Code Page Information (CPI) files, v1.0 ======================================= Henrique Peron ( Aitor Santamaria_Merino ( Code Page Information files to be used with DISPLAY version 0.10b or later This software is free software, and is distributed under the GNU-GPL license version 2.0 or later. You should have received a copy of this license with the package (COPYING.TXT). Otherwise, please contact the Free Software Foundation at -------- 1.- About the files 2.- How to install the codepages 3.- Known issues 4.- Redesigned accented characters 5.- Codepages with 5-digit numbers 6.- Contributions and feedback 1.- ABOUT THE CPI FILES ======================= The package contains 10 files. CPI files contain codepages. The list of codepages they contain is available on CODEPAGE.TXT. These CPI files do NOT contain PRINTER fonts. 2.- HOW TO INSTALL THE CODEPAGES ================================ These codepages should be loaded using provided MODECON.EXE in the FreeDOS DISPLAY package, but not in general with other MODE programs. MODECON uses them when preparing a codepage. For example: MODECON CODEPAGE PREPARE (858) C:\FREEDOS\BIN\CPI\EGA.CPI MODECON CODEPAGE SELECT 858 For more details, please read the documentation available on the DISPLAY package. 3.- KNOWN ISSUES ================ None. 4.- REDESIGNED ACCENTED CHARACTERS ================================== All characters available on the codepages have been redesigned in an attempt to improve readability; most of the accented characters were misaligned according to their non-accented counterparts as it can be noticed on the original CPI files of the major industry. Furthermore, when the 50-line mode was selected, it was not easy to tell the caps from the small versions of many accented characters. 5.- CODEPAGES WITH 5-DIGIT NUMBERS ================================== There are several encodings which seem to lack an official codepage number, regardless of the platform (DOS, Mac, Windows, ISO, KOI, HP-UX, etc.). Those 5-digit numbers are considered temporary; in case they change or someone (i.e. IBM, MS, Apple, HP, etc.) provides official codepage numbers for those encodings, they will be also renumbered here to their new official 3- or 4-digit numbers. Also, if someone provides new official encodings which provide the characters needed to assist languages which now are assisted by those 5-digit encodings, they will also be encoded here AND the keyboard layouts which are based on the 5-digit encodings will be redesigned to work with the new official ones. 6.- CONTRIBUTIONS AND FEEDBACK ============================== All your comments or ideas, and specially your feedback is welcome. You can use the authors' email addresses as below (languages are indicated) Henrique PERON ( (English/Portuguese) Aitor SANTAMARIA_MERINO ( (English/Spanish) For any problems regarding the codepages, please email Henrique. For any problems with the DISPLAY executable program, please email Aitor. If you are not sure where the problem comes from, please email both or Aitor.