MICE Publicity List

This is a list of MICE publicity items which includes demonstrations, video recordings and press articles. In some cases there are scanned images of the press articles.

December 19, 1993 Abenteuer Wissenschaft, SDR

Science TV program in Germany
Demo of MICE multimedia conferencing during this broadcast on the Infobahn - the German equivalent of Information Superhighway.

February 7, 1994 Demo to the Swedish Prime Minister at KTH/SICS

During this conference between MICE partner sites, the Prime Minister announced the creation of a Swedish IT Commission and the goal to make Sweden a top IT using country by 2010.

February 11, 1994 Demo at KTH/SICS

Given to the Swedish Minister of Education and the Chancellor of Swedish Universities.

March 22, 1994 Demo at RUS

This demo was given to the Minister of Science for the State of Baden-Wuertemberg. It showed interworking between Scientists at 3 different sites in Germany.

March, 1994 Video produced by Executive Channel with MICE demo

This was shown at most Swedish hotels and on some trains throughout the month

April 7, 1994 RTL breakfast show

MICE featured as example as part of news item on the Infobahn

April, 1994 In Hoerweite: Mbone-Multicast backbone zur audiovisuellen Kommunikation im Internet

Article by Thomas Thissen in iX, a German Computer Magazine.
The article was on Mbone technology and featured MICE and the MICE-NSC at RUS. Its publication was followed by a dozen enquiries.

1994 Bildkonferenser pa Internet met rorliga bilder - nastan

Article by David Nordfors in Datateknik 4 (Sweden)
Broad coverage of MICE with pictures.

May 24 Seminar at UiO, Oslo

Given to key persons within education, research and business to present and discuss IT in Norway, with an initial presentation by the Norwegian Minister of Education, Gudmund Hernes.
MICE tools were used to multicast the seminar on Distance Education nationally and internationally, with remote listeners in Norway and a Norwegian student in London asking questions.

May 26, 1994 Das MICE-Projekt (Videokonferenz)

DFN-Fachtagung ueber 'Nutzung und Betrieb von Rechnernetzen' 26.5.94, DFN-Verein Duesseldorf. Article by Knut Bahr and Elfriede Hinsch.

June 8-10, 1994 Demos at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

These were given from electronic mail and networking lab during ICCT'94

June 15-17, 1994 Demo at JENC5/INET'94 conference

Some 1250 participated and the conference was multicast. The event was followed by 250 enquiries at UCL.

June 23, 1994 Seeing Eye to Eye

Article by Nick Rosen in the Guardian OnLine Section.
The front cover showed a photograph entitled A window on the world and the article inside generated 50 enquiries.

July 8, 1994 East goes West for network conference

Article by Roy Bennett in the Multimedia section of the Times Higher Education Supplement.
Report on MICE demo and confernce multicast from JENC5/Inet'94

July 8, 1994 Demo at INRIA

Given to Jacques Cavada a journalist in France 3 television, and Director of the new French Gouvernment Cultural TV.

July 11, 1994 Demo at INRIA

Given to delegations from the French Senate, SFP (French Production Society), CSA (High Council for the Audiovisual) and National Education.

July 20, 1994 Demo at INRIA

Given to Mme Ferier (French Prime Minister Cabinet) accompanied by M Ferrari (Nice University Director), M Pierre Laffite (French Senator), and Mme Cecile Ferrier (Sophia Foundation).

July 25, 1994 Demo at INRIA

Given to M. Pelchat - Deputy of Essonne Secretary of the Parliamentary office for the Evaluation of technical and scientific choices (O.P.E.S.T), M. de Fleurieu - Services Advisor for the Senate, (O.P.E.S.T), M. Grimond - General Director of Ellipse (the production society for the French cable TV Canal +) and M. Crosse - General delegate for the Road of High Technologies.

October 14, 1994 SuperJANET takes off

Article by Roy Bennett in the Multimedia section of the Times Higher Education Supplement.
Covers multimedia conferencing over SuperJANET and mentions MICE-NSCs with contacts.

November 17, 1994 Cutting-edge system

News item by Nick Rosen in the Guardian OnLine section.
Short item on the DIMAGIO surgery demo.

November 28, 1994 Press launch of ArtAIDS Link.

ArtAIDS Link is a project in support of AIDS charities involving manipulation of electronic art, music and poetry via a web server. The launch involved Links to Germany, USA, Australia from UCL.

December 1, 1994 Art for Aids' sake

News item by Nick Rosen in the Guardian OnLine section.
Rport on the launch which hardly mentions conference, concentrating on the web server.

December 1994 Videoconferencing from your computer

Article by Roy Bennett in UCL NEWSletter
A general interest article concentrating on UK and SuperJANET but with pictures and descriptions of MICE events.

January 24, 1995 Das MICE-Projekt

DFN-Betriebstagung in Berlin
Report and demonstration by Elfriede Hinsch and G. Schulze

January 1995 Surgeons operate together via video-conferencing

News item in SCIENTIFIC Computing World
Brief description and photograph of the surgery event.
Page 10 ....... 370 KB

February 1995 Of MICE, men, women and Internet

Article by Geoff Spick in Internet and Comms Today (pp 48-51)
A popular article covering most of MICE with good pictures.
Page 48 ...... 304 KB
Page 49 ...... 396 KB
Page 50 ...... 397 KB
Page 51 ...... 358 KB

March 1995 Future Visions

Article by Geoff Spick in CD-ROM User (pp80-81)
A shorter version of the article in Internet and Comms Today.

March 1995 The Net effect

Article by Roger Dettmer, Technical Editor, in IEE REVIEW (pp67-71)
This is a comnprehensive, quality article on the Internet with a DIMAGIO surgery screendump and one page out of five devoted to MICE and the Mbone with references.

March 1995 Scientific graphics and visualization come to the Internet

SCIENTIFIC Computing World.......214 KB
Article by Dennis Moralee, the Editor. (pp 31, 33, 34, 36)
Good expanation of MICE along with other material.
Page 31 ...... 270 KB
Page 33 ...... 424 KB
Page 34 ...... 433 KB
Page 36 ...... 402 KB

March 15, 1995 Never work with children or animals - but what about politicians?

Article by Angela Sasse in UCL NEWSletter
A description of the demo put on for the G7 meeting, and later for the French Prime Minister, to demonstrate MICE over ATM.

March 1995 Multimedia Conferencing over the Internet: The MICE Project and tools

Proc NetWorkshop 23, University of Leicester, March 28-30 (pp 189-199) A. Sasse & R. Bennett, presented by A. Sasse.

April 10-14, 1995 MICE and WWW

THIRD International World-Wide Web Conference in Darmstadt
Demonstration by G. Schulze and S. Dack

April, 1995 Multimedia Conferencing over the Internet - The MICE Project

A briefing paper by A. Sasse & R. Bennett for LIBRARY & INFORMATION BRIEFINGS (LIBS)
A comprehensive review of the project for an audience of librarians ie not too technical. This is one of a series of briefings in subjects in Information technology of interest to librarians.

May 1995 Grenzen des Machbaren

Article by Irene Heinen in iX, a German Computer Magazine (p 22).
The article was one of a serries on the CeBIT exhibition and featured MICE and the MICE-NSC at RUS.

1995 Computer Club

Video of the Science TV program in Germany
Demo of MICE multimedia conferencing during this broadcast.
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