======================================================================== File: zipme_074.zip Author: Raphael MOLL (raphael.moll@capway.com) Release: 0.7.3 (beta, 01 September, 1998) Compatibility: R3.1 Intel and R3.1 PPC Location: contrib/add-ons/Tracker Description: the ultimate coolest way of zipping files ! Notes: The ZipMe add-on compresses files using Zip. Now generate unique name files and can append the date to the filename. Correctly handles files with spaces, commas, quotes and doubles quotes. Handle recursive directories for compress. Feature some cool status window. Easier to install. Source is included. Please feel free to modify & enhance and tell me so that I distribute a new version. This archive was created with ZipMe ;) ======================================================================== How to Install (NEW IMPROVED METHOD !): -------------------------------------- 1- Expand the archive using the Expander tool [;-)] 2- Double-click the ZipMe.x86-Z or ZipMe.ppc-X executable 3- Select "Install Me" in the dialog box. 4- to use, select one or more files or directory and select ZipMe in the context menu or in the File/Add-ons menu in the Tracker. or : How to Install : --------------- 1a- copy ZipMe.x86 or ZipMe.ppc into /boot/home/config/add-ons/Tracker 1b- copy GzipMe.x86 or GzipMe.ppc into /boot/home/config/add-ons/Tracker 2 - select one or more files or directory and select ZipMe in the context menu or in the File/Add-ons menu in the Tracker. Old "corporate" installation Method : ------------------------------------- 1- Run Terminal (from the Apps folder) 2- Change directory where the files are located by typing this on the command line : cd myhome/mystuff/ZipMe-0.7.4 (then return) 3- Run the install script by typing this : installme (then return) 3b- you're done ! 4 - select one or more files or directory and select ZipMe in the context menu or in the File/Add-ons menu in the Tracker. Version 0.7.3 : --------------- I corrected two bugs as indicated by Peter Hinely , 14 Jul 1998. First where was a 'minor' memory leak and second I didn't checked the return value from executing the zip command. Else, it's the saame source than ZipMe 0.7.3 but using exclusevely tar and gzip. Now, that's the right location for an : [HEY BE] Make the zip MIME type "application/x-zip" everywhere !!! Version 0.7.2 : --------------- - Nothing new except it now works on the cool R3 for Intel boxes. Version 0.7.1 : --------------- - did I really output a version numbered 0.7 before ? I can't remember. - Integrate some useful stuff from Bernie Estavillo (bernie@metrowerks.com) 1. Unique file names so the new archive will not overwrite an existing archive. 2. Prepend the date to the file name when the Shift key is held down, so an archive of a directory called test will end up with a name like 1997-08-13.test.zip. I'm not sure how useful this will be to others. - I also modified Bernie's nice code so that the date can be appended in the form of zipname_ddmmyyyy.zip if you hold down the Control key (don't blame me, it's more natural for me to see dates in the "other" way, i.e. the French one :)) If you hold both Control and Shift, you get the append date. Version 0.6 : ------------- Integrates a bug correction from GL. Names containing shell-sensitives characters can now correctly be zipped. For example it works for "#zi|;p ~m^ &$e_06 _P&R.t)xt.z ip.z_ @ip.z\}ip.zip&(-_.zip)=~#{[|`\^@]}^$¨$*%!;,?.§dyn". (I've tried ;))