vechief: vechief (Vector Linux Chief Tool-Kit)
vechief: This package allows automatic building of a
vechief: VL distro from various materials including:
vechief: - Slackware or Vector Linux CDROM
vechief: - Ready made package (tgz)
vechief: - Source code (tar.gz/tar.bz2) plus custom files
vechief: Requires checkinstall, vecpkg2, and vecteloper.
vechief: Author: Eko M. Budi, Vector Linux
vechief: License: GNU GPL

BUILDDATE: Wed Oct 13 12:55:53 WST 2004
HOST     : Linux 2.4.27 i686
DISTRO   : Vector Linux TEST 5.0rc0
CFLAGS   : -O3 -mcpu=i686 -march=i586
CONFIGURE: --prefix=/usr/local
DEPENDENCY: vasm2-5.0.1-noarch-vl5
DEPENDENCY: vecpkg2-5.0.1.beta-noarch-vl5
DEPENDENCY: vecteloper-5.0.2.beta-noarch-vl5
DEPENDENCY: bash-3.0-i486-1