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|       /    Y        _        Y               Y     |   |   |    '   |  Y    |
|_____________    |___Y    |___|    |__    _____     .___|   |_____   |___    |
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68k Inside 2023                                                  May 5 - 8, 2023

-----------------------------[ Combined graphics ]------------------------------

  1.  134 pts   Escape from Metaverse
                  by Critikill / SWEEET16 ^Rebels ^Brainstorm
  2.  120 pts   Lets play! by Jade / SWEET16^Arsenic^DSR^Dune^EFT^HMD^MS
  3.   87 pts   Frend_has_aged by Greippi
  4.   60 pts   Dark Planet BBS Advert by Dark Planet Man
  5.   55 pts   Vegan Sausage by Blueflame
  6.   53 pts   Aulanko Weather Report by Dark Planet Man
  7.   37 pts   68gtz by lpl

-------------------------------[ Combined music ]-------------------------------

  1.   96 pts   Talking About SFX by Tero Risti
  2.   85 pts   68000 tons of death by mayday/hedelmae
  3.   80 pts   hassuakosyonviilia! by beathawk
  4.   79 pts   sixty aight uk by jean9/jml^mc
  5.   76 pts   leGO happiNESs! by eightbm
  6.   67 pts   TODO funk by Greippi
  7.   65 pts   Electric Love Affair by 1337 h4x0r / jUMALAUTA
  8.   59 pts   Arab Drift -theme by Hackers Media IndustriesÂŽ
  9.   57 pts   Spring Is On Me by Curt Cool / Depth & Nah-Kolor
 10.   45 pts   Frontside Wheelie by Pekka Pou / dA JoRMaS!

-------------------------------[ 256 byte intro ]-------------------------------

  1.  102 pts   Bitstream by Gigabates/Desire
  2.   94 pts   Julio 100000000b by Mace
  3.   69 pts   Stars255 by Optimus

-------------------------------[ Combined intro ]-------------------------------

  1.  118 pts   Smooth Flowing by Dekadence
  2.   95 pts   Calling for Cracktros by Nah Kolor
  3.   76 pts   TURMOIL by Greippi/Zymosis

--------------------------------[ Low end demo ]--------------------------------

  1.  131 pts   Hamazing by Desire
  2.  115 pts   Fortocalypse by TEK
  3.  103 pts   Forest 500 by Hackers Media IndustriesÂŽ
  4.   87 pts   Sommarhack 2023 Reminder by DHS & SMFX
  5.   86 pts   Missed the Finish by dekadence, noice, smfx
  6.   75 pts   Long Time No STe by Emphii / eXtream


                 743 votes were cast by 55 registered visitors                  

                 Results generated by Partyman - Primitive 2023