Seak, in Breakbeat Magazine 2001
NRW is with no doubt one of the hotspots in the European graffiti
scene, it is also the home base of the well known CNS crew (
that includes of some of the most brilliant writers such as ATEONE,
NECK, MORITZ, MERIC, EFAS, french artists SCIEN & Miss KLOR and
last but not least SEAK. Especially Seak who has a style of his
own has made himself a name in the recent years. From the outside
his pieces seem to resemble organic machinery, living space objects
or cyber organism, but Seak says that there is more to his style.
According to him his future style is based on a movement that has
a strong aim at the fundaments of graffiti, that is the living being
and the genuine nature of letters. But let us start off where it
all began.
BREAKBEAT: Let us in on your history and on how you became a
SEAK: The first contact with graffiti was through a piece by King
Pin. I was about ten years old back then, and I was completely fascinated
by a graffiti wall bombed with a spider. Some time later I saw a
second one with a robot and some lettering. It fascinated me that
someone could paint pieces on a wall just like that. Later on in
school I was handed out different books about graffiti and after
that I began to practice by making sketches. In 1992 at the Berufschule
I got to know an active writer from cologne who brought me to write
on a wall for the first time ever. At first I bombed illegally and
later around ´94 I began with legal action. It was then that I was
named SEAK. Actually there is now deeper meaning to the name, what
hit me was simply the combo of letters and the grafical way of expressing
them. After taking that first step I am now able to make a living
from writing. Apart from free works and commission works, canvas
as a medium has become more and more important to me.
BREAKBEAT: What about expositions?
SEAK: They too are becoming more important to me. This year, for
instance I took the opportunity to show my pieces at Urban Discipline
at an exposition called the Hamburger HipHop MaximunTage as well
at Z-2000 taking place at the academy of arts in Berlin.
BREAKBEAT: What kind of writers influenced you in the past ?
SEAK: In fact I was influenced by different kind of writers and
their style such as Can2, Bates, Wow123, and DARF all standing for
a more conventional old school style (Boogie Down). What also got
to me were the 3-d effects by Delta and DAIM. The first two years
of which I bombed walls legally I just painted 3-d styles. In order
to give my letters somewhat like a smooth touch I switched to Boogie
Down. After 2 years of painting with two styles at a time I bombed
a wall in Munic together with Vince, Steve and Peso and it was the
last time for me to paint the Boogie Down style. Then I focused
more on 3-dimensional stuff and I was able to paint in a more independent
way. At that time I had my breakthrough as graffiti artist. I was
able to create an individual style while putting more creative phantesy
into my pieces. At first I was confronted with quite a lot of criticism
because at the time I began, my pieces were viewed as boyish and
immature. However I was convinced to be on the right way. Today
I realize that if I had not taken the steps I took back then I would
not be where I am today.
BREAKBEAT: How would you describe your style?
SEAK: Well, it is hard to describe my own style. Some people say
that my pieces resemble spacy organic objects but I´m not necessarily
having a straight focus on the conventional future spaceship style.
I think maybe this happens automatically anyway. I especially fancy
painting abstract objects while splitting up the letters. Above
that you can also see 3-d and lighting effects in my pieces. About
the way I paint lighting effects I was very much influenced by the
former amigo intro. I unite all these elements and I guess that
afterwards it all kind of looks like spaceships but still I intended
to paint basic letters. In recent years I gave more focus on details
while splitting up the letters so as to make fragments out of them.
Actually, I always thought that the letters I paint could be read
by others, but it seems that my style has become so abstract that
without wanting it letters become unimportant to me . Whenever making
sketches though I stick to letters but when painting I get so in
to it that lettering is drawn into the background because of colors
and effects. But for pieces to come I'm gonna pay more attention
to lettering.
BREAKBEAT: What is most important to you when lettering ?
SEAK: The main thing for me is that the letters I paint are not
weak and they should be able to ´compete´. In other words I want
them to look fancier than other styles especially when they are
painted right next to mine. Letters have to fit together, they just
simply have to function. Actually it is something about lettering
you can hardly describe. It is just this feeling you get when painting.
More and more I was drawn to this machine style. But you really
need to see to it that you do not copy yourself over and over again,
otherwise you get to the point where you do not progress as an artist.
Generally speaking such a logo style has great chances to be recognized
by others but personally it can break your neck. These days I am
thinking about coming up with a new style because I feel that I
am concentrating too much on what I do best. Sure, the way I paint
now made me well known as the writer I am today and it is important
to me to bring my style to perfection but basically you always have
to check out new styles. That is why for some time now I´m doing
sketches that are different from the ones I usually do. But the
thing is that I´m just not used to paint new stuff and therefore
I stick to my old style.
BREAKBEAT : Can you describe how it is to paint ?
SEAK: That´s hard to describe. Painting is for me a love hatred
relationship and the ambition to paint the perfect piece. On the
one hand I love painting because it gives me the chance to express
myself and then I´m always determined to burn myself . In that case
it´s pure excitement but mostly I´m down and dissapointed simply
because I didn´t make it. As a painter I´m always out to make it
perfect and to get a kick out of it. Such a highlight get´s to me
maybe about 3 or 4 times a year. And by the way I come up with the
coolest pieces totally unplanned. For example I have painted the
best quality canvas at a party while drinking a Kˆlsch and chatting
with friends and colleagues
BREAKBEAT: Which crews do you write for ?
Seak: cnskillz, evils sons (daim, wow, tasek, davis, cario....and
many more),
gbf(Bomber, Kent, codeak, dream, Shark, Mate.....and many more),
Sinstars/UK (Skok1,Kilo,Skore,scratch perverts,daryl ...and many
BREAKBEAT : Your crew (Checking nu skillz) is on the web @
What´s there to see ?
SEAK : You get to see a bunch of pieces of my crew, Beats of ATE
One and there are t-shirts created by NEK. Of course you can also
order mixtapes of ATE ONE and just like on any other decent website
there´s a guestbook, dates and links. Just check it out yourself