--[ Animacion 3D ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Kushif Panchito vengador 118 2) Nexus6 Mate en 5 110 3) Mikel Belza Synchrotronic 108 --[ Fast 2D ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Laian Fast 2D 109 2) Perezoso Fast 2D 108 3) Matzubitzu Fast 2D 107 4) Nexus6 Fast 2D 106 5) Otaku Fast 2D 105 6) Ivan Fast 2D 104 7) Impact Fast 2D 103 8) Atomska Fast 2D 102 9) Yamaneko Fast 2D 101 --[ Fast 3D ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Toxsam Fast 3D 104 2) Sprit Fast 3D 103 3) Zigor Fast 3D 102 4) Amezke Fast 3D 101 5) Asier Fast 3D 5 --[ Fast music ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) NEtbuRNER Fast Music 106 2) Aki Fast Music 104 3) NewJack Fast Music 102 --[ Graficos 2D ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Ozimandias Femme fatale 117 2) Xabier Gaztelua Spirit Guides 115 3) Ălvaro Prieto Luz, sudor y sombras 113 4) Laian Ultron 111 5) Unai Martinez Elemental 109 6) MarĂa NĂŠlida RaĂces 107 7) Dark Banshee Tio 105 8) Arcan MarylinspiraciĂłn 103 --[ Graficos 3D ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Asier Amezketa Casa encantada 111 2) Guybrush Treepwood Metro 109 3) IceVAN Undertaker 107 4) Mikel Belza Knowledge 105 5) Oscar Pacheco Haunted house 103 --[ High quality music ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) JĂśan Hayden Forever 126 2) NEtbuRNER The fleet has arrived 124 3) Vampinox sweet nightmare 122 4) Aki Mala de verdad 119 5) Joseba Pentsatzen 119 6) NewJack MvsP (Electroviral-Edition) 116 7) Mikel Rayos de sol 112 8) Nothing Unseattling Ambience 112 9) Rebo Euskal bump 112 10) Mluq Alma analĂłgica 107 11) Kilian Kill and beat 105 12) Debvgger Alarm clock 104 13) DLM Yazoound 104 --[ Multicanal ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) NEtbuRNER 80's players delight 132 2) Vampinox Faster 125 3) Software Failure Bastard & Biomechanical 107 4) Debvgger ZLD2 102 --[ Open demo compo ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) ASD Violent Nature 116 2) Software Failure Sensorium Hyperaesthesia 114 3) Debvgger Haberla presentado tĂş. Si es tan fĂĄcil el aĂąo que viene le echas los cojones que no has tenido hoy. 106 --[ Open game compo ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Kaos Override MarrĂłn en la Euskal 170 2) Kyo Contacto ocular 160 3) Purple Studios Dr. Pill 158 4) Juan Mora Episode I: Contact 157 5) Cubex Char Space Fighter 146 6) Sergio Padilla Parallel dimension 141 7) Madson Duck Hunt 138 8) Abby, Zarqu y Phobos Franco cazavampiros 130 9) Daiku & DKSN Quoridor 122 10) Arguia SaltomanĂa 118 11) eXr ORG Kill Frenzy 116 12) Hector Foronda Cubitos Powa Mix 0.85 112 --[ Open intro compo ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Software Failure Maximum Superprocess 107 2) Debvgger DFHC (Damn Fucking Hotel Coding) 105 --[ Wild compo (mas creativa) ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Mluq La habitaciĂłn de Mluq 131 2) Kushif Queens for Rajoy 124 3) Sackbeto Tetris beto orchestra 123 4) La Comunidad Del Rage La Comunidad Del Rage: Ep2, La Partida 120 5) PKT Team Rise and Fall of Barbanegra 119 6) Yannick GarcĂa y Jorge nieves Alien encounter 118 7) Luisa BMX 105 --[ Wild compo (mas tecnica) ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pos/Author) (Title) (Points) 1) Mluq La habitaciĂłn de Mluq 135 2) Yannick GarcĂa y Jorge nieves Alien encounter 126 3) PKT Team Rise and Fall of Barbanegra 123 4) La Comunidad Del Rage La Comunidad Del Rage: Ep2, La Partida 120 5) Kushif Queens for Rajoy 113 6) Luisa BMX 113 7) Sackbeto Tetris beto orchestra 110 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results generated by Stravaganza VoteTool - (c) ithaqua/stravaganza - http://ithaqua.stravaganza.org