Software Projects

Sierra On-Line/Mike Davies


Horizontally-scrolling jump-over-the-obstacles game.

You have to control the prehistoric caveman BC as he
attempts to rescue his girlfriend, by jumping over rocks,
avoiding boulders, and so on.

Keys: W - Forward         W+ENTER - Speed up
          Q - Pull back       Q+ENTER - Speed down
          K - Jump            ENTER   - Start/Fire
          M - Duck

On joystick, left/right and fire slows down/speeds up, up
jumps and down ducks.

Can Thor save Cute Chick from the hungry dinosaur? only you
can help. At first he only has to jump rocks and holes.
Then comes the river. The only way Thor can get across, is
to hop on the turtles' backs. These turtles sometimes get
tired and submerge at the wrong moment, much to Thor's
dismay! If Thor's timing is good. the Dooky Bird will help
him over the lava pit. If he jumps the pit just when Dooky
Bird is overhead, that prehistoric bird will pick him up
and carry him across! Once over the cliff, Thor faces his
most difficult challenge: the volcanic eruption. In
addition to the obstacles on the ground, he is showered
with boulders from the sky. Then once again, Thor must
cross the river on the turtle's backs. If Thor can get
past Fat Broad and into the cave, he has only to go a short
distance to go to rescue Cute Chick. On his way, Thor must
duck under stalactites to avoid crashing. If Thor is lucky,
the Dinosaur will be out wreaking havoc on the countryside.
Thor is pretty brave, but not really a match for him. If
Thor does crash, don't worry: he has four wheels. But true
love is calling him, so use all your agility and cunning to
help him rescue Cute Chick!

"Help! Help!" - It's Cute Chick, and she's in trouble. The
dinosaur is holding her captive. If Thor doesn't get to her
in time, the dinosaur may even eat her! Yes, it's your
favourite caveman, Thor, straight from the comic strip B.C.!

Pushing the stick left with the button pressed down slows
Thor down.
Pushing the stick right while pressing the button speeds
Thor up.
Pushing the stick right makes Thor travel to the right.
Pushing the stick left makes Thor move to the left.
Pushing the stick upwards makes Thor jump.
Pushing the stick downwards make Thor duck.

W =3D Forward=09W + ENTER =3D Speed Up
Q =3D Pull Back=09Q + ENTER =3D Speed down
K =3D Jump=09ENTER     =3D Start
M =3D Duck

P Select Joystick/Keyboard (1,2,3,4)
O Select Number of Players (1,2)
I Select Skill Level (1,2,3,4)
S Pause

1: Keyboard=093: Protek
2: Kempston=094: Interface II

Trees=09=0910=09Falling Rocks=0910
Rocks=09=0910=09Rolling Rocks=0910

Each one of the above obstacles is worth more points when
cleared at higher speeds.

30 to 48 MPH - Points x 2
50 to 68 MPH - Points x 3=09Lava Pit=09200
70 to 80 MPH - Points x 4=09Rivers=09=09200

One Bonus Tire is awarded after the completion of every

Spectrum Conversion by MIKE DAVIES

Have you written a good game, utility or educational program
and need a Software House to market it for you? Then why not
send your cassette or disk to us at Software Projects for
free appraisal and possible acceptance? If you do not want
to send your program through the post, then a video on VHS,
Beta or Philips format showing the program being played will
be of help. We pay very good royalty rates or will buy your
program for a one off payment.

This software product has a life-time guarantee. If the tape
will not load from either side of the cassette we will
replace it free of charge. Send the whole package back
including colour coded insert to the address below.


The guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.

Software Projects Limited,
Bearbrand Complex,
Allerton Road, Woolton,
Liverpool 25 7SF
Telephone: 051-428 9393

On the reverse of this sheet you will find a matrix of
squares each containing four blocks of colours. This forms
part of a protection scheme. You will need these colours
when you first load the game into the computer, so please.


You will only need to refer to it when you first load in the
game. Load game as normal. When the game has loaded the
computer will prompt you for a location. Type the number
that corresponds to the colours shown. If you make a mistake
typing in, the program will give you a second chance. If you
get it wrong the second time the computer will return to
basic and you will have to load the program again from the

=A9 Copyright 1984 PADLOCK SYSTEMS

This cassette and documentation was produced by Software
Projects Ltd.

BC'S QUEST FOR TIRES =A9 SYDNEY 1984 Licensed from
Sierra-on-line. Licensed to Software Projects Ltd.
Unauthorised copying, lending, hiring, public broadcast,
transmission or distribution is prohibited. This product may
not be hired or offered for sale on any optional buy back
All rights of the author are reserved worldwide.
For sale in the U.K. only.

=46rom YS Issue 1:

In the first stage of the game, you must jump the divots and
casually-strewn rocks. It's not too tricky at the minimum
speed but the objects have a habit of bunching together so
prepare for some tight joystick manoeuvres. There's always
one sod around just waiting to trip you up!

Duck or grouse (groan)! Pull the joystick back smartish if
you want to get under the head-high branches without a nasty
case of concussion.

Into the forest now where you'll have to leap over fallen
logs - only this time you're travelling at four times the

The next section is similar to Frogger. You'll need
split-second timing to cross the pond on the backs of the
sinking and resurfacing turtles.

Looks just like the mother-in-law. Waiting on the other side
of the water is a cavewoman wielding a Jurassic baseball bat.
If your timing's out, you can knock another life on the head.

An added danger as you roll up the hill are the boulders
rolling back down. To gain a bit of extra distance, jump up
and jerk the joystick in the direction you want to go.

Running up that hill now, and you'll come across more rocks
and divots waiting to bring you back to earth with a bump.

To traverse the pond, get underneath the air/sea rescue bird
that's been shadowing you since you reached the plateau. As
soon as you see the water, jump up and he'll carry you across
to safety.

As soon as you hit the bottom of the hill, start accelerating
so that you hit the edge of the water at 80mph...and then
jump for your life!

Back on dry land and you've only got to negotiate the rocks
and divots but also keep out of the way of the boulders
raining down from the sky. Short sharp bursts of speed are
the only way you'll make it through to the other side.

More water and bobbing turtles. And if you've learnt the
pattern of the previous turtles, forget's a whole new
story here.

At the far side of the pond is a dinky dinosaur on the look
out for dinner. He'll pop his head out just long enough to
knock you off the turtles and into the drink. Timing is

Just to spur you on, a speech bubble pops up now and again to
remind you that your cute cavewife is still in danger.

Straight into the cave now with not even a moment to spare to
get your eyes accustomed to the dark. So, make sure that you
duck the stalactites and jump the stalagmites - or is it the
other way round?

You've made it - and though the course of true love wasn't
exactly smooth you've saved your sweetheart. So, after a
quick on-screen kiss 'n' cuddle, it's back to the beginning
again when the pace hots up even more.


Crash, issue 23, 46%
Your Sinclair, issue 1, p76, 8/10


Existed in America well before Britain, and converted over
here at a time when imported games were seen as 'the way
forward', with the success of US Gold and the minimal
prices needed to import/convert ready-made American games.
According to Sinclair User, the game was originally released
in the US in 1981 (obviously on a different system!) - so
it's truly 'prehistoric'! Ha, ha!
Protected by Software Project's 'Padlock System' (the one
with the massive block of colours, as used with JSW), also
used on the Alligata games.
The original cassette is a lovely blue colour, and has
'Software Projects' stamped on the red leader tape (very
similar to Elite's methods to avoid piracy by pointing out
to people when they had a pirate copy).

The title of this game is something of a mystery, as the
point of the game is obviously to rescue the girl. However,
as you get a bonus tire (tyre to our English readers) at
the end of every level, perhaps the producers decided to
make this the 'point' of the game (as the game wraps round
once you get the girl, thus making that 'aim' a bit