SecureCRT(TM) version 2.2 (Official Release) -- June 29, 1998

       Copyright (C) 1995-1998 by Van Dyke Technologies, Inc.
                        All rights reserved.

This software is subject to export control.  This software cannot be
transmitted, exported, or reexported without written consent of the
Bureau of Export Administration, United States Department of Commerce.


  SecureCRT is a 32-bit terminal emulator designed for Internet and
  intranet use with support for Secure Shell (ssh).  SecureCRT also
  supports the telnet and rlogin protocols. SecureCRT includes a 30
  day try-before-you-buy evaluation license for the fully functional 
  application. SecureCRT is easy to use and extremely customizable. 

  SecureCRT is ideal for connecting to remote systems running UNIX and
  VMS as well as the many BBS's and databases that are now available
  via the Internet. Remote sites can be easily accessed by just entering
  a hostname.

  SecureCRT delivers quality VT100, VT102, VT220 and ANSI terminal
  emulations. All of SecureCRT's emulations support ANSI color.

  SecureCRT is packed with features. Some of the more popular features
  include named sessions, auto login, printing, ZModem file transfer,
  emacs mode, and SOCKS firewall support.

  If you have any questions, please visit our updated web site at

  or, send e-mail to


  Upgrade pricing is available for registered users of CRT.

  SecureCRT 2.2 is not available for Windows 3.1.  At this time, there
  are no plans to release SecureCRT for Windows 3.1.

  - Registry settings are independent for CRT and SecureCRT

  - SecureCRT can use an existing CRT.CFG.  However, we recommend
    that you don't use the same CRT.CFG for both SecureCRT and CRT.
    You can select which CRT.CFG SecureCRT uses from SecureCRT's
    "File / Open Session File" menu.

Reporting Bugs

  If you experience an uncaught exception, General Protection
  Fault (GPF), or something you believe is a bug, please send e-mail
  to .

  Please do not assume someone else will report it.  We will try to
  resolve reported bugs as quickly as possible.  However, we can't
  resolve bugs that are not reported.

  Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. In your
  e-mail message, please include the following information:

     The version of SecureCRT (as shown in the About dialog box)
     The TCP/IP package and version
     The operating system and version


  For information on registration, see Registration under the Help
  menu, License Registration in SecureCRT.HLP, or .

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (Official Release)


  - Fixed typo in RSA authentication message box
  - Chat window did not send multi-line text correctly
  - Telnet terminal type negotiation could fail if telnet
    server response was sent in two parts

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 7)


  - Using port forwarding, only connections from localhost (
    are forwarded
  - Using port forwarding, connections to the SSH server were not
    always closed
  - Eliminated a race condition that would cause a connection
    via a proxy to fail
  - Canceling a script that was executing a wait statement
    would fail

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 6b)


  - Using SSH, a dropped dialup connection would cause a GPF
  - AltGr+C, AltGr+N, AltGr+Q were being treated as accelerators

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 6a)


  - Title bar and tray icon now change if connected via SSH
    and the SSH connection is encrypted


  - Using SSH in combination with SOCKS would GPF

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 6)

New features:

  - SSH support now includes port forwarding
  - SSH support now includes session-specific identity files


  - "Open URL" now attempts to use the currently running browser
  - Updated online help and "What's this" help
  - Receive ASCII no longer filters out 8-bit characters
  - "File / Trace Options" now displays SOCKS information


  - Cursor might not start blinking when focus was moved to CRT
  - Printing option "Use pass through escape" was broken
  - Printing option "Direct pass through printing to port" was broken    
  - In emacs mode, Alt+Backspace sent Esc+Backspace twice
  - In emacs mode, Alt+N, Alt+C, Alt+Q were handled incorrectly
  - On the Connect dialog, switching from the Session List to
    Quick Connect could cause the new connection to fail
  - "Backspace sends delete" option is ignored for the delete
    key on the numeric keypad
  - ANSI emulation didn't handle insert mode escape sequence
  - When NumLock is mapped to PF1, combinations such as Ctrl+NumLock 
    would fail
  - "Initial Position" option was broken
  - Quick Connect did not use default settings for protocol
    or firewall 
  - When connecting via firewall, login script was started prematurely
  - When connecting via firewall, telnet negotiation was started prematurely
  - "Disable Resize" was ignored when "Cascade Windows" from the desktop
    was selected
  - "Open URL" did not work in the scrollback area

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 5)

New features:

  - Added dialog to generate identity files
  - "Open URL" will now open URLs of the form
  - Combined Quick Connect and Connect dialogs
  - In Keymap Editor, double clicking on key now displays
    dialog to map that key
  - Added option to show either Session List or Quick Connect 
    on startup
  - Session entered via Quick Connect can now be saved
  - Reserved key combination Alt+F6 can now be mapped


  - Moved "Open URL" lower on context menu (right mouse click)
  - Changed title bar from "CRT - [session]" to "[session] - CRT"


  - "Open URL" incorrectly included ")" as part of a URL
  - "Edit/Reset" did not reset VT/ANSI scrolling region
  - Using /QDLG on command line made "New Window" fail
  - With "Disable Resize" on, grabbing the top or left frame
    edge moved the window
  - Ctrl+Tab now works better with virtual desktops
  - Some mapped escaped sequences were sent one character
    at a time
  - Keymap Editor sometimes displayed the incorrect mapping
  - Keymap Editor displayed characters > 127 incorrectly
  - View size was miscalculated when resizing window by ~6 pixels
  - Using SOCKS would occasionally GPF

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 4)

New features:

  - Added cipher Blowfish
  - Location of RSA identification file is stored in user's Registry
  - Added command line option for cipher (/c)
  - Added command line option to specify identity file (/i)
  - Added support for SOCKS
  - User is now warned when a new or changed host key is received
  - Saving SSH passwords in Registry file can be disabled by changing
       LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Van Dyke Technologies/SecureCRT/SSH/Save Passwords
  - Added protocol status to status bar


  - SSH protocol identification string 1.3 and greater now accepted
  - Password for SSH connection is now encrypted
  - Password cannot be specified when using Quick Connect
  - "Hide mouse on key press" now works in chat window
  - Check for idle time is now dependent only on keyboard
    input (not data received)
  - Reverted back to 2.0e title bar behavior when xterm
    escape sequence is received
  - Default size for toolbar is now small icons


  - Deletion send string in Keymap Editor was ignored
  - With ANSI color and blink on, background should not be bold
  - Added check to eliminate sending same telnet command consecutively
  - Quick Connect using rlogin and no username failed
  - Browser could fail to start when "Open URL..." was selected
  - Mapping Ctrl+Pause with a custom keymap was ignored
  - Mapping Pause key with the Keymap Editor failed

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 3)

New features:

  - Added /QDLG command line option


  - Added 80/132 column switching to ANSI emulation
  - Mouse wheel support added for Windows 95


  - Changes in color scheme were not always reflected immediately
    in terminal window
  - Number of scrollback lines was reset if SecureCRT was maximized
  - A running script would GPF if a dialog was displayed and
    the connection was closed by remote host
  - A second quoted command line argument was not handled properly
  - Current character sets weren't saved/restored when cursor
    position was saved/restored
  - Telnet negotiation was incompatible with checkpoint firewall
  - SecureCRT would hang when running HP ttytype and using rlogin
  - Command line option "/F" was not passed to new windows
  - Overstrike bold was being used when ANSI color was on
  - When NumLock was mapped to PF1 and while NumLock was down,
    all other keystrokes were ignored

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 2)

New features:

  - None


  - Keyboard input is now ignored when doing an ASCII send
  - Added support for 57600 and 115200 baud rates to serial configuration


  - Using Keymap Editor to map a key to run a script was not
    correctly written to keymap file
  - Changing details of color scheme weren't immediately
    reflected in view
  - Hostname or URL on command line could GPF
  - Auto Print to file could GPF
  - ASCII send wasn't terminated on disconnect
  - "Open URL" didn't consistently open correct web page
  - ZModem upload over serial connection could GPF

Changes in SecureCRT 2.2 (beta 1)

New features:

  - Added serial (a.k.a. COM port) support
  - Added ability to run a script from the menu
  - Added ability map a key combination to run script
  - Added "Open URL" to context menu (right mouse button)
  - Added support to send/receive ASCII files
  - Added National Replacement Characters sets
    (British, Dutch, Finnish, French, French Canadian, German,
    Italian, Norwegian/Danish, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss)
  - Added ability to set foreground and background for all
    eight combinations of the attributes (blink, underline, bold)
  - Added option to disable blink
  - Added toolbar with small icons
  - Added anti-idle support
  - Added 2 new cursor styles
  - Added support to customize cursor color
  - Added support to use standard Font dialog
  - Added support to specify 2nd font for 132-column mode
  - Added Ctrl+Tab to rotate between SecureCRT sessions
  - Added support to map key combination based on NumLock state
  - Added support for paste (\v) and pause (\p) for keyboard mappings
  - Added support for F Keys in chat window
  - Added minimal mouse wheel support
  - Added simulation of middle mouse button
  - Added Quick Connect
  - Added Reconnect 
  - Added margin on left edge of view (by default 3 pixels)
  - Added "strip 8th bit" option
  - Added optional "execute escape sequence" support
  - Added SOCKS5 support
  - Added Registry setting to disable cursor position indicator
  - Added Registry setting to disable Alt selecting menu in emacs mode
  - Added display of selection range on status bar
  - Added check/option to set SecureCRT as default telnet application
  - Added VT52 mode support (VT100, VT102, and VT220 emulations)
  - Added support to cancel "Auto Print" job


  - In emacs mode, turn off menu highlighting via Alt key
  - Keymap Editor is now always enabled
  - VT line drawing characters are now printed as: +,-,|
  - User title bar text is now used as prefix when xterm title
    bar escape sequence is received
  - NumLock state and keyboard light are preserved when NumLock
    is mapped as PF1
  - string literals can now contain the quote character when properly
    escaped (e.g., "\"")


  - Couldn't turn off GR_INVISIBLE
  - Escape sequence deleted the character in the last column
  - "Window" menu was empty (Windows 3.1 only)
  - Blinking cursor wasn't started after window was restored
    from minimized state
  - Workaround for some MS fonts that don't paint background
  - Printing did not expand tabs correctly
  - Focus was not restored to chat window when appropriate
  - Race condition where socket with data would be closed before data was displayed

SecureCRT Features 

  - Support for Blowfish, DES, 3DES and RC4 ciphers

  - Support for RSA and password authentication methods

  - Named session allows the user to have different preferences
    for different hosts

  - Simple mechanism for automating logins

  - An optional chat window provides an editable type-ahead buffer

  - Support for rlogin and telnet protocol
      Telnet supports Window Size Change (NAWS)
      Telnet supports Local Flow Control (LFLOW)

  - Quality VT100, VT102, VT220, and ANSI emulation, including:
      VT line drawing
      Support for bold, underline, and reverse attributes
      Double width and double height fonts
      80/132 column switching
      VT100 and VT220 keyboard emulation
      Optional ANSI color
      Xterm extensions for mouse support and changing title bar
  - SOCKS version 4 and version 5 (telnet and SSH only)
  - Generic telnet proxy firewall support

  - ZModem file transfer over telnet and rlogin (upload and download)

  - Printing: auto print, selection, and screen

  - User-configurable number of rows and columns
  - User-defined foreground, background, and bold colors
  - User-defined number of savelines (scroll back)
  - User-defined keymaps
  - User-defined word delimiter characters for double click 
  - Emacs mode maps Alt+<key> to send Esc+<key>

  - Support for use from the command line or web browsers
  - Copy and paste, including an "auto copy" option
  - A session can be logged to a file
  - Easy setup/install

All inquiries should be directed to:

   Van Dyke Technologies
   P.O. Box 37457
   Albuquerque, NM  87176
