2. Document Object Model (Core) Level 1

2.9 IDL Interface definitions

This section contains the IDL definitions for the objects in the core Document Object Model. The HTML IDL definition is here , and the XML IDL definition, including the types to represent the document type definition is here .

interface DOM {
  Document            createDocument(in wstring type);
  boolean             hasFeature(in wstring feature);

interface DocumentContext {
  attribute Document       document;

interface DocumentFragment : Node {
  attribute Document       masterDoc;

interface Document : DocumentFragment {
  attribute Node           documentType;
  attribute Element        documentElement;
  attribute DocumentContext contextInfo;
  DocumentContext     createDocumentContext();
  Element             createElement(in wstring tagName, 
                                    in AttributeList attributes);
  Text                createTextNode(in wstring data);
  Comment             createComment(in wstring data);
  PI                  createPI(in wstring name, 
                               in wstring data);
  Attribute           createAttribute(in wstring name, 
                                      in Node value);
  AttributeList       createAttributeList();
  NodeIterator        getElementsByTagName();

interface Node {
  // NodeType
  const int            DOCUMENT             = 1;
  const int            ELEMENT              = 2;
  const int            ATTRIBUTE            = 3;
  const int            PI                   = 4;
  const int            COMMENT              = 5;
  const int            TEXT                 = 6;

  int                 getNodeType();
  Node                getParentNode();
  NodeIterator        getChildNodes();
  boolean             hasChildNodes();
  Node                getFirstChild();
  Node                getPreviousSibling();
  Node                getNextSibling();
  Node                insertBefore(in Node newChild, 
                                   in Node refChild);
  Node                replaceChild(in Node newChild, 
                                   in Node oldChild);
  Node                removeChild(in Node oldChild);

interface NodeIterator {
  unsigned long       getLength();
  Node                getCurrent();
  Node                toNext();
  Node                toPrevious();
  Node                toFirst();
  Node                toLast();
  Node                toNth(in int Nth);
  Node                toNode(in Node destNode);

interface TreeIterator : NodeIterator {
  unsigned long       numChildren();
  unsigned long       numPreviousSiblings();
  unsigned long       numNextSiblings();
  Node                toParent();
  Node                toPreviousSibling();
  Node                toNextSibling();
  Node                toFirstChild();
  Node                toLastChild();
  Node                toNthChild();

interface Attribute {
  wstring             getName();
  attribute Node           value;
  attribute boolean        specified;
  wstring             toString();

interface AttributeList {
  Attribute           getAttribute(in wstring attrName);
  Attribute           setAttribute(in Attribute attr);
  Attribute           remove(in wstring attrName);
  Attribute           item(in unsigned long index);
  unsigned long       getLength();

interface Element : Node {
  wstring             getTagName();
  AttributeList       attributes();
  void                setAttribute(in Attribute newAttr);
  void                normalize();
  NodeIterator        getElementsByTagName();

interface Text : Node {
  attribute wstring        data;
  void                append(in wstring data);
  void                insert(in int offset, 
                             in wstring data);
  void                delete(in int offset, 
                             in int count);
  void                replace(in int offset, 
                              in int count, 
                              in wstring data);
  void                splice(in Element element, 
                             in int offset, 
                             in int count);

interface Comment : Node {
  attribute wstring        data;

interface PI : Node {
  attribute wstring        name;
  attribute wstring        data;