Using the Rainbow component for the Harvest Gatherer

This Rainbow component can summarize MIF and RTF files generated by FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, and others. It uses the rbmaker program to translate MIF/RTF files temporarily into SGML which conforms to the Rainbow DTD. It then uses the Harvest SGML summarizer to summarize the data. The Rainbow DTD and rbmaker software is provided by Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. This is their copyright.

To use this component,

  1. Retrieve the Rainbow component distribution (components/Rainbow.tar.gz) from one of the Harvest software distribution sites.
  2. Unpack the distribution into the Harvest source tree, and add the component using the SetupComponent command:
         % gzip -dc Rainbow.tar.gz | (cd harvest-1.x/components/gatherer; tar xvf -)
         % ./SetupComponent add gatherer Rainbow
  3. Build and install the Harvest source tree as described in the Harvest User's Manual .

For more information about Harvest, see the Harvest home page.