Welcome to the mLaunch README! mLaunch is an application for automatically launching MBone tools from a SDP-file (for instance when selected in a web-browser). The latest version of this package can always be found at . If you download and install this package please send me an email! :-) (peppar@cdt.luth.se) *** INSTALL UNIX 1) Make sure you have JDK1.1.1 installed 2) Edit the two variables at the top of the file mLaunch to reflect where you have installed JDK and where you have unpacked this package. 3) Copy the file mLaunch to a convenient place, such as /usr/local/bin 4) Add the following line to your ~/.mailcap (or /usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) application/x-sdp; mLaunch %s *** Contact Send bug-reports, feature-request or just a nice hi to me at peppar@cdt.luth.se. My home-page can be found at . *** *** $Id: README,v 1.2 1997/05/02 23:15:19 peppar Exp $