Welcome to mIRC version 5.4
The file mirc54s.exe contains the 16 bit mIRC 5.4
Released June 23rd, 1998.

mirc54s.exe : sixteen bit distribution file for Windows 3.1x
mirc54t.exe : thirtytwo bit distribution file for Windows95, Windows98 and NT

mIRC is a shareware Internet Relay Chat client for Windows. It is developped 
and copyrighted by Khaled Mardam-Bey. mIRC is a highly configurable IRC client 
with all the goodies other clients on UNIX, Macintosh and even on Windows offer, 
combined with a *nice* and clean users interface. mIRC offers full color control, 
full DCC File Send and Get capabilities, aliases, a remote commands and events 
handler, scripting, place sensitive probrammable popup menu's, World Wide Web and 
sound support, and... a lot more. mIRC can act as an external Web browser helper 
application but it can work totally independent as well. 

mIRC is shareware but not crippled in any way... If you like it you're asked to 
register your copy to support work on future versions, new features, and bug fixes, 
and to ensure technical support via email now and in the future. 

mIRC is distributed in self-extracting cabinets that automatically will install mIRC 
on your PC. You dont need any external programs to install and setup mIRC on your PC, 
just follow the instructions. You first have to find out what mIRC issue you will be 
running. mIRC is available in a 16 bit issue (mirc54s.exe) and a 32 bit issue 
(mirc54t.exe). The 32 bit issue is meant for 32 bit Operating Systems like Windows95 
with a 32 bit winsock. If you are not sure what issue to use, try the 16 bit mIRC 

Download the cabinet of your choice and run the installer. Once you have installed 
mIRC, you can run it, fill in the required setup information, and connect to an IRC 
server. When you're upgrading mIRC all your old settings and scripts will stay as 
they were. mIRC will guide you through the initial stages and hopefully you'll be 
chatting in no time. If you get stuck or want to find out more about a certain 
feature, just click on a Help button in a window or browse the Help file and you 
should find lots of hints to help you out.

As you become more experienced you can also start configuring mIRC's features to suit 
your own needs and tastes, features such as colours, fonts, function keys, aliases, 
popup menus, scripts, sounds and many others.

Good luck and have fun!

Internet Relay Chat.

For those of you new to the Internet, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. The 
IRC networks offer a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world 
can meet and talk. Dont mix-up IRC with the slow Web chats you might have seen. 
IRC is specially designed for chatting and works very fast. 

IRC was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, 
it has spread to almost all countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat 
system, where people meet on "channels" (rooms, virtual places, usually with a 
certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no 
restriction to the number of people that can participate in a given discussion, or 
the number of channels that can be formed on IRC. 

mIRC attempts to provide a user-friendly interface for use with the IRC networks.
As a user you run mIRC on your PC and you connect to a "server" in an IRC network. 
All servers are interconnected and pass messages from user to user over the IRC 
network. One server can be connected to several other servers and up to hundreds 
of clients. You can join several channels at once and participate in private 
discussions at the same time. The various parts of the IRC client mIRC have been 
designed with the aim of simplifying and speeding up your IRC sessions.

More information.

mIRC is supported by a set of WWW pages. On these pages you'll find information 
on new versions, new ideas, known bugs and solutions, and possibly all other 
information you might need on IRC in general, and on mIRC. Besides the newest 
mIRC also the new mIRC FAQ and IRC Intro file are available from these www pages.

http://www.mirc.co.uk		United Kingdom
http://www.geocities.com/~mirc/	USA
http://www.nip.nl/mirc/		The Netherlands
http://www.mirc.queen.it/	Italy
http://mirc.kems.net/		Kuwait
http://www.mirc.com.ar/		Argentina
http://www.conesul.com.br/mirc/	Brazil
http://www.mirc.co.za/		South Africa
http://mirc.eon.net.au/		Australia

Copyrights, and other legal hassle.

mIRC v5.4 Internet Relay Chat Client
Copyright 1995,1996,1997,1998 Khaled Mardam-Bey and mIRC Co. Ltd.
All rights reserved.

mIRC is a Shareware program, which means that you can use it legally for 30 days 
free of charge to evaluate it. If during, or at the end of, that period you decide 
that you would like to continue using it, please register your copy. Your registration 
will license you to use your copy of mIRC, will support work on future versions, new 
features, and bug fixes, and will provide you with technical support via email.

Please see the registration section on the websites to find out how you can register.

mIRC may be freely distributed subject to, but not limited to, the following terms: 
mIRC may not be sold or resold, distributed as a part of any commercial package, used 
in a commercial environment, used or distributed in support of a commercial service, 
or used or distributed to support any kind of profit-generating activity, even if it 
is being distributed freely.

If you would like to distribute mIRC as part of a shareware distribution, magazine, 
internet book, CD ROM, etc. please contact Khaled Mardam-Bey for permission. All 
commercial use interests in mIRC should be directed to khaled@mardam.demon.co.uk

The integrity of the original mIRC distribution file as distributed by Khaled Mardam-Bey 
is essential. mIRC and all of its related files must be distributed together in the 
original format. The mIRC distribution file may not have files added to it or removed 
from it, and none of its contents may be modified, decompiled, or reverse engineered.

mIRC is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, 
including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for 
a particular purpose. In no event shall Khaled Mardam-Bey be liable for any damages 
whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business 
profits or special damages, even if Khaled Mardam-Bey has been advised of the possibility 
of such damages.

mIRC is a registered trademark of mIRC Co. Ltd.
The mIRC Logo is a trademark of mIRC Co. Ltd.