15. Acknowledgments

Information here is collected from many sources. Thanks to the following who either indirectly or directly have contributed:

Rob Riggs

S. Coffin scoffin@netcom.com

Viktor Przebinda viktor@CRYSTAL.MATH.ou.edu

Roelof Osinga roelof@eboa.com

Kyle Hasselbacher kyle@carefree.quux.soltc.net

David S. Jackson dsj@dsj.net

Todd G. Ruskell ruskell@boulder.nist.gov

Rogier Wolff R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl

Antonomasia ant@notatla.demon.co.uk

Nic Bellamy sky@wibble.net

Eric Hanchrow offby1@blarg.net

Robert J. Bergerrberger@ibd.com

Ulrich Alpers lurchi@cdrom.uni-stuttgart.de

David Noha dave@c-c-s.com

Pavel Epifanov. epv@ibm.net

Joe Germuska. joe@germuska.com

Franklin S. Werren fswerren@bagpipes.net

Paul Rusty Russell <Paul.Russell@rustcorp.com.au>

Christine Gaunt <cgaunt@umich.edu>

lin bhewitt@refmntutl01.afsc.noaa.gov

A. Steinmetz astmail@yahoo.com

Jun Morimoto morimoto@xantia.citroen.org

Xiaotian Sun sunx@newton.me.berkeley.edu

Eric Hanchrow offby1@blarg.net

Camille Begnis camille@mandrakesoft.com

Neil D neild@sympatico.ca

Michael Tandy Michael.Tandy@BTInternet.com

Tony Foiani tkil@scrye.com

Matt Johnston mattj@flashmail.com

Geoff Billin gbillin@turbonet.com

Hal Burgiss hburgiss@bellsouth.net

Ian Macdonald ian@linuxcare.com

M.Kiesel m.kiesel@iname.com

Mario Kratzer kratzer@mathematik.uni-marburg.de

Othmar Pasteka pasteka@kabsi.at

Robert M rom@romab.com

Cinnamon Lowe clowe@cinci.rr.com

Rob McMeekin blind_mordecai@yahoo.com

Gunnar Ritter g-r@bigfoot.de

Frank Lichtenheldfrank@lichtenheld.de

BjĂśrn Lotzblotz@suse.de

Othon Marcelo Nunes Batistaothonb@superig.com.br

The following have translated this HOWTO into various other languages!

A special thank you to all of them for help spreading the Linux word...

Polish: Ziemek Borowski ziembor@FAQ-bot.ZiemBor.Waw.PL

Japanese: FUJIWARA Teruyoshi fjwr@mtj.biglobe.ne.jp

Indonesian: Tedi Heriyanto 22941219@students.ukdw.ac.id

Korean: Bume Chang Boxcar0001@aol.com

Spanish: Juan Carlos Fernandez piwiman@visionnetware.com

Dutch: "Nine Matthijssen" nine@matthijssen.nl

Norwegian: ketil@vestby.com ketil@vestby.com

Turkish: tufan karadere tufank@metu.edu.tr