Digital Integration

R. J. Smith


Night Gunner is more of an arcade shoot'em-up than a flight

Top row of keyboard - Move sight/plane UP
Left five keys on second row - Move sight/plane LEFT
Right five keys on second row - Move sight/plane RIGHT
Third row of keyboard - Move sight/plane DOWN
Caps shift or space - Fire guns/release bombs
Symbol shift, B and N together - Hold
Symbol shift, X and C together - Reset

Please see the inlay card text


DI (Digital Integration) have written many other fligh sims for
the Spectrum, but none could really be called a "sequel".


                                NIGHT GUNNER
                                48K SPECTRUM
                                BY R.J.SWIFT
                            DIGITAL INTEGRATION
NIGHT GUNNER is an action-packed arcade-style game based on a
second world war scenario. You are the gunner and bomb aimer
whose task is to defend your plane against enemy attack and
destroy the ground targets in 30 different missions.  The rewards
are high for the expert marksman, but beware, the going gets
tougher on each new mission!
                                 LOAD "ng"
When the program has loaded the user is prompted for a Softlock
security code.  The response code is found in the table on pages
4 and 5 of the instructions, and the reply is entered using keys
0-9 and enter.  The program allows 3 attempts for the number to
be entered correctly.  The game is now ready for playing.
The game options on the menu page are controlled using keys 1-7.
1: Number of players 1 or 2.
2: Player 1 difficulty level, 1 to 4.
3: Player 2 difficulty level, 1 to 4.
4: Control type
   - Keyboard
   - Joysticks: Sinclair Interface 2, Kempston, AGF.
5: Number of Joysticks 1 or 2.
6: High score table, blank or DI challenge.
7: Demonstrating title page sound ON or OFF.
Top row of keyboard - Move sight/plane UP
Left five keys on second row - Move sight/plane LEFT
Right five keys on second row - Move sight/plane RIGHT
Third row of keyboard - Move sight/plane DOWN
Caps shift or space - Fire guns/release bombs
Symbol shift, B and N together - Hold
Symbol shift, X and C together - Reset
The score and number of lives left for each player is shown at
the top of the screen, player 1 on the left, player 2 on the
right.  The highest score of the day is displayed at the centre.

The plane's status panel at the bottom of the screen displays the
following information:
TT: Time to Target or end of mission, in seconds.
BT: Time remaining during ground attack, in seconds.
HIT: Illuminated when your aircraft is hit by enemy aircraft or
CAPTAIN'S REPORT: Messages from the pilot during mission.
DAMAGE: Indicated by the aircraft symbol, GREEN = all clear,
YELLOW = damaged, RED = destroyed.
WEAPONS: Ammunition, bombs and rockets shown to the right of the
aircraft symbol.
You must defend your plane against the attacking fighters on the
flight to and from the bombing target by shooting them down. The
gun sight is moved using the keyboard or joystick movement
controls and guns fired using the fire buttons. Just like a real
gun, there is a time delay from when the bullet is fired to when
it hits the target. This has to be allowed for by aiming the gun
in front of the moving target. This is called deflection

The bullet delay can be seen by moving the sight and firing the
guns.  The centre point of the bullets will be seen outside the
centre square of the sight.

Your score will increase each time you shoot down an enemy plane,
a barrage balloon or the bonus plane that occasionally crosses
the sky.
All 30 of the ground attack missions are different, alternating
between high level bombing targets and low level rocket attacks.
The bombing/rocket sight allows for your plane's movement when
aiming at the targets but you have to make an allowance for
moving targets. The amount you score is dependent upon how close
to the centre of the target your bomb or rocket hits and if the
character is worth double score.

Flak will be fired at you during ground attack missions, its
accuracy dependent upon how much you weave about the sky. Long
periods of straight and level flight during a bombing mission
will result in you being illuminated by a searchlight. This will
obscure your target and put you under very heavy fire from flak.
Escape from the searchlight by manoeuvering your aircraft.

During high level bombing, control your plane using the left,
right, up and down controls. Climbing and diving will affect your
aircraft speed.  During rocket attacks, the pilot continually
gives your height.  Climb to get sufficient and then dive onto
your target, release a rocket and pull out of the dive.  If you
hit the ground you will lose a life.

The sight on the ultimate mission is different from all the
others.  Adjust your height so that the two spots on the screen
form a figure 8, line up the two bars onto the centre of the
towers and release your bomb.
This is caused by attack from the enemy plains or being hit by
flak on the bombing runs, the amount of damage being indicated
by the aircraft status symbol.  Yellow areas on the status plane
indicate where a plane has been damaged and red areas where it
has been destroyed.  If the damage is serious you will crash and
lose a life. The damage can be divided into five areas: the
flight deck, engines, wings, tailplane, and gun turret.

Flight deck: Damage will result in random movement of the plane
during ground attack missions, making bomb and rocket aiming
difficult.  When the flight deck is destroyed the plane will

Engines: If enough engines are destroyed or damaged before the
bombing run the bombs will be dropped. If 3 or more engines are
destroyed the plane will crash.

Wings or tailplane: If these are damaged it has no effect on the
performance of the plane, but if they are destroyed then the
plane will crash.

Gun turret: If this is damaged the sight will not move as quickly
as normal. When it is destroyed the sight has no movement but the
guns can still be fired.
Although the concept of NIGHT GUNNER is based upon the Avro
Lancaster four engined bomber, it is not intended to be a




DI are one of the oldest software houses around, having started
on the ZX-80 back in 1982, advertising in the small-ads of
computer magazines.