Recommended PC Hardware Specifications
Minimum requirements:-
- Pentium PC (133mhz or above) running Windows 95
- 16Mb ram
- 15Mb of free hard drive space
- Video for windows' compatible frame grabber card
- graphics card capable of a minimum resolution of 1024x768x16bit (colour palette)
- Full duplex sound card*
Preferred requirements:-
- Pentium P200MMX or better running Windows 95
- 32Mb RAM
- 2D graphics card with 4Mb RAM with DirectDraw support. The Matrox Millenium 2 is recommended
- 17" colour monitor
- 'Video for windows' compatible frame grabber card. The Hauppauge Win/TV primio is recommended
- Colour video camera. The Hauppauge video camera is recommended.
- PCI full duplex sound card*
*Look at the RAT FAQ for recommendations
Kristian Hasler.