Version 2.40J AMU Release Notes ------------------------------- This release notes covers the Version 2.40J release of the AML Management Unit (AMU). If question arise about any of these notes, call theADIC/GRAU Technical Assistance Center at the appropriate number: 00-800-9999-3822 Requirements ------------- This AMU version (order number 326 A24 0I0) is a fix for a previous installed AMU 2.40x. AMU 2.40I can replace all previously installed AMU versions from 2.40 up to 2.40H. The following software releases are required: AML/2 robot software AML/2 2.20D or higher AML/E robot software AML/E 2.20D or higher (2.30D for parallel gripper) AML/J robot software PMAC SW 2.40D or higher (latest code level: PMAC 4.00 PN:206R4000, EC: 13427) Scalar 1000 Scalar 1000 SCSI-Software 1.01 Scalar 1000 Microcode 1.01 or higher DAS UNIX: DAS 1.20 OS/2: DAS 1.30c1 or higher SNI-robar Robar-SV V2.5 or higher HACC/OS400 Version 2.2 or higher HACC/VM Version 1.4.1 or higher Other host application software version prerequisites do not apply. Hardware- and System-Software Requirements ------------------------------------------ Processor Intel 80486 (Pentium recommended) Memory 16MB Minimum (64MB recommended) Systems having heavy load or more than two hosts connected should have 64MB) Disk 500 MB or more IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 or higher (highly recommended, for updates ask ADIC/GRAU Technical Assistance) IBM DATABASE 2 DB2/2.x or higher (highly recommended, for updates ask ADIC/GRAU Technical Assistance) IBM Communications Manager if necessary: CM/2 1.11 or higher IBM TCP/IP if necessary: OS/2 WARP CONNECT with TCP/IP support AMU Installation Program ------------------------ Installation ------------ Perform the following steps to install the AMU version 2.40J : - Stop the current processing. Run shutdown only ABBA System. - Insert the Installation CD-ROM or floppy - Open an OS/2 window. - Run the script INSTPREP.CMD from CD-ROM or floppy C:> E: E:> instprep - Restart the computer (shutdown and boot). Information Do not interrupt the installation process. This may lead to undefined conditions and problems with the database. - Select the installation options for your hardware - Insert the diskettes as prompted (if installation from floppy). - Login with AMUADMIN when prompted to log on. Warning Please do not interrupt the installation process. - Remove the CD-ROM or floppy The following steps only apply to systems with a second harddisk (AML controller). - Terminate OS/2 and restart the computer. - Wait until the following appears on the top left corner on the monitor: OS/2 - Press keys + - Select as command line. - Enter the following commands: C:> \amu\hddcopy Deinstallation --------------- During the installation, the previous AMU version, if present, was saved into backup directories. Selecting the corresponding option from the installation program menu allows to deinstall the AMU Version 2.40H and restore the previously installed AMU Version: - Stop operation of the AML Management Software. (Host commands ROSO and HOLD or DAS command Robhome and DAS shutdown). Select "Shutdown ABBA System only" from the AMU User Interface. - Insert the installation CD-ROM or floppy. - Open an OS/2 window and change to CD-ROM drive or floppy. - Run the script INSTPREP.CMD from CD-ROM or floppy C:> E: E:> instprep - Restart the computer (shutdown and boot). - Select the deinstallation option from the installation menu. Wait until the deinstallation process completes. Changes in AMU Version 2.40J ---------------------------- - Fixed same problems during startup of the AMU in the configuration server and the GUI - Fixed the System Error during shutdown of the AMU - Modifications in the install script for more easy installation Information ----------- The AMU version 2.40I corrected all known Year 2000 problems. Changes in AMU Version 2.40I ----------------------------- -Correct y2k display error in the Rho File Manager -Correct the Backup function for the first days in Year 2000 -Correct memory allocation in the function ArcAudit (DAS command qvolsrange) - Correct the teach point for the Tower type T6 in the AMUCONST - Correct the Online Log window problem, in case of very big log files