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             o       :         : rEA^OTL^IFT^DCT^PG :
  o                  .         : 00                 .

                           - --(ˇ FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ˇ)-- -
---------------------------------------------------------------ADDS OVER ^
: The Results from  THE SUMMER PARTY '96 :
:   To read for you that didn't attend   :
|    ______ ___      ___  ___  ___  ______  _______________     ___ ___  |
|   /     /|   |    /   \/   \/   \/  ___/_/     \    __   \  _/   Y   \_|
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| \________/   |    / \__/\__/\__/\_____/            \____/             !|
|          ŻŻŻŻ\___/                                                     |
-------- Okey here's the list of results from THE SUMMER PARTY -----------

  Amiga Demo Competition

        3> refuse                       by drifters              45 p
        2> boogie nights                by subspace             151 p
        1> Extreme                      by balance              216 p

  PC Demo Competition

        1> linda won`t sleep with me    by tpolm                --

  Wild Demo Competition

        3> life goes on                 by x-ray                 75 p
        2> wild summer                  by infect               116 p
        1> static motion                by lite werx            165 p

  4-Channel Competition

        3> still alive                  by dr. dreyer            42 p
        2> mysiga meloner               by Fudge & zalo          52 p
        1> mat smaker gott              by frame,somel & morrow  88 p

  Multi-Channel Competition

        3> virtual sanity               by lloyd/ATC             24 p
        2> blind saucer                 by kaiowa/sorrox         37 p
        1> soul motion                  by claw & pozz/c-clouds  61 p

  Amiga 40K-Intro Competition

        3> sway                         by session               72 p
        2> extra                        by abyss                123 p
        1> fresh                        by bizarre arts         140 p

  PC 64K-Intro Competition

        2> two hour                     by tuskin                58 p
        1> the ultimate love creation   by INF Demo Section`96   93 p

  GFX Competition

        3> who laugh last               by X-ray/in-sect 	 24 p
        2> outpost                      by david michaelczyk     37 p
        1> openmind                     by desoto/subspace       72 p

  CocaCola Screensaver

        1> CocaColaScreensaver          by the obsessed maniacs

Due the lack of interest from computerusers to attend to the summer party 
I will not work any harder to let you know who won the different compos
nor I will not give you the rest of the contestants places in the compos.
---------------------------------------------------------------ADDS BELOW v

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           SySoP: sKeLeToN             CoSyS: PenTAngle / fReeLeeCH

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      Sys:      |    nODE 1  +49 [0]40 aSK fOR iT  19200    |     nUP:
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      aSk       |    nODE 3  +49 [0]40 aSK fOR iT  28800    |     aSk
                |    nODE 4  +49 [0]40 aSK fOR iT  64000    |
    PenTAngle   |    nODE 5  +49 [0]40 aSK fOR iT  64000    |   PenTAngle
                |    nODE 6  +49 [0]40 aSK fOR iT  64000    |

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      -[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD ]-[ 18:02:34 ]-[ 23 Jul 1996 ]-
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                           - --(ˇ FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ˇ)-- -