Current research projects
- British Telecom
- HIGHERVIEW - High-quality video over networks
- ALPINE - Application Level Programmable Inter-Network Environment
- LEARNET - London East Anglia Research Network
- Support for DSTL networked services
- European Commission
- 6WINIT(IPv4,IPv6) - IPv6 Wireless Internet IniTiative
- ANDROID - Active Network Distributed Open Infrastructure Development
- 6net Large-Scale International IPv6 Pilot Network
- MALTED - Multimedia authoring for language teachers and educational development
- M3I - Market Managed Multi-Service Internet
- TEQUILA - Diff Serve Deployment
- Support for JANET Mail Relays
- Sun Microsystems
- TACO - Teaching and Coursework Online
A selection of past research projects
- British Telecom
- HICID - High Performance Interactive Conferencing and Information Distribution
- HIGHVIEW - high-quality resilient video over existing networks
- JAVIC - Joint Audio and Video Internet Coding
- MMN - Management of Multiservice Networks
- ReLaTe - Remote Language Teaching
- SCAMPI - Secure Conferencing Access with Multicast Protocols for the Internet
- PIMMS - Piloting Interactive Mobile Multimedia Services
- RAT - Robust Audio Tool
- European Commission
- COIAS - Convergence of IP, ATM and Satellite
- ICECAR - Interworking Public Key Certification Infrastructure for Commerce, Administration and Research
- MECCANO - Multimedia Education and Conferencing Collaboration over ATM Networks and Others
- HIPPARCH - High Performance Protocol Architectures
- MERCI - Multimedia European Research Conferencing Integration
- MICE - Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for
Europe Everywhere
- MICE NSC - MICE National Support Centre
- ICETEL - Interworking public key certification infrastructure for Europe
- PROSPECT - A PROSPECT of Multi-Domain Management in the Expected Open Service Market
- IBCOBN - Integrated Broadband Communication on Broadcast Networks
- MISA - Management of Integrated SDH and ATM Networks
- OSIMIS - OSI management information services
- FlowThru
- VITAL - Validation of Integrated Telecommunications Architectures for the Long Term
- Surfnet
- UTG - UCL Transcoding Gateway
- Bermuda - IPv6 trial on UK academic networks
- INTERNET-2 Pricing Networks
- EMMANATE - Exploring Mental Models for Application in Networking Applications, Telephony and Environments
- ETNA - Evaluation Taxonomy for Networked multimedia Applications
- MEDAL - Multiway Effective Distance Learning at Low Cost
- PIPVIC2 - Piloting IP Video Conferencing
- ALAVIT - Assessing LAN-based Videoconferencing Technologies
- PIPVIC - Piloting IP Videoconferencing
- SHRIMP - SHRink-wrapping Internet Multicast Packages
- MICE NSC - MICE National Support Centre
Last update: 14 Aug 2002