Libpng-1.2.26 security advisory -- April 12, 2008 This bug has been identified as CVE-2008-1382. Tavis Ormandy advised us of a bug in libpng in its handling of unknown chunks with zero data length. We have examined the report and find that the bug exists in all libpng versions since 1.0.6. It only manifests itself when all three of the following conditions exist: 1. The application is loaded with libpng-1.0.6 through 1.0.32, libpng-1.2.0 through 1.2.26, or libpng-1.4.0beta01 through libpng-1.4.0beta19, and 2. libpng was built with PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED or with PNG_READ_USER_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED (this is usually the case), and 3. the application includes either a call to png_set_read_user_chunk_fn(png_ptr, user_ptr, callback_fn) or a call to png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, keep, list, N) with keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE (2) or keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_ALWAYS (3) We believe this is a rare circumstance. It occurs in "pngtest" that is a part of the libpng distribution, in pngcrush, and in recent versions of ImageMagick (6.2.5 through 6.4.0-4). We are not aware of any other vulnerable applications. When an application with the bug is run, libpng will generate spurious warning messages about a CRC error in the zero-length chunk and an out-of-memory condition, unless warnings are being suppressed. There is not actually a memory overflow, but the NULL pointer returned from the memory allocator when it tries to generate a zero-length buffer for the chunk data triggers the warning. Later, there may be an error when the application tries to free the non-existent buffer. This has been observed to cause a segmentation violation in pngtest. Libpng-1.2.27 and later, and 1.0.33 and later, will not be vulnerable. These are in beta and will be released on or about April 26, 2008. Libpng-1.2.27beta01, which was released today (April 12), is also not vulnerable.