Editors' note:  These minutes have not been edited.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to resolve open issues on the 
MIB to bring it to closure before making a final draft to be submitted as 
a proposed standard. Bob Stewart stood in for Jon Saperia for this 
meeting. The posted agenda and results of the meeting are as follows: 

1. What to do when an element in the running or past run entry tables 
does not have an entry in the configuration table. 

It was agreed that a default pointer of 0.0 would exist where a running 
or past run entry does not have a configured elmt. This applies to 
running or past run applications as well. 

2. Integration with the HR MIB.

This issue was not resolved though a presentation was made at the 
IETF NM Area Open Meeting. Specific proposals will be posted next 

3. We had several discussions about OIDs and Product ID's 

It was agreed that their would be no OID (for product identification) in 
the config tables.

4. Post-it portions of the MIB.

This item was not discussed since Ian was not able to attend. This will 
be resolved on the mailing list. 

4.a George Best wanted to make certain that people knew that info in 
the mib did not require application instrumentation. This is hinted at 
in paragraph 3 of the overview.

To be resolved on the mailing list.

5. The 'What table does the file size go in?' discussion. I had said:

File size definition for executables and regular files needs some 
refinement. I think the thing to do is make a straw proposal and 
incorporate it into the next draft. [Note from Jon W.]

6. Conformance and Compliance

It was agreed that all tables were felt to be mandatory. 

7. Relationships of MIBs discussion.

This is an ongoing area of work. See Mailing list discussion.