------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31x-320.UPG -- 19980317 -- Email thread on Upgrading NetWare 3.1x to 3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to add or edit this document and then email it back to faq@jelyon.com Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:49:53 -0500 From: Larry Hansford Subject: NetWare 3.2 Enhancement Pack Install I did the first install of the NetWare 3.2 Enhancement Pack, and found a minor problem that I had forgotten about. The server has the AUTOEXEC.NCF file split so that the memory and SCSI controller loads from the DOS partition and then calls the AUTO.NCF file in the SYS:SYSTEM directory -- as discussed in the FAQ. When installing the 3.2 Enhancement Pack, though, it aborts because it cannot find the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. So, I had to re-combine the 2 files into one AUTOEXEC.NCF in the SYS:SYSTEM directory, rename the one that was on the DOS partition, re-install the 3.2 Enhancement Pack, and then split them again. Now that it was successful, the other installs should be a piece of cake. If you are installing the 3.2 Enhancement Pack, and have the AUTOEXEC.NCF file split, you will want to remember this. ------------------------------