2UTF: Translates char-sets and decodes MIME.
3c5x9utils: configuration and diagnostic utils for 3Com 5x9 cards.
9wm: a Plan 9 lookalike window manager for X11
APE: "APE" A Portable Environment for writing Threaded C++ services
ASBeautifier: C++, C, Java beautifier/reindenter
Acme: The Acme library
AfterStep-8bit-icons: Reduced color icons for the AfterStep window manager.
Atari800: Atari 800 Emulator (SVGAlib version)
BitchX: The premiere IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client.
BitchX-75p2: Improved color IRC client with built-in scripts
C++2LaTeX: Pretty-printer for converting C/C++ code to a LaTeX listing
CJK: LaTeX2e macro package for Chinese/Japanese/Korean scripts
CJK-chinese-b5: Chinese fonts for the CJK package
CJK-chinese-cns: Chinese fonts for the CJK package
CJK-chinese-gb: Chinese fonts for the CJK package
CJK-chinese-kai: Chinese fonts for the CJK package
CJK-emacs: Emacs support for the CJK package
CJK-fonts: Fonts for the CJK package
CJK-hbf: HBF fonts and utilities for the CJK package
CJK-japanese: Japanese fonts for the CJK package
CJK-korean: Korean fonts for the CJK package
CJK-truetype: Truetype utilities for the CJK package
DBD-Pg: DBD-Pg - Postgres
DBD-Sybase: Perl DBD::Sybase module
DBD_Sybase: Perl DBD::Sybase module
DBI-monitor: Interactive shell with readline for DBI
DBI-perl-bin: DBI-DBD - Perl Module
Data-Dumper: Perl module for dumping complex data structures
EmiClock: Hyper animated face analog clock for X11
Eterm: Eterm Enlightened Terminal Emulator for X Windows
FaxMail: A program to send faxes for free via email and the TPC system
FileRunner: A simple and efficient file manager
FlightGear: FlightGear,  Flight Simulator
FunktrackerGOLD: A digital music tracker.
GXedit_gtk10x: Editeur de texte X11.
GetoptLong: Getopt::Long -- Universal Command Line Processing for Perl5
GlideControl: GlideControl, a GTK-based 3Dfx configuration utility
Gobo: The Gobo Eiffel Library and Eiffel development tools.
Gtk-Perl: Perl extensions for GTK+ (the Gimp ToolKit).
HP-printcap: Printcap configuration and utilities for HP laserjets
ISO-8859-2-console-fonts: ISO-8859-2 console fonts
IconFest: collection of mostly 48x48 icons and tiles in xpm/tif format
ImageMagick-perl: libraries and modules for access to ImageMagick from perl
Isearch: Isearch text search engine
LAGII: Interprets and runs AGI games
LPRng: A next-generation printing system for UNIX
LinPopUp: Linux enhanced port of winpopup
Linux-Permissions.HOWTO: Documentation for how to use permissions in Linux
MHonArc: a Perl mail-to-HTML converter
MPEG: mpeg encoder and decoder
MailTools: Mail tools
Maverik: A vr micro-Kernel
Maverik-demos: Maverik Demos
Mesa-glut: The GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) library for Mesa/OpenGL 3-D graphics.
Mesa-glut-devel: The GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) development environment for Mesa/OpenGL 3-D graphics.
Mixer.app: A simple, nice looking mixer application
NNTPClient: News::NNTPClient - Perl 5 module to talk to NNTP (RFC977) server
NetStreamer: NetStreamer - an audio streaming server and transmitter programs
NetStreamer-client: NetStreamer client programs
News-Article: News::Article - Object for handling Usenet articles in mail or news form.
News-Newsrc: News::Newsrc manages newsrc files
News-Scan: Stats etc. on News
NewsCache: Caching news server
NoSQL: NoSQL RDBMS - UNIX Relationl Database Management System.
OffiX-Clipboard: A drag and drop clipboard patch for xclipboard.
OffiX-Editor: Drag and Drop Editor
OffiX-Execute: Execution wrapper for non-X applications
OffiX-Files: Drag and Drop File Manager
OffiX-Printer: A drag and drop print manager.
OffiX-Trash: Drag and Drop Trashcan
OffiX-devel: Drag and Drop library
PGP-Sign: Routines for PGP signing text.
PQEdit: Perl PQ Edit cgi database editor script
PerlTk: Tk modules for Perl
Plotmtv: PLOTMTV - A multipurpose X11 plotting program
Propaganda: Desktop Background Images.
R-Rnotes: R-package: The datasets for the exercises in Rnotes.
R-VR: R port of "Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS" libraries
R-acepack: R-package: ACE and AVAS
R-base: A language for data analysis and graphics
R-bindata: R-package: Generation of Artificial Binary Data
R-cclust: R-package: Convex clustering methods
R-coda: R-package: Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations.
R-contrib: contributed packages for the R language
R-ctest: Classical tests for R
R-e1071: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
R-gee: Generalized Estimating Equation solver for R
R-gnlm: R-package: Generalized nonlinear regression models
R-growth: R-package: Normal theory repeated measurements models
R-lme: Linear mixed effects library for R
R-lmtest: R package: Testing linear models
R-mlbench: Machine Learning Benchmark Problems for R
R-oz: R functions to plot the Australian coastline and states
R-pls: R-package: univariate Partial Least Squares Regression.
R-polynom: Univariate polynomial class for R
R-ppr: R-package: Projection pursuit regression
R-princurve: R-package: fits a principal curve to a data matrix
R-quadprog: R functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems.
R-rational: R functions to find numerical rational approximations
R-repeated: R-package: Models for non-normal repeated measurements
R-rmutil: R-package: Tools for repeated measurements
R-sm: kernel smoothing methods for R
R-splines: Regression Spline Functions and Classes for R
R-stable: Functions related to the stable distribution for R
RDBAL: Perl RDBAL (Relational DataBase Abstraction Layer) module
SDL: Simple DirectMedia Layer API
SDL-devel: Header files and static libraries for SDL
SNNS: Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator
SNNS-doc: SNNS-Documentation
STK: Synthesis tool kit
Set-IntSpan: Set::IntSpan manages sets of integers
SmallEiffel: The GNU Eiffel Compiler and Libraries
SmartList: Mailing list manager
SoundStudio: A Tcl/Tk sound file editor.
TimeDate: Parses times & dates
TkDesk-static: Graphical desktop manager.  Static build with tcl7.6/tk4.2 for RH 5.0.
TkZip: A graphical archive manager similar to WinZip
VRwave: VRML 2.0 browser.
Visual-Tcl: Visual Tcl : a Tcl IDE
WSoundPrefs: Window Maker Sound Preferences
WWWstats: WWWstats: build detailed statistics for a WWW server.
WavPlugin: Wav Netscape Plugin
WebMaker: WebMaker is a GUI HTML editor
Welcome2L: Linux ANSI boot logo
WindowMaker-data: WindowMaker Window Manager - Pixmaps
WindowMaker-debug: debuggable binary of Window Maker
WindowMaker-devel: Window Maker development libraries
WindowMaker-extra: WindowMaker Window Manager - Icons and Themes
Wine-devel: Development package for the Wine package
Wormz: Wormz - silly network multiplayer game
X11-locales-th: X11 ressources for localization (Thai)
XFrisk: one-liner
XITE: X-based Image processing Tools and Environment
XaoS: fast realtime fractal zoomer for SVGAlib, X11 and text displays
Xbae: Xbae Motif table widget.
XmHTML: Motif HTML widget
XmHTML-devel: Development package of XmHTML
Xsoko: Another version of popular sokoban game.
Xterminal: Text-based Object Oriented User Interface library
Xterminal-devel: Text-based Object Oriented User Interface library
XwmMenu: Small X based utility to simplify Window Manager selection
Ygl: Ygl emulates SGI's GL routines under X11.
Zope: Z Object Publishing Environment
Zope-pcgi: ZOPE Persistent CGI engine
Zope-zserver: Initial Object Database/Standalone HTTP Server
a2ac: AFM to AFM with composite characters filter
a2ps: Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM).
aalib: An ASCII art library.
aalib-devel: The static libraries and header files for AA-lib.
aalib-progs: AA-lib tools
aavga: Simple svgalib dropin replacement that utilizes aalib
abs: Small graphical spreadsheet with macro language
abuse: Abuse - A really cool X/SVGA Game
ace-rhcn: Ace of penguins
acidwarp: Linux port of a DOS screensaver
acm: X based flight combat
acs: Spice-like analog simulator
acua: An user account management system.
ad: Dumps out files in both hexadecimal and ASCII
aee: An easy to use text editor.
aero: Animations Editor for Realistic Object motion
aero-demos: AERO demo
afio: Archiver program which writes cpio-format archives
afio-rsh: Archiver program which writes cpio-format archives
afm2pfm: Type-1 font metrics converters
alevt: Videotext/Teletext decoder and displayer for /dev/vbi
alien: Install Debian and Slackware Packages with rpm.
amanda: A network-capable tape backup solution.
amanda-client: The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system.
amanda-server: The server side of the AMANDA tape backup system.
amaya: Web Browser/Editor from the World Wide Web Consortium
amcl: Client MUD.
amp: Audio Mpeg Player (BETA)
analog: WWW server logfile analysis program
analog-form: Form interface to analog
angband: Role playing game + borg extension
aout-libs: Compatibility libraries for old applications which use a.out.
apcupsd: UPS power management under Linux for APCC Products.
arc: Arc archiver
arrow: A mail program for X-Windows.
ascd: a CD player for Afterstep and Window Maker
ascdc: The AfterStep CD Changer
ascii: interactive ASCII name and synonym chart
asclock: The AfterStep Clock
asl: Multi-target portable assembler
asmail: Mail notification program (much spiffier than xbiff).
asmixer: The AfterStep Mixer
asmodem: Afterstep/WindowMaker Modem app
aspell: Aspell is an Open Source spell checker.
aspell-devel: Static Libraries and header files for aspell
aterm: aterm - terminal emulator in an X window
auctex: Enhanced LaTeX mode for GNU Emacs
autorpm: RPM Auto-Installer or FTP Mirrorer
autoupdate: Keeps one or more Red Hat Linux systems current on updates
autoupdate-client: Client side for the autoupdate program
avfs: AVFS library to open .zip, .tgz, etc. files as filesystems
aview: aview is an high quality ascii-art image(pnm) browser and animation(fli/flc) player.
awemidi: AWE32 MIDI Player for Linux
ax25-utils: AX.25 Utilities
ax25-utils-devel: AX.25 Utilities - Development Package
backorifice-unix-client: UNIX Client for BackOrifice
balsa: The GNOME Email Client
bash-man: man pages for bash builtins
battalion: A Mesa graphics library based game about a city destroying monster.
bb: aview is an high quality ascii-art image(pnm) browser and animation(fli/flc) player.
bbdb: The Insidious Big Brother Database
bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
beav: A binary editor with emacs-like keybindings.
bgm: background music player
bin86-rhcn: Real mode 80x86 assembler and linker.
bind-chroot: BIND - DNS name server chrooted
bind-chroot-devel: DNS development includes and libs
bind-chroot-utils: DNS utils - host, dig, dnsquery, nslookup
bind-docs: Docs for configuring bind
binkd: binkd - FTN mailer over TCP/IP
binstats: An administration utility
bip: Send message to pagers using the Internet
blackbox: blackbox - a window manager for X11
blas: The Basic Linear Algebra libraries for Linux
blas-man: Manpages for BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subsystem) routines
blue: Blue Moon solitaire (text mode)
bmv: Simple viewer of images (pbm-raw) and front end for GhostScript based on SVGAlib
bplay: A sound player and recorder for raw audio, .wav and .voc files.
bpowerd: Power Control Program for Best Patriot UPS
bprof: Profiler shows time spend in each line of source code.
brs: Bible Reading, Browsing and Searching Tool
bs: Battleships against the computer (character-cell graphics)
bsd-games: A collection of BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution) games.
bttv: Drivers for Brooktree bt-484 based television cards
buici: Xlib implementation of an attractive, configurable clock.
buildkernel: Builds a Linux kernel from the source and patches.
buz-tools: Buz Tools
caiw4linux: Inlog scripts voor Linux bij CAI Westland
calamaris: parses the Squid V1.1.x, V1.2.x or V2.0.x Native Log Format and generates a report.
calendar: Famous original Unix appointment calendar
cam: CAM Audio Mixer
camlp4: A Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml.
cccc: Code metrics computation tools
cdda2wav: Audio CD decoder
cdlabelgen: cdlabelgen - generates frontcards and traycards for CDs
cdparanoia-III: Utility to copy digital audio cd's.
cdrdao: Cdrdao - Write audio CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode
cdrdao-xcdrdao: A very early version of the Gtk-- based GUI xcdrdao.
cdrecord-mkisofs: Creates a ISO9660 filesystem image
cdtool: Powerful command line CDROM player and tools.
ce: Chet's EMACS - A small fast EMACS like editor
cfdisk-glibc: Full-screen, color version of fdisk
cfengine: Cfengine helps administer remote BSD and System-5-like systems
cfingerd: Replacement finger daemon
cfingerd-noroot: Replacement finger daemon
cflow: show C call structure
cgi.tcl: CGI support library for Tcl programmers
cgihtml: CGI and HTML library for C
check-packages: Watches for changes between RPM database and actual system
cheops: A graphical user interface for network management.
chitex: ChiTeX is a chinese TeX and LaTeX --- by Hung-Yih Chen
chos: Choose OS (Alternative Boot loader)
chos-X11: Visual Chos
chos-rebooter: Graphical Addon for Choose-OS
chrony: Chrony clock synchronization program
cim: Simula to C translator. Mother of all OO-languages.
circus: cIRCus is a graphical irc client for Linux/X11
ckcdrom: Check CD-ROM image
cld: Call Logger daemon
clips: Clips language for expert systems
clips-X11: X interface to Clips
clisp: Common Lisp (ANSI CL) implementation
clobberd: Limit connect and CPU time for users.
cmu-snmp: CMU SNMP agent
cmu-snmp-devel: CMU SNMP development libs and headers
cmu-snmp-utils: CMU SNMP utilities
code_crusader: Code Crusader is a UNIX development environment for X Windows.
code_medic: A UNIX debugging environment.
codeconv: Hungarian code converting utility
cooledit: Full featured multiple window programmer's text editor
coolmail: Coolmail mail notification utility
cosmo: Cosmo Gang the Puzzle
cpmtools: A collection of CP/M tools
crafty-small-book: crafty is a chess program
crossfire: Role-playing graphical adventure game.
crossfire-client: Client for connecting to crossfire servers.
crossfire-client-gtk: GTK client for crossfire
crossfire-client-sounds: Sound effects for the crossfire game
crossfire-gnome: GNOME client for crossfire
crossfire-maps: Role-playing graphical adventure game (maps).
crossfire-server: Utilities usefull for running a crossfire server.
crossfire-sounds: Sound effects for the crossfire game
crossmingw32: Mingw32 GNU Binary Utility Development Utilities
crypt++: code for handling all sorts of compressed and encrypted files
cryst: A 6DOF 3D game engine
csindex: utility for creating a Czech/Slovak-sorted LaTeX index-files
ctags-rhcn: Exuberant ctags -- C cross-reference tool
cthugha: Takes sound input from a CD, stereo, or microphone and displays colorful animated graphics synced to the sound
curl: get a file from a FTP, GOPHER or HTTP server.
cvs-cyclic: Concurrent Versions System
cvsweb: CGI script that allows Web-browsing of a CVS repository
cweb: The CWEB System of Structured Documentation
cxref: C Cross Referencing & Documenting Tool
cxterm-color: Chinese X-term
cxterm-color-big5: big5 Traditional
cxterm-color-fonts: Fonts
cxterm-color-gb: GB Simplified
cxterm-color-jis: JIS Japanese
cxterm-color-ks: KS Korean
cyrcon: Cyrillic Console
cyrispell: Cyrillisation of ispell
cyrps: Cyrillic PS Fonts
d1x: Descent for Linux
daVinci: daVinci is a universal, generic visualization system for automatic generation of high-quality drawings of directed graphs.
dailyscript: Create daily summaries of system activity from system logs.
db: SleepyCat.com's version 2.x of the Berkeley db
db-devel: Development headers and libs for berkeley db-2.x
dbanner: Yet, another banner. With various fonts
dbf2mysql: dbf2mysql & mysql2dbf
dbs_server: Telephony Server for the Panasonic DBS phone system
dbview: dbview - view dBase files
dc20: Utilities for Kodak DC20 Digital Camera
dcalc: DCALC is a simple curses based RPN calculator.
dcd: Command-line CD player
dcf77time: DCF77 radio clock information for LINUX
dclock: dclock -- digital clock for X
ddd: The Data Display Debugger is a GUI for gdb and several other debuggers.
ddd-doc: DDD documentation
ddd-dynamic: X interface to the GDB, DBX and XDB debuggers
ddd-semistatic: X interface to the GDB, DBX and XDB debuggers
ddd-static: X interface to the GDB, DBX and XDB debuggers
defrag: Linux filesystem defragmenter
dejagnu: Cygnus dejagnu.
delegate: General purpose TCP/IP proxy system
deny: TCP Wrapper manager.
despam: Filter spam from incoming e-mail using procmail
dev86: Development environment for ELKS-86.
dfm: A filemanager based loosely on OS/2's WPS.
dgs: Display Postscript server
dhcp-3.0-alpha: Dynamic Host Control Protocol Server and Clients.
dhcp-client: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhcp-client-3.0-alpha: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhcpd: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
dhcpd-client: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dia: Dia is an advanced program for making technical diagrams
diablo-1.20: DIABLO is a backbone news transit system
diablo: An extremely efficient backbone news transit system.
diald: Daemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPP.
diald-config: Configuration files for diald
diald-config-metered: Configure diald to manage ppp0 on an metered phone line.
diald-config-unmetered: Configure diald to manage ppp0 on an unmetered phone line.
diald16: Daemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPP.
diald16-config: Configuration files for diald
dialog-glibc: Utility to display nice dialog boxes from shell scripts
dict-gazetteer: U.S. Gazetteer data for the programs dict and dictd
dict-misc: Miscellaneous databases for the programs dict and dictd
dict-web1913: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) for dict and dictd
dict-wn: WordNet (r) 1.6 database for the programs dict and dictd
dictd: Client/server software implementing the Dictionary Server Protocol
diskcheck: Watches for hard drives that fill up...
display-dhammapada: Displays a verse from the Dhammapada.
dlh: A fast LaTeX to HTML translator.
dmalloc: Debugging MALLOC
doc++: DOC++ - A Documentation System for C/C++ and Java
doom: DOOM for Linux Consoles & X-Windows
dos2unix: Text file format converter
dosfsck: Creates a DOS FAT filesystem on a device
dotfile: Dotfile configuration utility
doxygen: Doxygen is a documentation system for C/C++
dpsftp: DPS-FTP is a clone of Bulletproof Software's Bulletproof FTP.
dpsftp-static: DPS-FTP is a clone of Bulletproof Software's Bulletproof FTP.
dxpc: The Differential X Protocol Compressor
eMusic-DR: A general purpose, configurable sound file conversion tool designed for use with the Enlightenment window manager.
eMusic: Sound player for the Enlightenment window-manager.
elvis: Elvis - VI Replacement
elvis-X11: Elvis VI Replacement - X11 Interface
emacspeak: a speech interface to Emacs
emiclock: a cute Japanese girl analog clock for X11
empire: Empire Wolfpack Game Server
enigma: enigma and makekey
eperl: an extension to perl that turns itinside out (useful for HTML scripting)
epic: Another popular Unix IRC client
epic-help: Help Files and Documentation for EPIC
eplus: Small add-on designed to be used by Enlightenment users.
erc: ERC is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client program for Emacs.
erlang: Erlang/OTP BEAM Emulator Implementation
erlang-devel: Source code for the Erlang libraries
erlang-docs: Documentation for the Erlang language
erlang-gs_apps: Source code for the Erlang libraries
erlang-gs_apps-devel: Source code for the Erlang libraries
erlang-otp_libs: Source code for the Erlang libraries
erlang-otp_libs-devel: Source code for the Erlang libraries
esh: esh, the easy shell.
eterm: A terminal program for users of the Enlightenment window manager.
etftp: The Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol, RFC 1986, client/server.
ethereal: Network traffic analyzer
ewhost: ewhost contains an improved version of 'host'.
ewping: ewping contains an improved version of 'ping'.
ewtraceroute: ewtraceroute contains an improved version of 'traceroute'.
exim: University of Cambridge Mail Transfer Agent
exim-X11: X windows based Exim administration tool
exim-doc: Documentation for Exim Mail Transfer Agent
exmh-rhcn: EXMH mail program
ext2ed: ext2 filesystem editor for hackers *only*
eznet: EZnet ppp connection manager
ezppp: A Qt-based PPP connection tool
f2c: f2c program and static libraries
fake: Switches in redundant servers using arp spoofing
fakebo: Fakes trojan servers and logs incoming requests
fan: fan allows you to turn the internal fan of a Toshiba laptop on or off
fb: a utility for the viewing and editing of binary files.
fetchpop: POP3 mail client
ffingerd: Secure finger daemon
fftw: fast fourier transform library
fftw-devel: headers, libraries, & docs for FFTW fast fourier transform library
fftw-float: FFTW libraries with float as real type
fltk: multiplatform C++ gui toolkit
fly: A command-line program for creating simple graphics
flying: pool, snooker, air hockey, and other table games
fmirror: Mirror directories from ftp servers
fntutl: font converters for console fonts
fortune-cs: database of the Czech and Slovak fortune cookies
fping: Fast ping -- checks if multiple machines are alive.
freeamp: FreeAmp - MPEG Audio Player
freebuilder: Java IDE
freefonts: Collection of Free ATM Fonts
freetype-demo: FreeType test and demo programs
freetype-progs: Freetype library utilities
freeze: Freeze archiver and compressor
freshrpms: Fetch RPM packages from FTP servers which are newer than the ones installed on your system
frotz: an interpreter for all Infocom games
fsgrab: get blocks from an (ext2) filesystem on Linux
fsviewer: FSViewer is a NeXT FileViewer lookalike for Window Maker.
ftape: driver for floppy tape drives
ftp4all: FTP Server with many features (standalone)
funny-manpages: Funny man pages.
g2: g2 graphical library
gEDA: Electronic design tools
gEDA-lib: GEDA's library and symbols for gschem
gIDE: gtk-based Integrated Development Environment for C.
gau: X communications program
gb2jis: convert GuoBiao Hanzi to JIS Kanji
gcc: GNU C Compiler
gcc-c++: C++ support for gcc
gcc-libc5: GNU C Compiler
gcc-libc5-c++: C++ support for gcc
gcc-libc5-objc: Objective C support for gcc
gcc-objc: Objective C support for gcc
gcc2.7: GNU C Compiler
gcc2.7-c++: C++ support for gcc
gcc2.7-objc: Objective C support for gcc
gcd: GCD, a cd-player with a gtk+ interface
gcl: GNU Common Lisp version 2.2.2
gcombust: gcombust is a GTK+ frontend for mksisofs and cdrecord.
gdict: Client for MIT's dictionary server
geg: A program for drawing two-dimensional mathematical functions.
genpower: UPS battery support for a variety of UPS's
gentoo: gentoo is a Gtk+ file manager for Linux.
gfcc: A program to graphically configure firewall policies and rules.
gfontview: A font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts.
gglyph: A graphical font previewer and installer
ggv: GNOME Ghostscript Viewer
ghostview: X11 PostScript viewer (needs ghostscript)
giflib: GIF-manipulation library
giflib-devel: GIF-manipulation library header files, static libraries, and documentation.
giflib-progs: Programs for converting and transforming gif images.
glade: Glade - a user interface builder for Gtk+
glibc-localedata: Internationalization data for glibc
glibc-utils: Miscellaneous utilities available with glibc
glint: Graphical Linux INstallation Tool
glload: An OpenGL graphical load meter.
glpoisson: Displays some nice graphics and simulations using Mesa
gltt: OpenGL TrueType library
gltt-demo: Demos for gltt
gltt-devel: Development libraries for gltt
gmemusage: graphics memory usage meter
gmp3: Lecteur mp3 sous X11.
gnat: GNU Ada 95 Translator
gnat-docs: GNAT extra documentation
gnats: GNU Problem Report Management System
gnats-db: GNATS database tree
gnumaniak: Up to date man pages for various GNU utils, section 1
gnuserv: gnuserv, enhanced version of emacsserver
gnustep-extensions: GNUstep Foundation Extensions Library
gpasman: A personal password manager
gpgp: Frontend to GNU Privacy Guard
gpgp-devel: Development library for GnomePGP
gpppkill: Finishes the ppp connection if it not receive a minimal amount of bytes during certain time.
gqmpeg: mpeg player frontend to mpg123
graph: ismene simulator for is32 architecture
grdig: Tool for reading coordinates from linear and logscaled graphs
grip: Grip, a CD player and ripper/MP3-encoder front-end
groff-latin2: ISO-8859-2 and CP-852 support for groff
grpm: GNOME RPM Tool
grun: gRun is an advanced application launcher written in C and GTK.
gs-hu: Hungarian Ghostscript supplementary package
gsiag: GTK interface to the Siag spreadsheet program
gsm: GSM compressor/decompressor
gsox: Gsox
gtetrinet: Tetrinet
gtk+-perl: Perl extention for gtk
gtk--: A C++ interface for the GTK+ (a GUI library for X).
gtk---devel: Headers for developing programs that will use Gtk--.
gtkfaim: Gtk clone of AOL's AIM client.
gtkfind: A graphical file finding program
gtkglarea: GtkGLArea is an OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit.
gtkglarea-devel: GtkGLArea is an OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit.
gtkgo: The game of Go
gtkicq: GtkICQ is a clone of Mirabilis' popular ICQ written with GTK.
gtkmod: A GTK-based graphical mod player
gtksamba: GtkSamba is a GUI tool to configure the SMB file server.
gtksamba-static: GtkSamba is a GUI tool to configure the SMB file server.
gtksee: An image viewer based on GTK+ for the X Window System.
gtksee-static: A Image viewer based on X-Window system and GTK+.
gtksql: GtkSQL is a graphical query tool for PostgreSQL
guile-core: A GNU Ubiquitous Language for Extensions
guile-core-devel: Guile's libraries, header files, etc.
gvim: Gui for vim
gwydion-dylan: CMU's Gwydion Dylan development tools
gwydion-dylan-extras: Tools used for recompiling Gwydion Dylan
gxanim: Graphical frontend for the XAnim movie player
gxtar: A GNOME/GTK+ front-end for common archive utilities.
gzilla: Gzilla Web Browser
hc: Hanzi Converter between BIG-5 and GB codes
hc-cron: cron daemon for home computers
hcalc: DJ's Hex Calculator
hcode: Hangul code conversion Program
hdcod: Decodes a NoMSB/QP/B64/ISO Korean/English folder to a KS folder
hello: GNU Hello
hex: Hex dump utility with CP/M-style output
hexcalc: Decimal/Hex/Octal/Binary calculator
hexed: Small menu driven DOSish hex editor
hfsutils: Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
hfsutils-devel: C library for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
hion: a hungarian language preprocessor for TeX
hk2-deutsch: German dictionary for ispell
hmconv: Hangul Code Conversion Program
hotkey: hotkey displays the battery save and power-up mode on a Toshiba laptop
hp67: An ncurses-based HP-67 scientific calculator emulator
hpgl2ps: Convert hpgl (HP Plotter) and Roland dxy files to PostScript.
hsc: An HTML pre-processor.
htdig: A web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranet
html-helper-mode: an emacs major mode that helps in writing HTML documents.
htmlpp: Htmlpp is a pre-processor for HTML documents.
hugs98: Hugs 98: The Nottingham and Yale Haskell system
hunt: a tool for exploiting well known weakneses in the TCP/IP protocol suite.
hx: HotlineX (hx) client
hylafax: Hylafax is a sophisticated enterprise strength fax package
hylafax-htmldoc: html documentation for hylafax
hylafax-man: man pages for hylafax
hylafax-man-gz: man pages for hylafax
hypermail: Convert mail archives to WWW pages.
icecast: An MP3 broadcasting system.
icqlib: An ICQ library based on ICQ protocol version 2.
icqmail: ICQ->email gateway
id-utils: Indexing tools for C/C++ code.
id3ed: id3ed - edit id3 description tags in mpeg3 files.
ident2: Ident-2 - 2nd Generation Identity/Auth server
ids-pop3d: It Doesn't Suck POP3 server from NoDomainName Networks
ifmail: ifmail - FTN package for UN*X - `` TX '' diffs
ikit: Image Processing Kit
illust: Illust Logic Paint-by-number based on Gtk+
imap-devel: Libraries, includes, etc to develop IMAP applications
index: index is a very simple flat-file database program
inform: Inform 6: A Design System for Interactive Fiction
intercal: INTERCAL programming language
iozone: IO Zone Benchmark Program
ip-tools: Various ip-tools
ipchains-rhcn: IP Firewalling Chains
ipchains-scripts: New (2.1.1xx) IP firewall and accounting scripts
iplog: logs TCP, UDP, and ICMP connections to syslog.
iplogger: logs TCP, UDP, and ICMP connections to syslog.
ippl: logs TCP, ICMP and UDP connections.
iproute2-2.2.4-now: Advanced IP routing tools
iptraf: IPTraf is a console-based network monitoring program
ipxping: The ipxping utility
ipxripd: IPX RIP/SAP daemon - routing for IPX networks
ircd: ircd - an IRC server
ircii-EPIC4: Popular Unix Irc client
irqtune: IRQ Priority Optimizer
irquery: Register your dynamic IP address with a static domain name
iselect: Interactive Selection Tool
ismene: ismene simulator for is32 architecture
isode: ISO Development Environment
ispell-british: GNU ispell - interactive spelling checker (British spelling)
ispell-norwegian: GNU ispell - interactive spelling checker
issue-ddate: Pre-login message
itimer: A timer package for emacs
jaZip: jaZip is a program for managing an Iomega Zip or Jaz drive.
jacal: Interactive Symbolic Mathematics
jail: Just Another Icmp Logger
jasmin: Jasmin is a Java Asssembler Interface.
java-codeconv: The Java(tm) Code Conventions
java-langspec: The Java Language Specification
java-telephony: Java Telephony API
java-vmspec: The Java(tm) Virtual Machine Specification
jde: The Java Development Environment (JDE)
jikes: The Jikes java compiler from IBM. [OPEN SOURCE]
jikespg: The Jikes parser generator from IBM. [OPEN SOURCE]
jis2gb: convert JIS Kanji to GuoBiao Hanzi
jitterbug: JitterBug web based bug tracking system
jmr: QWK Offline Mail Reader
joliet-kernel-patches: Add Joliet (Win95) CD-ROM support to your kernel
joystick: joystick module and associated programs
js: NGS JavaScript Interpreter
jslaunch: Joystick button shell command execution/shutdown tool
jstools: Suite of Tk-based applications with multi-mode rich-text editor
jukebox: Sajber Jukebox
jumpshot: MPICH Jumpshot - Graphical visualization Tool
junkbuster: Stops browsers from displaying ads in web pages.
junkbuster-blank: The Internet Junkbuster v2.0
jzip: JZIP - Z-code Interpreter Program
kaffe-rhcn: A free virtual machine to run Java(tm) code
karpski: A free ethernet protocol analyzer / sniffer
kbatmon: K Desktop Environment - Battery Monitor for laptops
kbd: Linux keymap utilities
kblackjack: KDE Blackjack Game
kclock: Yet another clock program.
kcmbind: KCMBind is a graphical tool to manage DNS configuration.
kcrontab: KCrontab - a crontab editor
kdat: (none)
kdbg: KDbg - KDE graphical debugger
kdelinks: K Desktop common application links and types
kdiff: KDiff provides a graphical view of the 'diff' command's output
kdrill: kdrill quizzes you on kanji/kana phrase/english translations
keasycd: KEasyCD provides a simple way to create and burn CDs.
keyterm-dbs: Key Telephone server for DBS phone systems
kfinger: K Desktop Finger Utility
kfourier: K Desktop fast fourier transforms
kftp: Kevlar FTP is a clone of Bulletproof Software's Bulletproof FTP.
kgames: a collection of X11 solitaire games plus dominos, reversi and xmille.
kget: KGet quickly fetches files via FTP or HTTP.
kgoodstuff: fvwm style buttons for KDE
khostchooser: K Desktop host chooser replacement
kibble: a knowledge base program. It is used to organize seemingly discursive thoughts.
kicq: ICQ clone for KDE. Based on ICQ library icqlib 0.1.3
kikbd: International keyboard configuration.
kjoy: Joystick configuration tool.
klaxon: Daemon to sound a system alarm when a monitored port is accessed.
kless: KLess - graphical pager
klm: KDE app to monitor system health sensors
klyx-russian: klyx russification
kmikmod: KMikMod is a multithreaded moduleplayer for the K Desktop Environment
kmp3: Kmp3, an mp3 player for the K Desktop Environment
knetmon: KNetmon monitors network connections via SAMBA and NFS.
knewmail: K Desktop Environment mail notifier
knews: (none)
knl: Linux kernel configuration utility
konquest: K Desktop Multi-player galactic conquest
kpackviewer: KPackViewer is a Kde unix package viewer
krb5-devel: Header files and libraries necessary to compile Kerberos programs
krb5-libs: Kerberos shared libraries
krb5-server: Kerberos server programs
krb5-workstation: Kerberos programs for use on workstations
krepton: KDE repton game
krootpict: KDE root picture applet
kshow: Imageviewer -viewing Images from complete Directory.
ksnapshot: K Desktop graphics snapshot
ktail: Imageviewer -viewing Images from complete Directory.
ktalk: K Desktop Environment Talk client
ktalkd: K Desktop Environment Talk daemon
ku-1.1p2: Kill User is a utmp base shell login utility.
kuickshow: KuickShow
kwatch: K Desktop log file monitor
kwebwatch: A utility designed to periodically poll web sites for changes.
kwintv: KWinTV works with bttv-based TV-cards to watch TV on your desktop.
kworldwatch: KDE world watch
kxicq: KXicq is the KDE ICQ clone for Linux/Unix!
lacheck: A general purpose consistency checker for LaTeX documents.
lapack: The LAPACK libraries for Linux.
lapack-man: Manpages for LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) routines
latex2html: LaTeX to HTML converter.
latex2html-manual-dvi: dvi manual for latex2html
latex2html-manual-dvi-gz: compressed dvi manual for latex2html
latex2html-manual-html: html manual for latex2html
latex2html-manual-html-gz: compressed html manual for latex2html
latex2html-manual-ps: postscript manual for latex2html
latex2html-manual-ps-gz: compressed postscript manual for latex2html
latex2rtf: Converts LaTeX files to RTF format.
lclint: An implementation of the lint program
ldap-devel: LDAP development files
ldap-servers: LDAP servers
ldms: LDMS database management system and iLisp interpreter
le: This is terminal text editor: LE.
leafnode: NNTP server for small sites
lesstif: An OSF/Motif(R) clone.
lesstif-1.2-devel: Static library and header files for LessTif/Motif 1.2 development.
lesstif-2.0-devel: The static library and header files for LessTif/Motif-2.0 development.
lesstif-M12: Copy Lesstif shared libs with version number 1.2
lesstif-M20: Copy Lesstif shared libs with version number 2.0
lesstif-clients: UIL and xmbind, two separate LessTif add-ons.
lesstif-devel: static library and header files for Lesstif/Motif-1.2 developmen
lesstif-mwm: A LessTif/Motif(R) window manager based on fvwm.
lftp: Commandline ftp client.
lfu: lfu - copy file hierarchy
libPropList-devel: library for reading/writing GNUstep-style defaults databases
libc5-static: Libraries for static linking
libcdaudio: libcdaudio is a library for controlling CD-ROM devices
libg++: GNU g++ library
libg++-devel: Files for developing programs that use libg++
libg++-libc5: GNU g++ library
libg++-libc5-devel: Header files and libraries for C++ development
libgd: GIF manipulating library
libgd-devel: header files and libraries needed for gd development
libggi: libggi shared libraries and config files
libggi-demos: LibGGI sample programs.
libggi-devel: LibGGI include and libtool files.
libgii: libgii shared libraries and config files needed for libgii
libgii-demos: LibGII sample programs.
libgii-devel: LibGII include and libtool files.
libgsm: GSM audio encoding/decoding library
libjpeg-progs: Simple programs for manipulating jpeg images
libnet: Miscellaneous perl networking modules
librc2: Matthew Palmer's rc2 Library
libsidplay: Shared library
libsidplay-devel: Header files and static library for compiling apps that use SIDplay.
libstroke: X-windows stroke interface library
libsx: X library to simplify making Xaw applications.
libwcsmbs: libwcsmbs -- glibc wcsmbs preload libraries
libwmf: libwmf, library to convert wmf files
licq-0.50-alpha: Licq is an ICQ clone written fully in c++ using the Qt widget set
licq: An ICQ clone and more for Unix
lilypond: A program for printing sheet music.
linbot: Amazing Site Management Tool for webmasters
lincity: LinCity is a city/country simulation game for X and Linux SVGALib.
linux-nfs: NFS server implementation for Linux
linux-nfs-clients: client apps for use with remote NFS servers
linux-nfs-servers: auxiliary servers related to NFS
linuxconfwrapper: Let linuxconf ignore locale.
listar: Listar modular mailing list manager
llnlxdir: LLNL XDIR, an OSF/Motif-based FTP client, provides a graphical user interface for drag-and-drop file transfer.
lm_sensors-2.0.36-modules: Kernel modules for various buses and monitor chips.
lm_sensors: Hardware health monitoring
lm_sensors-modules: Kernel modules for various buses and monitor chips.
loadmeter: Loadmeter
locales: Base files for localization
locales-ar: Base files for localization (Arabic)
locales-br: Base files for localization (Breton)
locales-ca: Base files for localization (Catalan)
locales-cs: Base files for localization (Czech)
locales-da: Base files for localization (Danish)
locales-de: Base files for localization (German)
locales-el: Base files for localization (Greek)
locales-en: Base files for localization (English)
locales-eo: Base files for localization (Esperanto)
locales-es: Base files for localization (Spanish)
locales-et: Base files for localization (Estonian)
locales-eu: Base files for localization (Basque)
locales-fi: Base files for localization (Finnish)
locales-fo: Base files for localization (Faroese)
locales-fr: Base files for localization (French)
locales-ga: Base files for localization (Irish)
locales-gl: Base files for localization (Galician)
locales-gr: Base files for localization (Greek)
locales-hr: Base files for localization (Croatian)
locales-hu: Base files for localization (Hungarian)
locales-hy: Base files for localization (Armenian)
locales-in: Base files for localization (Indonesian)
locales-is: Base files for localization (Icelandic)
locales-it: Base files for localization (Italian)
locales-iw: Base files for localization (Hebrew)
locales-ja: Base files for localization (Japanese)
locales-kl: Base files for localization (Greenlandic)
locales-lo: Base files for localization (Laotian) [INCOMPLETE]
locales-lt: Base files for localization (Lithuanian)
locales-lv: Base files for localization (Latvian)
locales-nl: Base files for localization (Dutch)
locales-no: Base files for localization (Norwegian)
locales-pl: Base files for localization (Polish)
locales-pt: Base files for localization (Portuguese)
locales-ro: Base files for localization (Romanian)
locales-ru: Base files for localization (Russian)
locales-sk: Base files for localization (Slovak)
locales-sl: Base files for localization (Slovenian)
locales-sr: Base files for localization (Serbian)
locales-sv: Base files for localization (Swedish)
locales-th: Base files for localization (Thai) [INCOMPLETE]
locales-tr: Base files for localization (Turkish)
locales-vi: Base files for localization (Vietnamese)
locales-wa: Base files for localization (Walloon)
locales-zh: Base files for localization (Chinese)
lockvc: All new, all better vga-console-locker, with PAM.
logcheck: Logcheck system log analyzer
logwatch: Analyzes system logs (for RHL5)
lsof-4.42: Lists files open by processes
lurkftp: Self-contained FTP site monitor & mirroring program
lxb: Lxb: X/Motif interactive graphical user interface builder
lxb-examples: Lxb examples
lyx: LyX
lzop: lzop -- a real-time file compressor
m2f: Modula-2 compiler and libraries for 80[3456]86 family
magic: Magic VLSI design tool.
mailcrypt: Interface to PGP in emacs
mailcrypt-el: uncompiled lisp sources for mailcrypt
maildrop: maildrop mail filter/mail delivery agent
majordomo: Mailing list manager
makepatch: makepatch -- generate and apply patch kits
man-pages-cs: Czech Linux Manual Pages
man-pages-es: System manual pages - Spanish versions
man-pages-gz: man pages for man-pages
man-pages-ja: japanese manual page
man-pages-ko: Korean(Hangul) Man Pages
mason: Interactively creates a Linux packet filtering firewall.
mastergear: The Sega MasterSystem (Mark 3) and GameGear emulator
mastergear-16bit: The Sega MasterSystem (Mark 3) and GameGear emulator with 16-bit colour support
mastergear-svgalib: The Sega MasterSystem (Mark 3) and GameGear emulator using SVGAlib
mastergear-x: The Sega MasterSystem (Mark 3) and GameGear emulator with full X support
md: (none)
mew: Message in the Emacs World
mgetty-newfax: RedHat Linux scripts for handling inbound faxnewfax is a simple package that provides scripts for handling of inbound
mgeupsd: Merlin Gerin Pulsar UPS daemon
mgp: MagicPoint is a X11 Presentation Application
mgv: MGv: A Motif PostScript Viewer
mh: MH mail handling system
mico: MICO (Mico Is COrba) Object Request Broker
mico-devel: MICO (Mico Is COrba) application development tools
mico-static: MICO (Mico Is COrba) static libraries
micq: Text mode ICQ clone
mindy: CMU's Gwydion Dylan interpreter
minordomo: a minimalistic mailing list manager
mirror: Perl program to mirror FTP sites
mirrordir: Efficiently mirror directory trees, secure shell and socket forwarding
mirrormagic: Nice thinking game for color X11 with sound.
mit-scheme: Scheme interpreter and compiler
mk-ftp-stats: Create xferlog readable reports
mkdosfs: Creates a DOS FAT filesystem on a device
mkhybrid: Make a HFS CDROM image from a Unix directory tree
mmucl: mud client
mmv: utility for wildcard renaming, copying, etc.
mod_php: A server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language
mod_php-doc: Online manual for PHP3
mod_php3: The PHP3 HTML-embedded scripting language for use with Apache.
mod_php3-doc: Online manual for PHP3
modutils-insmod_static: static version of insmod.
modutils-man: man pages for modutils
modutils-man-gz: man pages for modutils
mon: Parallel Service Monitoring Daemon
moonclock: A clock which also displays the current moon phase.
moonlight: Moonlight Creator, OpenGL-based modeler and renderer
moonlight-db: Example scenes for Moonlight Creator
mopd-linux: MOP (Maintenance Operations Protocol) loader daemon (Linux port)
mosml: Moscow ML, a light-weight implementation of Standard ML
most: SLang based pager
mozart: Mozart, an efficient and distributed implementation of Oz
mozart-contrib: Mozart contributions
mozart-doc: Mozart documentation
mozilla: Source code released by Netscape for the Navigator browser.
mozilla-devel: The header files and development libraries for Mozilla development.
mozilla_config: Netscape Environment Setup
mp3info: A small utility to read and write MP3 TAG and header info
mp3menu: menu to make playlists for your mp3's
mpack: mpack and munpack MIME e-mail utilities
mpdist: PostScript pretty printers and Motif based GUI.
mpeg2vidcodec: MPEG-2 Encoder / Decoder
mpeg_encode: Berkeley MPEG-1 Video Encoder
mpeg_play: Berkeley MPEG-1 Video Decoder
mpi2c++: MPI 2 C++ bindings
mpich: MPI-CH
mpsql: mpsql - an interactive query tool for PostgresSQL
mrtg: Multi Router Traffic Grapher
msort: Hungarian sort program
mt-st-rsh: Control magnetic tape drive operation (mt) with rsh ability ala GNU tar
mtr: Network diagnostic tool.  Combo of traceroute and ping.
mtx: mtx controls the robotic mechanism in DDS Autoloaders
multitrack: Séquenceur 16 pistes sous X11.
mysql: MySQL database server
mysql-DBI-perl-bin: MySQL Perl Interface
mysql-bench: MySQL - Benchmarks
mysql-client: MySQL - Client
mysql-devel: MySQL - Development header files and libraries
mysql-perl-bin: MySQL - Perl Module and mysqlaccess script
mysql-python: Python modules to support MySQL
naptar: Hungarian announce notifying program
nas: Network Audio System
nas-devel: development libraries and headers for writing programs using network audio
ncbi: NCBI Bioinformatics toolset
neXtaw: Athena widgets with NextStep look
neXtaw-Xaw: X athena widgets Nextstepish as a substitute to normal ones
neXtaw-devel: Files for developing programs that use neXtaw
nedit: Motif/X windows GUI editor
nessus: NESSUS Server Daemon
nessus-client: NESSUS Client
net-tools-rhcn: Basic Networking Tools
netatalk: AppleTalk networking programs
netatalk-devel: Headers and static libraries for Appletalk development
netcat: Versatile network test and debugging tool
netcdf: Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)
netcomics: A perl script that downloads today's comics from the Web
netdate: Allows setting system time from across a network
nethack: A single player dungeon simulation game.
netpipes: Manipulate BSD TCP/IP stream sockets
netwatch: Ncurses based network traffic program.
news2mail: usenet to email gateway
newsfetch: Most Compact and Powerfull newsfetching utility
newsgate: News <==> Email gateway
newsx: NNTP client for Unix.
nfs-server: NFS server daemons
nfs-server-clients: client apps for use with remote NFS servers
nftp: Interactive FTP client
nighthawk: A Paradroid-inspired game.
nltools: NLMaint, the FidoNet nodelist maintenance package.
nmap: Network exploration tool and security scanner
nolce: off-line Netscape's cache browsing
noweb: noweb literate programming tool
nspr: Cross-Platfrom runtime libraries for Netscape/Mozilla.
nspr-devel: Provides header files mainly for compiling mozilla.
nspr-pthreads: Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR)
nspr-pthreads-devel: NSPR library header files for development
ntop: tool that shows the network usage
ntp: Network Time Protocol utilities
nullmailer: Simple relay-only mail transport agent
ocaml: The Objective Caml compiler and programming environment
ocaml-emacs: Emacs mode for OCaml
octave: A high-level language for numerical computations.
oneko: small cat chases cursor
openldap: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients/servers
openldap-clients: Lightweight Weight Directory Protocol development clients.
openldap-devel: LDAP development files
openldap-gateways: Lightweight Weight Directory Protocol gateway servers.
openldap-libs: Lightweight Weight Directory Protocol libraries.
openldap-servers: LDAP servers
openldap-utils: Lightweight Weight Directory Protocol development tools.
otcl: MIT Object Tcl, an extension to Tcl/Tk for object-oriented programming
p3nfs: Mounts Psion filesystems over serial cable
pMars: Portable Redcode simulator for the game of Core War
pam_smb: PAM module for SMB authentication
panel: Panel - CDE button bar
password: Autopassword. An automatic password generation utility.
pavuk: A mirroring program for HTTP, FTP and Gopher servers.
pcapture: tool for capturing packets from the network
pcb: A printed circuit board design tool for X.
pccts: PCCTS - The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pcmcia-cs: Daemon and device drivers for using PCMCIA (PC Card) adapters
pdmenu: A simple text-based menu program
pente: Five in a row varient for X or console
percy: Percy, the talking penguin
perl-ANSIColor: ANSIColor module for perl
perl-AlarmCall: AlarmCall module for perl
perl-Algorithm-LCS: Algorithm-LCS module for perl
perl-Alias: Alias module for perl
perl-Apache-AuthCookie: Apache-AuthCookie module for perl
perl-Apache-AuthenURL: Apache-AuthenURL module for perl
perl-Apache-DBILogger: Apache-DBILogger module for perl
perl-Apache-DBILogin: Apache-DBILogin module for perl
perl-Apache-DProf: Apache-DProf module for perl
perl-Apache-GzipChain: Apache-GzipChain module for perl
perl-Apache-Mmap: Apache-Mmap module for perl
perl-Apache-OutputChain: Apache-OutputChain module for perl
perl-Apache-PHLogin: Apache-PHLogin module for perl
perl-Apache-Perl-contrib: Apache-Perl-contrib module for perl
perl-Apache-ProxyPass: Apache-ProxyPass module for perl
perl-Apache-SSI: Apache-SSI module for perl
perl-Apache-Sandwich: Apache-Sandwich module for perl
perl-Apache-Session: Apache-Session module for perl
perl-Apache-Traffic: Apache-Traffic module for perl
perl-Apache-UploadSvr: Apache-UploadSvr module for perl
perl-Apache-ePerl: Apache-ePerl module for perl
perl-ApacheDBI: ApacheDBI module for perl
perl-ApacheMysql: ApacheMysql module for perl
perl-App-Config: App-Config module for perl
perl-Archive-Tar: Archive-Tar module for perl
perl-Array-Lookup: Array-Lookup module for perl
perl-Array-PrintCols: Array-PrintCols module for perl
perl-AsciiDB-TagFile: AsciiDB-TagFile module for perl
perl-AssistantFrames: AssistantFrames module for perl
perl-Async-Group: Async-Group module for perl
perl-AtExit: AtExit module for perl
perl-AutoSplit: AutoSplit module for perl
perl-B-Graph: B-Graph module for perl
perl-BSD-Resource: BSD-Resource module for perl
perl-Balanced: Balanced module for perl
perl-BikePower: BikePower module for perl
perl-Bit-ShiftReg: Bit-ShiftReg module for perl
perl-Bit-Vector: Bit-Vector module for perl
perl-Bundle-Minivend: Bundle-Minivend module for perl
perl-Bundle-Tk: Bundle-Tk module for perl
perl-Bundle-libnet: Bundle-libnet module for perl
perl-Business-CreditCard: Business-CreditCard module for perl
perl-Business-ISBN: Business-ISBN module for perl
perl-Business-UPS: Business-UPS module for perl
perl-C-DynaLib: C-DynaLib module for perl
perl-C-Scan: C-Scan module for perl
perl-CDB_File: CDB_File module for perl
perl-CGI-BuildPage: CGI-BuildPage module for perl
perl-CGI-Response: CGI-Response module for perl
perl-CGI-Screen: CGI-Screen module for perl
perl-CGI-Validate: CGI-Validate module for perl
perl-CGI-modules: CGI-modules module for perl
perl-CGI.pm: CGI.pm module for perl
perl-CGI_Imagemap: CGI_Imagemap module for perl
perl-CGI_Lite: CGI_Lite module for perl
perl-COPE: COPE module for perl
perl-CPAN-Site: CPAN-Site module for perl
perl-CallerItem: CallerItem module for perl
perl-Chatbot-Eliza: Chatbot-Eliza module for perl
perl-Chemistry-Elements: Chemistry-Elements module for perl
perl-Class-Eroot: Class-Eroot module for perl
perl-Class-MethodMaker: Class-MethodMaker module for perl
perl-Class-Singleton: Class-Singleton module for perl
perl-Class-Visitor: Class-Visitor module for perl
perl-Compiler: Compiler module for perl
perl-Compress-Zlib: Compress-Zlib module for perl
perl-Convert-BER: Convert-BER module for perl
perl-Convert-BinHex: Convert-BinHex module for perl
perl-Convert-EBCDIC: Convert-EBCDIC module for perl
perl-Convert-Recode: Convert-Recode module for perl
perl-Convert-SciEng: Convert-SciEng module for perl
perl-Convert-Translit: Convert-Translit module for perl
perl-Convert-UU: Convert-UU module for perl
perl-Crypt-CBC: Crypt-CBC module for perl
perl-Cstools: Cstools module for perl
perl-D-oh: D-oh module for perl
perl-DBD-Pg: DBD::Pg  --  a PostgreSQL interface for Perl 5
perl-DBD-XBase: DBD-XBase module for perl
perl-DBI: DBI module for perl
perl-DB_File: DB_File module for perl
perl-DFA-Kleene: DFA-Kleene module for perl
perl-DProf: DProf module for perl
perl-Data-Dumper: Data-Dumper module for perl
perl-Data-Dumper-2.09-bin-1: Data-Dumper-2.09-bin-1 module for perl
perl-Data-Flow: Data-Flow module for perl
perl-Data-Locations: Data-Locations module for perl
perl-Data-ShowTable: Data-ShowTable module for perl
perl-Data-Xtab: Data-Xtab module for perl
perl-Date-Calc: Date-Calc module for perl
perl-Date-GetDate: Date-GetDate module for perl
perl-DateManip: DateManip module for perl
perl-Decision-Markov: Decision-Markov module for perl
perl-DelimMatch: DelimMatch module for perl
perl-Devel-CCov: Devel-CCov module for perl
perl-Devel-CoreStack: Devel-CoreStack module for perl
perl-Devel-DebugInit: Devel-DebugInit module for perl
perl-Devel-Memo: Devel-Memo module for perl
perl-Devel-SawAmpersand: Devel-SawAmpersand module for perl
perl-Devel-SmallProf: Devel-SmallProf module for perl
perl-Devel-Symdump: Devel-Symdump module for perl
perl-Devel-WeakRef: Devel-WeakRef module for perl
perl-Df: Df module for perl
perl-DumpStack: DumpStack module for perl
perl-Envy: Envy module for perl
perl-Errno: Errno module for perl
perl-Error: Error module for perl
perl-Exceptions: Exceptions module for perl
perl-Expect.pm: Expect.pm module for perl
perl-ExtUtils-DynaGlue: ExtUtils-DynaGlue module for perl
perl-ExtUtils-Embed: ExtUtils-Embed module for perl
perl-ExtUtils-F77: ExtUtils-F77 module for perl
perl-ExtUtils-PerlPP: ExtUtils-PerlPP module for perl
perl-ExtUtils-TBone: ExtUtils-TBone module for perl
perl-FAQ-OMatic: FAQ-OMatic module for perl
perl-FCGI: FCGI module for perl
perl-Festival-Client: Festival-Client module for perl
perl-File-Cat: File-Cat module for perl
perl-File-Compare: File-Compare module for perl
perl-File-Copy: File-Copy module for perl
perl-File-CounterFile: File-CounterFile module for perl
perl-File-LinkTree: File-LinkTree module for perl
perl-File-Lock: File-Lock module for perl
perl-File-Lockf: File-Lockf module for perl
perl-File-Manifest: File-Manifest module for perl
perl-File-PathConvert: File-PathConvert module for perl
perl-File: File module for perl
perl-File-Sort: File-Sort module for perl
perl-File-Spec: File-Spec module for perl
perl-File-Sync: File-Sync module for perl
perl-File-Tools: File-Tools module for perl
perl-FileHandle-Multi: FileHandle-Multi module for perl
perl-Filter: Filter module for perl
perl-FindBin: FindBin module for perl
perl-FormatNroff: FormatNroff module for perl
perl-Fraction: Fraction module for perl
perl-GD: GD module for perl
perl-GD-1.18-bin-1: GD-1.18-bin-1 module for perl
perl-GIFgraph: GIFgraph module for perl
perl-Gateway: Gateway module for perl
perl-Geo-WeatherNOAA: Geo-WeatherNOAA module for perl
perl-GetWeb: GetWeb module for perl
perl-Getopt-Declare: Getopt-Declare module for perl
perl-Getopt-EvaP: Getopt-EvaP module for perl
perl-Getopt-Mixed: Getopt-Mixed module for perl
perl-Getopt-Regex: Getopt-Regex module for perl
perl-Getopt-Tabular: Getopt-Tabular module for perl
perl-GetoptLong: GetoptLong module for perl
perl-Graph: Graph module for perl
perl-Graph-Kruskal: Graph-Kruskal module for perl
perl-Gtk: Gtk module for perl
perl-HTML: HTML module for perl
perl-HTML-Parser: HTML-Parser module for perl
perl-HTML-QuickCheck: HTML-QuickCheck module for perl
perl-HTML-SimpleParse: HTML-SimpleParse module for perl
perl-HTML-Stream: HTML-Stream module for perl
perl-HTML-Table: HTML-Table module for perl
perl-HTML-Tree: HTML-Tree module for perl
perl-HTTP-Request-Form: HTTP-Request-Form module for perl
perl-HTTPD-Tools: HTTPD-Tools module for perl
perl-Heap: Heap module for perl
perl-HookPrePostCall: HookPrePostCall module for perl
perl-Htpasswd: Htpasswd module for perl
perl-HyperWave-CSP: HyperWave-CSP module for perl
perl-IO: IO module for perl
perl-IO-File-Multi: IO-File-Multi module for perl
perl-IO-Stty: IO-Stty module for perl
perl-IO-Tee: IO-Tee module for perl
perl-IO-stringy: IO-stringy module for perl
perl-IPC-Signal: IPC-Signal module for perl
perl-Image-Size: Image-Size module for perl
perl-Include: Include module for perl
perl-InfoBrief: InfoBrief module for perl
perl-IniConf.pm: IniConf.pm module for perl
perl-Interpolation: Interpolation module for perl
perl-Ioctl: Ioctl module for perl
perl-LWP-attic: LWP-attic module for perl
perl-LWPng-alpha: LWPng-alpha module for perl
perl-LibA2: LibA2 module for perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Gender: Lingua-EN-Gender module for perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect: Lingua-EN-Inflect module for perl
perl-Lingua-PT-Conjugate: Lingua-PT-Conjugate module for perl
perl-Locale-Codes: Locale-Codes module for perl
perl-LockFile-Simple: LockFile-Simple module for perl
perl-Log-Topics: Log-Topics module for perl
perl-LogCarp: LogCarp module for perl
perl-Logfile: Logfile module for perl
perl-Logfile-Rotate: Logfile-Rotate module for perl
perl-MD5-1.7-bin-1: MD5-1.7-bin-1 module for perl
perl-MIME-Base64: MIME-Base64 module for perl
perl-MIME-Base64-2.06-bin-1: MIME-Base64-2.06-bin-1 module for perl
perl-MIME-Lite: MIME-Lite module for perl
perl-MIME-tools: MIME-tools module for perl
perl-MLDBM: MLDBM module for perl
perl-MPEG-MP3Tag: MPEG-MP3Tag module for perl
perl-Mac-Apps-Anarchie: Mac-Apps-Anarchie module for perl
perl-Mac-Apps-Launch: Mac-Apps-Launch module for perl
perl-Mac-Apps-MacPGP: Mac-Apps-MacPGP module for perl
perl-Mac-Apps-PBar: Mac-Apps-PBar module for perl
perl-Mac-Comm-OT_PPP: Mac-Comm-OT_PPP module for perl
perl-Mac-OSA-Simple: Mac-OSA-Simple module for perl
perl-MailFolder: MailFolder module for perl
perl-MailTools: MailTools module for perl
perl-Make: Make module for perl
perl-MakeMaker: MakeMaker module for perl
perl-Math-Amoeba: Math-Amoeba module for perl
perl-Math-Approx: Math-Approx module for perl
perl-Math-BigInteger: Math-BigInteger module for perl
perl-Math-Brent: Math-Brent module for perl
perl-Math-Derivative: Math-Derivative module for perl
perl-Math-Fortran: Math-Fortran module for perl
perl-Math-MagicSquare: Math-MagicSquare module for perl
perl-Math-Matrix: Math-Matrix module for perl
perl-Math-MatrixBool: Math-MatrixBool module for perl
perl-Math-MatrixReal: Math-MatrixReal module for perl
perl-Math-PRSG: Math-PRSG module for perl
perl-Math-Polynomial: Math-Polynomial module for perl
perl-Math-Spline: Math-Spline module for perl
perl-Math-Trig: Math-Trig module for perl
perl-Math-TrulyRandom: Math-TrulyRandom module for perl
perl-Math-Units: Math-Units module for perl
perl-Math-VecStat: Math-VecStat module for perl
perl-Memo-bindist-any-bin-2-archname: Memo-bindist-any-bin-2-archname module for perl
perl-Memoize: Memoize module for perl
perl-Mmap: Mmap module for perl
perl-ModsPragma: ModsPragma module for perl
perl-Module-Reload: Module-Reload module for perl
perl-MozSniff: MozSniff module for perl
perl-Msgcat: Msgcat module for perl
perl-MultiTail: MultiTail module for perl
perl-NIS: NIS module for perl
perl-NNTPClient: NNTPClient module for perl
perl-Net-Bind: Net-Bind module for perl
perl-Net-Country: Net-Country module for perl
perl-Net-DNS: Net-DNS module for perl
perl-Net-Daemon: Net-Daemon module for perl
perl-Net-Goofey: Net-Goofey module for perl
perl-Net-ICQ: Net-ICQ module for perl
perl-Net-IRC: Net-IRC module for perl
perl-Net-Ident: Net-Ident module for perl
perl-Net-Interface: Net-Interface module for perl
perl-Net-Ping: Net-Ping module for perl
perl-Net-Telnet: Net-Telnet module for perl
perl-Net-Whois: Net-Whois module for perl
perl-NetServer-ProcessTop: NetServer-ProcessTop module for perl
perl-Netscape-Cache: Netscape-Cache module for perl
perl-Netscape-History: Netscape-History module for perl
perl-NetxAP: NetxAP module for perl
perl-News-Article: News-Article module for perl
perl-News-Newsrc: News-Newsrc module for perl
perl-Norge: Norge module for perl
perl-Number-Format: Number-Format module for perl
perl-OLE-Storage: OLE-Storage module for perl
perl-One_Penguin: One_Penguin module for perl
perl-OpenGL: OpenGL module for perl
perl-PDF: PDF module for perl
perl-PGP: PGP module for perl
perl-PGP-Sign: PGP-Sign module for perl
perl-POP3Client: POP3Client module for perl
perl-Parse-RecDescent: Parse-RecDescent module for perl
perl-ParseLex: ParseLex module for perl
perl-Pconvert: Pconvert module for perl
perl-Penguin: Penguin module for perl
perl-Penguin-Easy: Penguin-Easy module for perl
perl-Period: Period module for perl
perl-PgSQL: PgSQL module for perl
perl-Pod-GroveBuilder: Pod-GroveBuilder module for perl
perl-PodParser: PodParser module for perl
perl-PodSimplify: PodSimplify module for perl
perl-Proc-Daemon: Proc-Daemon module for perl
perl-Proc-Simple: Proc-Simple module for perl
perl-Proc-SyncExec: Proc-SyncExec module for perl
perl-Proc-WaitStat: Proc-WaitStat module for perl
perl-Protect: Protect module for perl
perl-Puppet-Any: Puppet-Any module for perl
perl-Puppet-Log: Puppet-Log module for perl
perl-Quilt: Quilt module for perl
perl-RADIUS: RADIUS module for perl
perl-RDBMS.pm: RDBMS.pm module for perl
perl-RPC-Simple: RPC-Simple module for perl
perl-RadiusPerl: RadiusPerl module for perl
perl-Rcs: Rcs module for perl
perl-Regex-PreSuf: Regex-PreSuf module for perl
perl-Regexp: Regexp module for perl
perl-Religion: Religion module for perl
perl-Resources: Resources module for perl
perl-Robot: Robot module for perl
perl-SHA: SHA module for perl
perl-SOCKS: SOCKS module for perl
perl-SQL-Statement: SQL-Statement module for perl
perl-Safe: Safe module for perl
perl-Schedule-At: Schedule-At module for perl
perl-Set-Bag: Set-Bag module for perl
perl-Set-IntRange: Set-IntRange module for perl
perl-Set-IntSpan: Set-IntSpan module for perl
perl-Set-Object-0.002-bin-1: Set-Object-0.002-bin-1 module for perl
perl-Set-Scalar: Set-Scalar module for perl
perl-Set-Window: Set-Window module for perl
perl-SetDualVar: SetDualVar module for perl
perl-SimpleConfig: SimpleConfig module for perl
perl-Sort-Fields: Sort-Fields module for perl
perl-SortVersions: SortVersions module for perl
perl-Sprite: Sprite module for perl
perl-Startup: Startup module for perl
perl-Stat-lsMode: Stat-lsMode module for perl
perl-Statistics-ChiSquare: Statistics-ChiSquare module for perl
perl-Statistics-Descriptive: Statistics-Descriptive module for perl
perl-Statistics-LTU: Statistics-LTU module for perl
perl-Storable-0.6@3-bin-1: Storable-0.6@3-bin-1 module for perl
perl-Storable: Storable module for perl
perl-Stream: Stream module for perl
perl-String-Approx: String-Approx module for perl
perl-String-BitCount: String-BitCount module for perl
perl-String-Parity: String-Parity module for perl
perl-String-Scanf: String-Scanf module for perl
perl-String-ShellQuote: String-ShellQuote module for perl
perl-Sybase-Login: Sybase-Login module for perl
perl-Sys-OutPut: Sys-OutPut module for perl
perl-Sys-Pushd: Sys-Pushd module for perl
perl-Sys-Sysconf: Sys-Sysconf module for perl
perl-SyslogScan: SyslogScan module for perl
perl-TFTP: TFTP module for perl
perl-TacacsPlus: TacacsPlus module for perl
perl-Taco: Taco module for perl
perl-Taint: Taint module for perl
perl-Tar: Tar module for perl
perl-Tcl: Tcl module for perl
perl-TclTk: TclTk module for perl
perl-TeX-DVI: TeX-DVI module for perl
perl-TeX-DVI-Parse: TeX-DVI-Parse module for perl
perl-TeX-Hyphen: TeX-Hyphen module for perl
perl-Term-Info: Term-Info module for perl
perl-Term-Query: Term-Query module for perl
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu: Term-ReadLine-Gnu module for perl
perl-Term-Size: Term-Size module for perl
perl-TermReadKey: TermReadKey module for perl
perl-Test: Test module for perl
perl-Test-Helper: Test-Helper module for perl
perl-Text-Balanced: Text-Balanced module for perl
perl-Text-Bind: Text-Bind module for perl
perl-Text-CSV: Text-CSV module for perl
perl-Text-CSV_XS: Text-CSV_XS module for perl
perl-Text-EP3: Text-EP3 module for perl
perl-Text-EP3-Verilog: Text-EP3-Verilog module for perl
perl-Text-FillIn: Text-FillIn module for perl
perl-Text: Text module for perl
perl-Text-GenderFromName: Text-GenderFromName module for perl
perl-Text-German: Text-German module for perl
perl-Text-Graphics: Text-Graphics module for perl
perl-Text-LineEditor: Text-LineEditor module for perl
perl-Text-LineEitor: Text-LineEitor module for perl
perl-Text-MetaText: Text-MetaText module for perl
perl-Text-Metaphone: Text-Metaphone module for perl
perl-Text-Refer: Text-Refer module for perl
perl-Text-Soundex: Text-Soundex module for perl
perl-Text-Soundex-2.13-bin-1: Text-Soundex-2.13-bin-1 module for perl
perl-Text-Template: Text-Template module for perl
perl-Text-Vpp: Text-Vpp module for perl
perl-Text-Wrapper: Text-Wrapper module for perl
perl-ThreadIterator: ThreadIterator module for perl
perl-ThreadPool: ThreadPool module for perl
perl-Tie-CPHash: Tie-CPHash module for perl
perl-Tie-DBI: Tie-DBI module for perl
perl-Tie-DB_Lock: Tie-DB_Lock module for perl
perl-Tie-Dir: Tie-Dir module for perl
perl-Tie-Handle: Tie-Handle module for perl
perl-Tie-IxHash: Tie-IxHash module for perl
perl-Tie-LLHash: Tie-LLHash module for perl
perl-Tie-STDERR: Tie-STDERR module for perl
perl-Tie-TextDir: Tie-TextDir module for perl
perl-Tie-TransactHash: Tie-TransactHash module for perl
perl-Tie-Watch: Tie-Watch module for perl
perl-Time-HiRes: Time-HiRes module for perl
perl-TimeDate: TimeDate module for perl
perl-Tk-ACH: Tk-ACH module for perl
perl-Tk-Contrib: Tk-Contrib module for perl
perl-Tk-Date: Tk-Date module for perl
perl-Tk-FileDialog: Tk-FileDialog module for perl
perl-Tk-FontDialog: Tk-FontDialog module for perl
perl-Tk-GBARR: Tk-GBARR module for perl
perl-Tk-Getopt: Tk-Getopt module for perl
perl-Tk-HistEntry: Tk-HistEntry module for perl
perl-Tk-LockDisplay: Tk-LockDisplay module for perl
perl-Tk-MenuHash: Tk-MenuHash module for perl
perl-Tk-Multi: Tk-Multi module for perl
perl-Tk-ObjScanner: Tk-ObjScanner module for perl
perl-Tk-ProgressBar: Tk-ProgressBar module for perl
perl-Tk-SelFile: Tk-SelFile module for perl
perl-Tk-WaitBox: Tk-WaitBox module for perl
perl-Tree-Fat: Tree-Fat module for perl
perl-URI: URI module for perl
perl-Unicode-Map: Unicode-Map module for perl
perl-Unicode-Map8: Unicode-Map8 module for perl
perl-Unicode-String: Unicode-String module for perl
perl-Usage: Usage module for perl
perl-VCS_PVCS: VCS_PVCS module for perl
perl-VRML: VRML module for perl
perl-VRML-Browser: VRML-Browser module for perl
perl-VcsTools: VcsTools module for perl
perl-WebMirror: WebMirror module for perl
perl-X11-Protocol: X11-Protocol module for perl
perl-XML-Grove: XML-Grove module for perl
perl-XSUB: XSUB module for perl
perl-Xbase: Xbase module for perl
perl-builtin: builtin module for perl
perl-chart: chart module for perl
perl-compatlib: compatlib module for perl
perl-constant: constant module for perl
perl-cpan-upload: cpan-upload module for perl
perl-cpan-watcher: cpan-watcher module for perl
perl-enum: enum module for perl
perl-eperl: eperl module for perl
perl-eps2png: eps2png module for perl
perl-gettext: gettext module for perl
perl-graph-modules: graph-modules module for perl
perl-ipc_shareable: ipc_shareable module for perl
perl-libnet: libnet module for perl
perl-libsirc: libsirc module for perl
perl-libwww-perl: libwww-perl module for perl
perl-makepatch: makepatch module for perl
perl-orange: orange module for perl
perl-perl-lisp: perl-lisp module for perl
perl-perlbench: perlbench module for perl
perl-perlindex: perlindex module for perl
perl-pgsql_perl5: pgsql_perl5 module for perl
perl-pod2fm: pod2fm module for perl
perl-ptkFAQ: ptkFAQ module for perl
perl-rlib: rlib module for perl
perl-sdf: sdf module for perl
perl-sh2perl: sh2perl module for perl
perl-traceFunc: traceFunc module for perl
perl-w3mir: w3mir module for perl
peruser: The peruser offline news reader
pgcc-libstdc++: GNU c++ library
pgcc-libstdc++-devel: Header files and libraries for C++ development
php: Programming language embedded in HTML
phromail: Mail notification program
pi-address: Pilot Address book
pilrc: Resource Compiler for Pilot Applications
pilrc-example: A resource compiler for developing PalmPilot applications.
pinepgp: PGP filters for pine
pinfo: Przemek's Info Viewer
pinglogger: (none)
pinlinux: Configure a Turtle Beach Pinnacle or Fiji sound card
pixmap: X11 Pixmap (XPM) files editor
pkgbuild: RPM package Development environment
pkgview: Views installed RPM packages and installs new packages
plan: An X/Motif based schedule planner.
plan-server: The network server for the plan scheduling program.
plplot: PLPlot 2D/3D plotting library
plt: Rice University PLT DrScheme
portslave-cistron: A RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server) client program
postfix-19990317: Postfix Mail Transport Agent
postfix-beta: Postfix Mail Transport Agent
postilion: Postilion is a mail user agent based upon the popular TkRat program.
povray: A widely used ray tracing package.
powwow: A client to play MUDs
pp84: PIC16C84 microcontroller prototype programmer
pppload: Qt based PPP load monitoring tool
prcs: Project Revision Control System
procmeter: procmeter -- system activity meter
proftpd: An FTP daemon.
proftpd-rhcn: Proftpd ftp server
pstotext: postscript to text converter
purp: A ncurses-based RPM-handler
pvm: Parallel Virtual Machine.  Libraries for distributed computing.
pvm3: Parallel Virtual Machine
pwgen: Password Generator
pyrite: Palm Computing(R) platform communication kit for Python
pyro: Pyrotechnics, an OpenGL-based firework simulator.
python-pygresql: a Python interface for PostgreSQL database
qb2c: Qbasic to C conversion
qpopper-2.53: POP3 daemon from Qualcomm
qpopper-qmail-2.53: POP3 daemon from Qualcomm
qps: A visual process manager
qstat: Gets statistics from Quake servers
qtarch: Qt Architect
queue: load-balancing/batch-processing environment and local rsh replacement
quicktimelinux: Linux QuickTime Libraries
quicktimelinux-devel: header files and dev libs
qvplay-kit: Downloading and converting the images from a QV 10 camera
qvwm: qvwm - a Windows 95/98/NT like window manager for X11
radio: Utility for the SB FM-Radio cards
radiusd-cistron: Radius Daemon
radiusd-sql: Ascend RADIUSd with MySQL support
rar: The RAR Archiver 2.50 beta
rasca: KDE MPEG audio player
rclock: rclock (ouR CLOCK) -- clock and appointment reminder for X
rcs-glibc: Revision Control System to maintain multiple software versions
rdb: Walt Hobbs Perl "RDB"
recode: GNU recode
redir: TCP Port redirector (for firewalls etc)
ren: rename multiple files
replay: Replay is a GPL'd MP3 player with a GTK interface
repton: A clone of the old BBC Micro Repton game.
rexec: remote execution client for an exec server
rinetd: internet ``redirection server''
rio: A utility for uploading MP3 files to Rio, an MP3 player.
ripe-whois: RIPE whois
ripe-whois-tools: The RIPE version of the whois client program + other tools
ripit: RipIT MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) CD Ripper
ripperX: ripperX is a graphical interface to cdparanoia & 8hz-mp3
rispell: New Russian dictionaries for GNU ispell package
rlinetd: rlinetd - an(other) internet super-server
rlpr: Remote printing utilities
rman: converts man pages in *roff format to other formats
rocksndiamonds: RocksNDiamonds - Intense strategy game for X
rosegarden: MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor
roxen-int: Roxen Challenger Web Server, International Version
rplay: Client and daemon for playing streaming audio
rpm-es.mo: fichero rpm.mo en castellano
rpm-updates: automatic rpm updates tool
rpm-utils: Keeps one or more Red Hat Linux systems current on updates
rpm2html: Translates an RPM database and dependency information into HTML.
rpmfind: Locate and transfer automatically RPM using HTTP and an RDF database
rpmverify: RPM verification script that runs once a month.
rstatd: Display uptime information for remote machines
rt: Tail for X11 root window.
rungetty: a getty for running a specific program, based on mingetty
sCxx: A concurrent C++ environment providing Motif and Sockets libraries
sCxx-examples: sCxx examples
sCxx-gui: sCxx GUI library
sabre: SABRE Fighter Plane Simulator
sac: A system accounting program.
safedelete: A trashcan capability for file management.
sane-devel: SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) development toolkit
scavenger: An X Window System game like LodeRunner.
scc: Optimizing Scheme compiler
scc-debug: Version of compiler with debugging symbols.
sced: Constraint Based Scene Design
sceda: An X-based, constraint-oriented three dimensional modeller.
scheme48: scheme48 Scheme system
scilab: A high-level language for numerical computations.
scm: scm scheme implementation
scotty: Tcl extensions for network management applications.
scotty-mibs-i586: precompiled scotty MIBs for i586
scotty-suid: Two Scotty SUID root utilities (for pinging, and receiving SNMP traps)
scotty-tkined: an interactive network editor for network management applications
scsi-idle: Lets you spin up/down scsi disks
scsidev: scsidev - Lets you access your SCSI devices easily
scsiinfo: Display information about installed SCSI subsystems
selfhtml: HTML Compendium (german)
sendfile: SAFT - Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
sendmail-8.9.3-Melissa: sendmail mail transport agent
sendmail-cf-8.9.3-Melissa: sendmail configuration files and m4 macros
sendmail-config: Configuration files for sendmail
sendmail-doc-8.9.3-Melissa: sendmail documentation
sentry: Port Scan Detector
set6x86: Cyrix/IBM 6x86 CPU configuration tool + kernel patches
sharefonts: Collection of SHAREWARE ATM Fonts for Linux
shorten: audio compression program
shutdowngui: A simple graphical interface to the shutdown command.
siag: A spreadsheet which uses Scheme as a macro langauge
sidplay: A music player and a Commodore 64 SID chip emulator.
sig: (none)
simpleproxy: Simple tcp proxy
sitecopy: Local->Remote website synchronizer.
sitecopy-gnome: Gnome frontend for sitecopy, a web synchronization tool.
sitesearch: The SiteSearch a 100 percent pure Java HTML search engine
slib: portable scheme library
slirp: TCP/IP emulator for a shell account
slrn-pull: Offline news reading support for slrn
slsc: spreadsheet based on sc, but with many enhancements
smail: smail mail transport agent
smake: SMake -- Makefile generator.
smbfs: programs to access SMB network servers
smdi: APE smdi library for Simplified Message Desk Interface protocol
smirc: SmIRC binaries dynamically linked with Motif
smirc-common: SmIRC files common to both the static and the dynamic versions.
smirc-static: SmIRC binaries statically linked with Motif
smtpfeed: smtp fast exploding external deliverer for sendmail
smupsd: Monitors an APC Smart-UPS
sn: news system for small sites
snes9x: Super Nintendo emulator
sniffit: A network protocol analyzer.
socks: SOCKS V4 proxy server and clients
socks5: SOCKS 5.0 Server Daemon
socks5-clients: Network applications written to use NWSL SOCKS 5.0.
socks5-devel: SOCKS 5.0 header file and library
socks5-s5watch: SOCKS 5.0 Server Daemon with s5watch support
socks5-s5watch-devel: SOCKS 5.0 header files and libraries with s5watch support
socr: An OCR program (very basic)
soundtracker: A music tracker for the X Window System.
speak_freely: Voice communication over data networks
spfonts-l1: Peter Soos's ISO-8859-1 Type-1 fonts
spfonts-l2: Peter Soos's ISO-8859-2 Type-1 fonts
spice: Berkeley SPICE 3 Circuit Simulator
spice-examples: Berkeley SPICE 3 Example Files
spice-rhcn: Berkeley SPICE 3 Circuit Simulator
spim: MIPS assembly simulator
splay: MPEG file player
sprocket: GUI ftpclient
sps: show process status (simple ps)
sslwrap: Simple program that wraps normal socket connections with SSL/TLS
staroffice-wrapper: Help to install StarOffice 4.0 on RedHat
statnet: monitors network traffic in a terminal
stella: Stella, the Atari 2600 emulator
stringlist: The StringList library.
stringlist-devel: StringList headers, static libraries and documentation.
strobe: Strobe - Super optimized TCP port surveyor
suck: suck receives/sends news via NNTP
sudo: Allows command execution as root for specified users
super: super - a program to allow normal user to perform root tasks
svgalib4ggi: Emulation of SVGAlib with LibGGI.
svgalib4ggi-devel: SVGAlib include and libtool files.
svgalib4libggi-devel: SVGAlib include and libtool files.
svpw: svpw enables the setting of a supervisor password on a Toshiba laptop
swi-pl: Prolog interpreter and compiler.
swig: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
swish: Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
sybperl: SybPERL, PERL with Sybase OpenClient lib compiled in
sybperl-ctlib: Dynamic Linkable Linux Client Libraries
synaesthesia: Produces eye candy as a visual accompaniment to music.
syncal: Syncal syncs an ical database with the Palm Pilot Datebook
sysnews: Display new system news at login.
t1accent: Adds new accented letters to Type1 fonts
t1lib-0.7.1: A library for character- and string-glyphs from Adobe Type 1 fonts.
t1lib: A library for character- and string-glyphs from Adobe Type 1 fonts.
t1lib-devel-0.7.1: Development files for t1lib
t1lib-devel: Development files for t1lib
t1lib-python-0.7.1: Development files for t1lib
t1utils: Programs for manipulating PostScript Type 1 fonts
tailit: Tail log files
taipeifonts: taipei chinese big5 fonts
tcd: CD player with a Curses and GTK+ interface
tcl-devel: Tool Command Language static libraries and header files
tcl-source: Tool Command Language source files for building tcl extensions
tclx-devel: Header files and static libraries for Tcl extensions
tcpdump-rhcn: dumps packets that are sent or received over a network interface
tcsh-rhcn: Enhanced c-shell
tetex-t2: tetex-t2
tetrinet: A Linux version of the Windows(TM) Tetrinet game.
texi2html: Convert texinfo (GNU docs) directly to HTML for easy reading
tf: TinyFugue Muck Client
tf-beta: MUD/MOO/MUSH/etc. client.
tf-gamma: MUD/MOO/MUSH/etc. client.
thrust: A Linux port of the Commodore 64 Thrust game.
thttpd: Throttleable lightweight httpd server
tidy: Utility to clean up & pretty print html files
tik: The AOL Instant Messenger Tcl/Tk 8.0 Client
timidity: Great-sounding CPU-hungry MIDI soundfile player.
tin-rhcn-pre1.4: tin News Reader
tinyfugue: MUD/MOO/MUSH/etc. client.
tix-devel: Header files and static libraries for the Tix widget set
tk-devel: Tk static libraries and header files
tk-source: Tk source files for building tcl/tk extensions
tkdiff: TkDiff is a graphical front-end for the standard Unix diff utility
tkgoodstuff: An X Window System desktop utility.
tkhylafax: Front end for sending faxes with HylaFAX
tkinfo: Tk hypertext interface to GNU info files
tkirc: A tcl/tk front end to ircII.
tkmc: Midnight Commander visual shell (tk version)
tkrat: Ratatosk Mail User Agent
tkx: extensions to tk for POSIX systems
tkx-devel: Static libraries for tkx programs
tkxcd: tkxcd - a diff front end
tleds: Indicate network traffic via Keyboard LEDs
tm: Tools for reading and sending MIME email from Emacs.
tmake: Easy-to-use tool for creating and maintaining portable makefiles
tnt: Emacs based AOL Instant Message Client
tofrodos: (none)
traffic-vis: Network monitoring tool
trafshow: Ncurses based UP traffic monitoring
transproxy: transparently proxies HTTP and other requests.
tripwire: Checks to see if files have changed on your system.
troll-ftpd+ident: A small, more secure FTP daemon
troll-ftpd: A small, more secure FTP daemon
tt-meista: tetris for terminals
ttyquake: Textmode frontend to Quake, and QuakeII
ttysnoop: Program to snoop on a TTY through another
tulp: TULP - tulp listserv
twin: The Willows Toolkit--a set of libraries and tools for migrating and
txt2html: Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
txt2pdbdoc: Converts Text or HTML to PalmPilots's PDB/DOC file format
txwd-module-CxM2PR200: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - Cyrix M2 PR200 only!
txwd-module-IDT-C6: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - IDT C6 only!
txwd-module-K5PR133: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - AMD K5 PR133 only!
txwd-module-K5PR166: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - AMD K5 PR166 only!
txwd-module-K6PR166: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - AMD K6 PR166 only!
txwd-module-K6PR200: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - AMD K6 PR200 only!
txwd-module-P54C: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - Intel P54C only!
txwd-module-P55C: Harware dependant module for txwd tool - Intel P55C only!
tya: TYA is a 100% unofficial JIT-compiler for Java.
type1inst: Type 1 font install utility
uae: A software emulation of the Commodore Amiga 500/1000/2000.
ucblogo: Berkeley Logo interpreter
ucrond: An improved version of cron
ud: Uptime Daemon.
unace: The public version of UNACE
unclutter: hides the mouse cursor when idle
unix2dos: unix2dos - UNIX to DOS text file format converter
unrar: decompressor for .rar format archives
upclient: Upclient sends the uptime of the machine it's running on to a server
updated: Update Daemon for Linux (and possibly other Unixen).
ups: source level C debugger that runs under X11
user: Display Users
utok: Unique TOKens
uudeall: Multiple uudecode utility
uudeview: uudecode/uuencode applications
vacation: vacation, an automatic mail ansvering program
vcg: The VCG visualization tool for compiler graphs
ver: Structual Verilog Compiler
vera: GNU V.E.R.A.
vfu: VF File Manager for Unix/Linux ( VFU )
vga_cardgames: Card games for the console.
vga_gamespack: Mines, Connect 4 and Othello games for the Linux console.
vic: A video conferencing application.
vice: VICE, the Versatile Commodore Emulator
viewfax: View multi-page TIFF files
vile: VI clone with extended capabilities and X11 support
vile-perl: VI clone with extended capabilities and X11 support
vim: Vim. The one and only
vim-athena-glibc: GVim 5.0
vim-ctags: vim tagfile generator
vim-motif: VIsual editor iMproved - motif (lesstif)
vlna: add the \nobreak after single-letter words in Czech text.
vm: Emacs VM mailer
vnc: Virtual Network Computing
vnterm: Vietnamese Color xterm
vrfy: A handy command-line program for verifying an email address
vrweb: VRML 1.0 browser
vt: Visual TCL - A cross-platform application development environment
vtk: The Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library
vtk-devel: VTK header files for building C++ code.
vtk-examples: C++, Tcl and Python example programs/scripts for VTK.
vtk-java: Java bindings for VTK.
vtk-python: Python bindings for VTK.
vtk-tcl: Tcl bindings for VTK.
vtun: VTun Virtual Tunnel over TCP/IP networks.
w3: WWW browser for emacs
watchdog: A software watchdog
wavplay: wavplay - play wav files under Linux
wavplay-X11: xltwavplay utility
wavplay-noX11: wavplay - play wav files under Linux
wcal: Web based calendar/planner
wcd: chdir for DOS and Unix
wdsetup: configuration utils for Western Digital and SMC ethernet cards
webalizer-1.20: The Webalizer - A web server log file analysis thingie
webalizer: Web server log file analysis program
weblint: HTML validator
whirlgif: WhirlGIF
whois-murple: Murple's whois
windowmaker-devel: Window Maker libraries
wine-devel: Development portion of wine
wipl: Make statistics on basis of packets seen on a LAN.
wm2: Minimalistic window manager
wmCalClock: wmCalClock is a simple Calendar Clock
wmGrabImage: wmGrabImage grabs an image from the WWW and displays it
wmMoonClock: Moon phases info for Window Maker/AfterStep
wmSpaceWeather: wmSpaceWeather is a space weather monitor
wmSun: wmSun displays the current day's Sun Rise and Set Times
wmWeather: Applet that displays the weather.
wmapm: wmapm monitors the APM statistics
wmcdplay: CD player applet
wmclock: dockable clock applet for Window Maker
wmdl: a WindowMaker Appicon based on the game Doom
wmf: Web Mail Folder (converts mailbox to web pages)
wmglobe: WMGlobe is a WindowMaker dock.app that displays the earth on an icon
wmifs: wmifs is a complete network monitoring dock.app
wminet: Inetd monitoring WindowMaker dock applet
wmitime: Standard and Internet Time clock applet
wml: Website META Language
wmlicq: Licq is an ICQ clone written fully in c++ using the Qt widget set
wmload: WindowMaker load gauge
wmmail: wmmail is a "mail-checker" like xbiff.
wmmon: WMMon monitors the realtime CPU load and system load
wmpinboard: Window Maker dock applet resembling a miniature pinboard
wmppp: Network monitoring applets
wmsensors: wmsensors draws graphs of data using CPU sensors
wmsound: Window Maker sound server
wmsound-0.9.4: Window Maker sound server
wmsound-data: Wmsound data
wmsound-data-0.9.4: Wmsound data
wmsound-devel: Wmsound development option
wmsound-devel-0.9.4: Wmsound development option
wmss: WindowMaker sound server configuration tool
wmsysmon: Window Maker/AfterStep memory/swap/IO/uptime/ints monitor
wmtime: WMTime is a time and date dock.app for WindowMaker and AfterStep
wmtool: X/gtk+ app for wmconfig files
wmx: a window manager
word2x: word2x convert word 6 documents to another format
workman: very good X11 CD player
wormdat: NFS Server for WangDAT 2000 SCSI tape drive
wpp: WPP - The Web Preprocessor
wrap: Text reformatter
wterm: wterm - Transparent xterm/rxvt variant with WindowMaker menus
wvdial: Configure and use PPP.  It autodiagnostics modems.
wwwcount: WWW Homepage Access Counter
wwwoffle: WWW Offline Explorer - Caching Web Proxy Server
x11amp-0.9: X11 mp3 player with features not unlike WinAMP.
x11amp-devel-0.9: Static libraries and header files for x11amp.
x48: HP48 SX/GX Emulator
xNES: A Nintendo emulator.
xab: X11-based address book.
xacc: A program to keep track of finances.
xamp: xamp - A Qt based mp3 player
xattax: Strategy game based on Ataxx
xawtv: Video4Linux Stream Capture Viewer
xbattle: The Classic Xbattle Game.. networkable/multiplayer
xbeats: X11 clock that only displays Beats. Also dockable.
xblast: A multi-player arcade game for X11
xblast-tkXBlast: XBlast configuring made easy
xbmbrowser: View and manage X bitmap and X pixmap files
xbuffy: Xbuffy keeps track of multiple mailboxes.
xcb: X cut buffers for cut and paste selections
xchomp: A Pac-Man style game for the X Window System.
xcircuit: An X11 drawing program (especially for circuit schematics)
xcolorsel: X utility to select colors
xconq: Xconq is an empire-building strategy game
xcopilot: An X based PalmPilot Emulator
xcoral: xcoral X based editor
xcoral-docs: HTML documentation for xcoral
xcutbuff: Manipulate the 8 default cut buffers in X
xcyr: Cyrillic X
xdelta: A binary file delta generator and an RCS replacement library.
xdelta-devel: Static library and header files for Xdelta development.
xdemineur: A Minesweeper game for the X Window System.<
xdiff: A graphical front-end to diff
xdu: Graphically display output of du command
xephem: X based ephemeris (astronomy tool)
xevil: A fast-action, explicitly violent game for X
xfce: A Powerfull X Environment, with Toolbar and Window Manager
xferstats: compiles information about file transfers from logfiles
xfinans: A personal finance tool for the X Window System.
xfmail: A full-featured mail program using XForms
xforms: A GUI toolkit based on Xlib for the X Window System.
xforms-demos: XForms demonstration programs.
xforms-devel: An XForms GUI builder.
xfpovray: Front end for povray
xfsft: X font server whith support for True Type Fonts
xfstt: X Font Server for TrueType fonts
xgalaga: An X Window System clone of the space combat arcade game Galaga.
xgfe: GUI for gnuplot
xglobe: Animated globe using map files
xinetd: inetd replacement (internet super-server)
xinetd-devel: Static libraries and header files for xinetd
xinvest: A personal finance tracking and performance tool for X
xjdic: An electronic Japanese <--> English dictionary
xkeycaps: xkeycaps - a keymap editor for the X window system
xlander: An X Window System moon landing simulation game.
xlassie: Mail notification tool for X11, POP3 support, counts messages
xldlas: a basic statistical package for X windows
xless: XLess
xlogmaster: Quick & easy monitoring of logfiles and devices
xmaddressbook: A X11/Motif based Address Book program.
xmahjongg: xmahjongg - An ancient chines board game
xmake: XMAKE allows you to easily construct multiple complex dependancies
xmame: Multi Arcade Emulator
xmbase-grok: Flat-file database with motif interface.
xmcd: A Motif based CD player.
xmftp: A Lesstif-based graphical FTP client
xmgr-dynamic: Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool (xmgr)
xmgr-semistatic: xmgr with statically linked Motif libraries
xmmix: A Motif-based audio mixer for popular sound cards.
xmon: xmon: X11 protocol analyzer
xmountains: An X Window System based fractal terrain generator.
xmovie: Quicktime movie viewer
xmp: Extended Module Player
xmp3player: mp3 browser
xmulti: Xmulti
xnc: X Northern Captain (XNC) - filemanager for X Window
xodo: A mouse odometer for the X Window System.
xoscope: A digital oscilloscope program for your sound card.
xpaste: Paste utility for X root window.
xpinguin: Displays the Linux penguin
xqf: QuakeWorld/Quake2 server browser and launcher for Linux/X11
xquote: An X Window System and web based stock quote retrieval tool.
xringd: Extended Ring Daemon
xroach: Displays disgusting cockroaches on your root X window
xroads: An X game similar to the C64 Crossroads game.
xruskb: program for switching two keyboard layouts
xrwho: An X Window based version of rwho
xsane: Xsane - X11 Scanner interface to SANE & GIMP
xscavenger: Lode Runner-like arcade game for X Windows
xse: Interface to XSendEvent
xsession: X session manager
xshodo: xshodo - The Japanese lettering art program
xsitecopy: Sitecopy website synchronization utility. (GNOME version)
xsnow: An X Window System based dose of Christmas cheer.
xsok: Generic implementation of Sokoban game for X11
xsoldier: xsoldier - shoot 'em up
xspread: X-based spreadsheet
xspringies: X based simulation of masses on springs
xswallow: Netscape plug-in to allow any X program to be used as an inline viewer
xteddy: xteddy is a cuddly teddy bear for your X Windows desktop
xtet42: Xtet42 is a one or two player version of Tetris.
xtexsh: xtexsh A simple TeX interface for the X Window System
xtraceroute: a graphical, OpenGL based, traceroute
xtrs: TRS-80 Emulator (I,III,IV) for X Windows
xview: XView libraries for X11
xview-clients: OpenWindows clients.
xview-devel: Header files and static libraries for XView development
xview-devel-examples: A number of example programs and tutorials for the XView libraries.
xwave: An audio player, recorder, editor  for the XWindow System.
xwhirl: The xwhirl screensaver
xwhois: X Windows Whois Tool
xwhois-static: X Windows Whois Tool
xwpe: An X Windows System programming environment.
xwpe-X11: The X programs needed for the Xwpe programming environment.
xxd: Make a hexdump or do the reverse
xzip: A Z-code interpreter for Infocom format text adventure games.
yabba: Y and AP compression filters
yagirc: yet another gtk based IRC client
yale-tftpd: Trivial file transfer protocol (tftpd) server with access-lists.
ydfg: ydfg Yale Dataflow Graph Library.
yorick: Yorick matrix language interpreter with X11 graphics system
ypbind-mt: NIS (YP) binding process
yplot: yplot 2D/3D interactive plotting package built on plplot and yorick.
yudit: Unicode Text Editor
zebra: The Zebra Distributed Routing Software
zephyr: Zephyr distributed messaging system
zephyr-devel: Files necessary to develop programs that use zephyr messaging
zephyr-server: Files necessary to run a zephyr server
zicq: zicq is an ncurses based ICQ client for text mode unix
zipcrc: CRC generator
ziptool: Tools for Iomega JAZ and ZIP drives
zoneinfo: Time zone utilities and data
zoo: file archiving utility with compression
ztelnet: Telnet w/ Zmodem up/download cap.