GGI Namespace rules Andreas Beck, $Date: 1998/02/17 10:53:35 $ This document describes the "anti-namespace-pollution" rules for GGI. 1. Preface We had several problems with programs not compiling on some architectures or compilers or problems with some language wrappers, as we had conflicting identifiers in some places. This document is an attempt to rectify this situation. 2. Namespace rules o Anything that GGI exports to the world shall be prefixed with ggi_, ggi, Ggi or GGI (kgi_, kgi, Kgi or KGI respectively) as it would be done for other prefixes of the object in question. o As an exception to this we allow things that should have only one common meaning like uint16 being an unsigned integer of 16 bit precision. o enums and #defines used for bitfields and enumerations should be prefixed with GGI_ plus a shorthand of the fieldname they are used for. E.g. GGI_GT_8BIT where GT is short for graphictype. There are some languages which are fairly C compatible and can make use of the #includes and the native calling interface without an intermediate wrapper. They have some keywords we should not touch (NOT AT ALL - even, if the code is never exported). The same applies for some functions/ variables of some common libraries. We have violated this rule in the past, so the cases where this has happened are marked with an old_name -> new_name entry to help porting old applications which suddenly break. All names on the left side of such rules and all other mentioned below are to be avoided. Please report all other namespace conflicts you encounter, so we can fix it. 2.1. Objective C self -> slf (done) super o.k. nil o.k. Class o.k. SEL o.k. IMP o.k. BOOL o.k. Object o.k. NS* o.k. YES used in SVGAlib. Probably o.k. - not our problem. NO used in SVGAlib. See YES. id used throughout the source ... particularly EvStack. 2.2. C++ inline C reserved word. o.k. const C reserved word. o.k. catch o.k. delete o.k. dynamic_cast o.k. explicit o.k. false o.k. friend o.k. mutable o.k. namespace o.k. new o.k. (once used in display.c, but that' in the kernel patch, so ...) operator o.k. protected o.k. public o.k. static_cast o.k. template o.k. throw o.k. true o.k. typeid o.k. typename o.k. using o.k. this o.k. try o.k. bool defined in system.h - doesn't seem to be used except in util/ggiset*. go to ggi_bool ? Drop it ? class EvStack uses this. Should we allow C++ there ? (->clss) private -> priv (still used in kernel drivers ... well - they aren't C++) virtual -> virt 2.3. GlibC index -> ggiindex (done) 2.4. Others ggi_sint, ggi_uint ??? real These are commonly used for about anything ... Maybe prefix with ggi 3. Some additional portability comments Try to avoid : o macros with variable number of arguments (gcc specific) o o inlining functions (gcc specific) (if you do, try to provide a fallback .c file) o avoid doing things like (void *) struct->ptr = my_pretty_function; and instead declare arguments like : struct->ptr = ((int *)(int,int,int)) my_pretty_function; o doing arithmetic on (void *) like in void *bla;*(bla+10)=blubb;. This is GCC specific and very confusing.