 _ ___ _      ______              _ ____ _       _ __ _     _ ___ _
__________    ______  __        ____________   __________  __________
___________ _|      |____    _   ___________  _____________ __________
\       ___\\_           \  ____ \___       ||             |\       __\ \
 \      \    |     \      \ _________|      ||c  h  a  o  s| \      \
\ \      \   |      \      \\       _       ||constructions|  \      \ \
 \ \      \  |      |\      \\      \       ||2 - 0 - 2 - 4|   \      \ \ \
\ \ \      \ |      | \      \\      \      || s u m m e r |    \      \ \
   \ \______\|______|  \______\\____________||_____________|_dvr_\      \ \ \
       ______ ______       __    ___________   _  __  ____               \ \
_____  ____  ____   _____ |  |_ ____ __ __ _____ |  |_ __  ____  ____   __\__
\   _\| __ ||    \ _\   _\|  _/|  _/|  \  |\   _\|  _/|  || __ ||    \ _\   _\
 \__\ |____||__\__|\____\ |__| |__|  \____| \__\ |__| |__||____||__\__|\____\
   _  __    _  _   ____  _    _      ___    _   _    _____  ____  _____   _  _
                                                    /_   /_| __ |/_   /_ /__ |
                                                     /____/|____| /____/   |_|

  Dance Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Хаос by Зайш                                                      184 7.08
 2. 2nd chance (compo edit) by Filippp                                169 6.76
 3. Endless Dream by Дмитрий Андреев                                  167 6.42
 4. На каблучках by Waldemar & Diamond                                195 5.91
 5. Only one Ping by AMItac / DevLab T.S.A                            147 5.65

  Listening Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
 1. Endless Life by Xpeh of LooKER hOUSE                              264 8.52
 2. Lightnings fear me by ciclo                                       289 8.03
 3. The Tale by Xpeh of LooKER hOUSE                                  278 7.94
 4. Startup Sequence by n4cer^TSA^Totalkaos                           205 6.61
 5. Insomnia Delusion by Дмитрий Андреев                              198 6.60
 6. The Return by Levushka                                            192 6.40
 7. A Box with 2 wheels by ciclo                                      181 5.84

  Tracked Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. The Swingalica Two by LAV/The SandS (Andrew Sonar)                277 8.39
 2. Triple Hop by Filippp                                             173 6.18
 3. MASSACRE 2 by litchh                                              173 5.97
 4. Chaos Control by Alex Cargo                                       133 5.32
 5. TERRERROR by Neurotype                                            131 5.04
 6. Happy morning with your best friend forever by Ed Ice cream Art   115 4.60

  Chiptune Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Memory strip by KUVO/CSI                                          254 8.19
 2. Touching the dew by KUVO/CSI                                      259 8.09
 3. Aftermath by Alex Winston                                         227 7.57
 4. Chaos Supporting by EA                                            206 7.36
 5. Don't Force Me by Syntheslav                                      212 6.84
 6. The color all the way by scalesmann^mc                            149 5.73
 7. VIRUS-3 by aGGreSSor                                              166 5.35
 8. Monday! by -=VVS=- from DGMS                                      134 4.62

  AI Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Ориентир by Пластмассовый Мир                                     177 8.05
 2. Скорей на море (Геленджик) by Waldemar in the night               142 6.17
 3. Pixel Peace by Raz Besarioniss                                     78 5.57
 4. Deep Nights by scalesmann^mc                                       86 5.38
 5. Старые компьютеры by Kakos_nonos                                   94 5.22

  HandDrawn Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 -. Моя идеальная РАдуга by Sofy_guru                                 172 5.21

  Pixel Art Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Evil from Underground by iNOArt Studio                            267 6.68
 2. Stick to Tesla ... by AMItac / The Solaris Agency ( T.S.A )       244 6.26

  ZX Spectrum Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. потерянный by Grongy                                              453 9.06
 2. Камо грядеши? by aGGreSSor                                        393 8.02
 3. Ochag by Error/ErrorSoft                                          379 7.90
 4. join to us by dimidus                                             360 7.83
 5. Yaga by shuran33                                                  327 7.11
 6. Valkyria by Katoyama                                              352 7.04
 7. Buried in Bureaucracy by Grongy                                   322 6.85
 8. Ribaberiki ni Kiribati by Katoyama                                243 5.40
 9. flaminGO by evgen                                                 195 4.43
10. Лифт by Robert                                                    201 4.37

  Oldskool Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Дачный натюрморт, работа краскопультом by мыши и подлый трус      319 7.09
 2. Demon of Tales by iNoArt                                          319 6.79
 3. Five shades of grey by Frog //ROi                                 278 6.62
 4. Чаю воскресенія мертвыхъ и жизни будущаго ... by Небольшой Тылль  276 6.42
 5. Dancing women by iNOArt Studio                                    258 5.86

  Oldskool Textmode Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Vinnny by shuran33                                                317 8.13
 2. lovely beach by shuran33                                          247 6.68
 3. anime bikini girl by crasher                                      239 6.46
 4. Waiting for compo by Frog //ROi                                   211 6.03
 5. im not crasher anymore by crasher                                 188 5.08

  AI Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Mercury by Error/ErrorSoft                                        253 8.43
 2. SharovayaMolniya by Error/ErrorSoft                               262 8.19
 3. Sacrifice by Demiurge Ash                                         209 7.46
 4. Войди в IT by aGGreSSor                                           215 6.52
 5. Water Party by Flast                                              185 6.38
 6. Stiralka PLAY by Flast                                            132 4.89

  HighEnd demo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. WOW by Error/ErrorSoft                                            243 8.38
 2. Take by Demolition Studios                                        276 8.36
 3. my chaos will go on by humalaisia lauttakuljettajia               238 7.44

  Oldskool 256b intro
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. daybyday by UriS                                                  396 9.00
 2. Tooticki häst by UriS                                             409 8.89
 3. Белеет парус одинокий by metamorpho                               322 7.49
 4. CC2024 by Vlad/Vladislav Scherbakov ^ G'n'B                       294 6.84
 5. Gift for Dr.Max by LeMIC / VVG                                    243 5.79
 6. Eye Cancer 256b by g0blinish                                      181 5.32

  Oldskool demo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. crossplatform incident by sibkrew                                 374 9.35
 2. UNPLUGGED by Stardust                                             343 8.79
 3. ФНошка by Outsiders                                               255 7.08
 4. Two things by Xai                                                 281 7.03
 5. My three best friends by nyuk & AI                                270 6.92
 6. AniFace by Frog //ROi                                             245 6.62
 7. 600 seconds (party version) by undefined admins                   213 5.61

  1kb procedural graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. RTZX by RCL / Virtual Vision Group                                348 8.09
 2. teonon by dart / fnm                                              286 7.73
 3. Face by Frog //ROi                                                291 7.66
 4. Reptile 1k by g0blinish                                           260 7.22
 5. Way by Frog //ROi                                                 264 6.95
 6. Ancient Aztec Matrix 128b by g0blinish                            213 5.61

  Virtual / Fantasy demo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Ball by g0blinish                                                 245 7.42
 2. flushed by artёmka // wbcbz7                                      224 6.79
 3. Circle Waves by g0blinish                                         187 6.68

  Wild demo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 -. AZБК Tech-demo 08'24 by MAXIOL                                    277 8.39

  Game compo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. BK3D.Arena by Дмитрий Апраксин                                    490 9.07
 2. Плюк by RetroSouls                                                416 8.85
 3. Lode Runner by Marie Slip                                         280 6.67
 4. Маньяк by NORA Studio                                             216 6.55

  Invitation compo
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Best Things by Ivan Galaktika                                     254 8.19
 2. Another Invitation Intro by Undefined Admins                      158 6.87
 3. one more invitation to chaos constructions by nik hot msk         185 6.38
 4. Invitation graphics to the Chaos Constructions'2024 by Frog //ROi 148 6.17

  Realtime Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 - Гимн by Andrew Sonar                                                  

  Realtime Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Ночной дожор by Grongy                                            279 8.72
 2. Возвращение домой ночью by mr_rks                                 230 7.19

  Realtime ZX 53с Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Кот ждет меня дома by Hloroforme                                  268 7.88
 2. Иду дОПОК пОд НунОК by Kakos_nonos                                249 7.11
 3. Путеводная звезда by dimidus                                      222 6.94
 4. Насквозь by aGGreSSor                                             227 6.88
 5. Pavel Durov coming back home by artёmka // wbcbz7                 220 6.88
 6. Самоэвакуатор by dimidus                                          231 6.60
 7. Приехали домой by ACat                                            214 6.48
 8. Ночная бабочка by shuran33                                        209 6.33
 9. A hard day's night by ScorpiAnn                                   167 5.96
10. Крик by Анонимус                                                  172 5.73
11. Horror Night by ScorpiAnn                                         168 5.60

  Realtime Agat7 Coding
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. - by Kirill Leyfer                                                187 7.79
 2. - by nikhotmsk                                                     93 6.64

  Realtime Agat7 Graphics
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 1. Очень одинокий робат by Jabberwock                                241 7.77
 2. Тэйко поймала волну by Jerry V.                                   230 7.42
 3. nintendo ds и я думаю о том ... by Crazy Ignat                    221 6.70