finds the tutorial factory, then creates a new Calculator
     * object for us.
    public static Tutorial.Calculator 
    GetTutorialCalculator(String serverId, String factoryId) {
        Tutorial.Factory factory = null;
        Tutorial.Calculator calc = null;
        System.out.println("Looking up factory");
        try {
            /* We have to call lookupObject with the object ID of
             * the factory object, and the "type" of the object we're looking
             * for.
            factory = (Tutorial.Factory) 
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get factory: " + e);
        if (factory==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null factory");
        System.out.println("Got factory " + factory);
        System.out.println("Looking up Calculator");
        try {
            calc = factory.CreateCalculator();
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get Calculator: " + e);
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null Calculator");
        System.out.println("Got Calculator " + calc);
        return calc;
    } //GetTutorialCalculator
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        Tutorial.Calculator calc;
        if (argv.length < 2) {
            System.err.println("usage: java Tutorial.simple3 number*");
        //Find a calculator
        String serverId = argv[0];
        calc = GetTutorialCalculator(serverId, "theFactory");
        if (calc==null) {
            System.out.println("Null calculator");
        try {
            //clear the calculator before using it
            //now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
            int i = 1;
            while (i<argv.length) {
                Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]);//exceptions possible
                i = i+1;
            //and print the result
            System.out.println("The sum is " + calc.GetValue());
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluException e) {
            System.err.println("Some IluException: " + e);
    } //main
} //simple3



    SetValue, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide END;

TYPE Operation = RECORD
    op : OpType,
    value : REAL,
    accumulator : REAL

TYPE RegisterTape = SEQUENCE OF Operation;

  SUPERTYPES Tutorial.Calculator END
  DOCUMENTATION "4 function calculator with register tape"
    GetTape () : RegisterTape

TYPE Factory = OBJECT SUPERTYPES Tutorial.Factory END
    CreateTapeCalculator () : TapeCalculator

package Tutorial2;

import java.util.Vector;
import Tutorial2.OpType;
import Tutorial2.Operation;

 * While this class complies to the Tutorial2.isl specification
 * it is a local implementation.  Its instances need to be
 * registered with Ilu before they are publicly accessible.
public class TapeCalculatorImpl implements 
            Tutorial2.TapeCalculator {
    double value;
    java.util.Vector tape;
    public TapeCalculatorImpl() {
        value = 0.0;
        tape = new java.util.Vector();
    public void SetValue(double v) {
        value = v;
        Operation op = new Operation(OpType.SetValue, v, value);
    public double GetValue() {
        return value;
    public void Add(double v) {
        value = value + v;
        Operation op = new Operation(OpType.Add, v, value);
    public void Subtract(double v) {
        value = value - v;
        Operation op = new Operation(OpType.Subtract, v, value);
    public void Multiply(double v) {
        value = value * v;
        Operation op = new Operation(OpType.Multiply, v, value);
    public void Divide(double v) throws Tutorial.DivideByZero {
        if (v==0.0) throw new Tutorial.DivideByZero();
        if (v==1.0) tape = null; //raise an unexpected exception for debugging
        value = value / v;
        Operation op = new Operation(OpType.Divide, v, value);
    public Operation[] GetTape() {
        Operation retVal[];
        //We protect structural integrity even if we don't care
        //about the value in case of a conflict.
        synchronized (tape) { 
            retVal = new Operation[tape.size()];
        return retVal;
} //TapeCalculatorImpl

 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial2.Tutorial2Server servername
package Tutorial2;

import xerox.ilu.Ilu;
import xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
import xerox.ilu.IluServer;

class Factory2Impl implements Tutorial2.Factory {
    public Factory2Impl() {
    public Tutorial.Calculator CreateCalculator() 
                        throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException {
        System.out.println("Factory2Impl: request for a simple calculator");
        return new Tutorial2.TapeCalculatorImpl();
    } //CreateCalculator
    public Tutorial2.TapeCalculator CreateTapeCalculator() 
                throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException {
        System.out.println("Factory2Impl: request for a tape calculator");
        return new Tutorial2.TapeCalculatorImpl();
    } //CreateTapeCalculator
} //Factory2Impl

public class Tutorial2Server {
    static Factory2Impl factory;
    static xerox.ilu.IluServer trueServer;
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        String serverId;
        if (argv.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("usage: java Tutorial2.Tutorial2Server servername");
        System.out.println("Create the server");
        try {
            //Create a server with appropriate server id (which is
            //taken from the first argument) 
            serverId = argv[0];
            trueServer = xerox.ilu.IluServer.createServer(serverId);
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed creating server: " + e);
        System.out.println("Create the factory");
        try {
            //Now create an instance of a Factory object on the server
            //with an instance handle "theFactory"
            factory = new Factory2Impl();
            //Make the factory well known by publishing it
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed creating Factory: " + e);
        //Now we print the string binding handle (the object's name
        //plus its location) of the new Factory instance
        System.out.println("Factory instance published");
        System.out.println("Its SBH is '" + Ilu.sbhOfObject(factory) + "'");
        //the program doesn't terminate because the server is still alive...
    } //main 
} //Tutorial2Server

 * A simple client program that finds the TapeCalculator-Factory,
 * creates a calculator and executes the users input.

 * Run this like
 * java Tutorial2.simple4 serverId

package Tutorial2;

public class simple4 {
    /* We define a new routine, "Get_Tutorial_Calculator", which 
     * finds the tutorial factory, then creates a new TapeCalculator
     * object for us.
    public static Tutorial2.TapeCalculator 
    GetTutorialTapeCalculator(String serverId, String factoryId) {
        Tutorial2.Factory factory = null;
        Tutorial2.TapeCalculator calc = null;
        System.out.println("Looking up factory");
        try {
            /* We have to call lookup with the object ID of
             * the factory object, and the "type" of the object we're looking
             * for.
            factory = (Tutorial2.Factory) 
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get factory: " + e);
        if (factory==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null factory");
        System.out.println("Got factory " + factory);
        System.out.println("Looking up TapeCalculator");
        try {
            calc = factory.CreateTapeCalculator();
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get TapeCalculator: " + e);
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Got null TapeCalculator");
        System.out.println("Got TapeCalculator " + calc);
        return calc;
    } //GetTutorialTapeCalculator
    static String opNames[]
        = {"SetValue", "Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Divide"};
    static double argToDouble(String inputLine) {
        return Double.valueOf(inputLine.substring(1)).doubleValue();
    } //argToDouble

    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        Tutorial2.TapeCalculator calc;
        Tutorial2.Operation[] tape;
        boolean quitFlag = false;
        double value = 0.0;
        String line; sysIn = 

        if (argv.length < 1) {
            System.err.println("USAGE: java Tutorial2.simple4 serverid");
        //Find a calculator
        String serverId = argv[0];
        calc = GetTutorialTapeCalculator(serverId, "theFactory");
        if (calc==null) {
            System.err.println("Didn't get a calculator");
        System.out.println("Got tape calculator");
        try {
            //Clear the calculator before using it
            //Loop over user inputs and perform the requested operation
            while (!quitFlag) {
                value = calc.GetValue();
                System.out.print(value + "\n> "); System.out.flush();
                line = sysIn.readLine();
                if (line == null) line = "q";   
                switch (line.charAt(0)) {
                    case '\n':
                    case '+':
                        value = argToDouble(line);
                    case '-':
                        value = argToDouble(line);
                    case '*':
                        value = argToDouble(line);
                    case '/':
                        try {
                            value = argToDouble(line);
                        } catch (Tutorial.DivideByZero e) {
                            System.out.println("** division by zero " + e);
                    case 'q':
                        quitFlag = true;
                    case 't':
                        tape = calc.GetTape();
                        for (int i = 0; i <  tape.length; i++) {
                           System.out.println("  " 
                                   + opNames[tape[i].op.value()]
                                   + "(" + tape[i].value + ") => "
                                   + tape[i].accumulator
                    case 'c':
                        System.out.println("Invalid Operation <" + line + ">");
                        System.out.println("Valid ops are +, -, *, /, "
                            + "t (for tape),"
                            + "c (for clear),"
                            + "q (for quit),"
        } catch ( e) {
            System.err.println("Example raised IOException: " + e);
        } catch (xerox.ilu.IluSystemException e) {
            System.err.println("Example raised IluSystemException: " + e);
    } //main
} //simple4


module Tutorial {

  exception DivideByZero {};

  interface Calculator {
    // Set the value of the calculator to `v'
    void SetValue (in double v);
    // Return the value of the calculator
    double GetValue ();
    // Adds `v' to the calculator's value
    void Add (in double v);
    // Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value
    void Subtract (in double v);
    // Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'
    void Multiply (in double v);
    // Divides the calculator's value by `v'
    void Divide (in double v) raises (DivideByZero);

  interface Factory {

    // Create and return an instance of a Calculator object
    Calculator CreateCalculator();


#include "Tutorial.idl"

module Tutorial2 {

  enum OpType { SetValue, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide };

  struct Operation {
    OpType op;
    double value;
    double accumulator;

  typedef sequence<Operation> RegisterTape;

  // A four function calculator with a register tape
  interface TapeCalculator : Tutorial::Calculator {

    RegisterTape GetTape ();

  // A factory that produces TapeCalculators
  interface Factory : Tutorial::Factory {

    TapeCalculator CreateTapeCalculator ();

Index of Concepts


  • garbage collection