Index of GGI documentation automatically created by hn Tue Feb 17 11:54:35 MET 1998 GGI documentation index Glossary of GGI Terms Steve Cheng, Hartmut Niemann $Date: 1998/02/04 13:07:25 $ This document describes a few specific terms used by the GGI project. GGI Installation Guide The GGI Project Team $Date: 1998/02/17 10:51:27 $ This document describes how to install GGI. It covers patching the Linux kernel, installing (Linux) kernel drivers and installing the libggi. LibGGI Steve Cheng, $Date: 1998/02/17 10:53:35 $ This document describes LibGGI, a flexible, extensible, dynamic drawing library developed by the GGI project. The GGI2D interface Thomas Tanner, $Date: 1998/02/17 10:53:35 $ This document describes the LibGGI2D, the extension library to LibGGI providing common 2D graphics primitives. GGI Namespace rules Andreas Beck, $Date: 1998/02/17 10:53:35 $ This document describes the "anti-namespace-pollution" rules for GGI. Vertical retrace several (ed. 98/2/4) A collection of ideas and possibilities to synchronise a graphics application with the monitor ray. Threadsafe programming Rodolphe Ortalo 1998/01/30 (ed. 98/2/4) General thoughts and information about threadsafe programming