j g.g.g.g i.i.i.i      - join  IP  multicast group
        l g.g.g.g i.i.i.i      - leave IP  multicast group
        a ifname e.e.e.e.e.e   - add ether multicast address
        d ifname e.e.e.e.e.e   - del ether multicast address
        m ifname 1/0           - set/clear ether allmulti flag
        p ifname 1/0           - set/clear ether promisc flag
        q                      - quit

where   g.g.g.g      is an IP multicast address, e.g.,
        i.i.i.i      is the IP address of a local interface or
        ifname       is an interface name, e.g., qe0
        e.e.e.e.e.e  is an Ethernet address in hex, e.g., 1.0.5e.0.2.1
        1/0          is a 1 or a 0, to turn the flag on or off

The "p" command to change the promiscuous flag does not work under SunOS,
because it uses a different ioctl for that purpose.

Mtest is useful for establishing targets for multicast ping testing. The
results of mtest filter manipulation can be seen by using the netstat -nia
command (see next section).

     inhibit multicast loopback.
-t ttl
     set the multicast time-to-live to ttl.
-i addr
     send multicasts from the interface with local address addr, given in
     a.b.c.d format.

This version of ping also supports the -R (record route) option.

John.Barlow@anu.edu.au 21 Apr 95