===================== File: nfs_sources_R4.zip Author: Andreas Huber (hubera@forwiss.uni-passau.de) Release: 10/23/98 Compatibility: R4 Location: ftp://ftp.be.com/outoing/R4Beta/nfs_sources_R4b2.zip Description: nfs client file_system add-on sources Notes: Already using the updated makefile (provided by Be) Yes, I have finally decided to release my nfs client sources to the public. If you make any changes or fix any bugs, please tell me about them and I will try to make sure that the changes are incorporated into this distribution. Usage: Simply type "make; make install" and it should do its job. The "make install" will install the following files onto your harddisk "nfs" into /boot/home/config/add-ons/kernel/file_systems This is the kernel file_system add-on "mount_nfs" into /boot/home/config/bin This is the commandline mount-utility (needed because there does not seem to be a way to specify parameters with /bin/mount) "ksocketd" into /boot/apps This is a daemon that is automatically launched by mount_nfs if it is not already running. It enables the kernel-add-on to use the networking facilities by communicating via kernel-ports with user-space. How to mount a server's export: 1. Create a mountpoint i.e. "mkdir /here" You may use a non-root location, but AFAIK it is (currently) depreceated by Be and may confuse the Tracker 2. Mount the export i.e. "mount_nfs servername.anywhere.com:/exported/path /here uid gid" where uid and gid specify the corresponding parameters used on the server 3. Now you should be able to access your servers hierarchy through the mountpoint i.e. "ls /here" should list you top-lever export's directory contents 4. If the server is down or if connections time out (currently after there is no server-reply for 40 secs) you will get an error "no route to host". You may not be able to unmount after that ;( Enjoy, Andreas