B i R D i E   2 o o 6


Compo (# entries):

Place - Votes - Entry - Artist/Group^More Groups

4k intro (4 entries):

01 342  Warpfruit      LFT
02 313  Purple Pills   #Hack.SE
03 199  Icy Hot        Kryo
04 159  Balls!         serp

64k intro (4 entries):

01 417  Leet. Sweet. Petite.   LFT
02 269  raveballs              speedfisters
03 163  The blob               serp n jallabert
04 139  rabarber               rabarberpaj

combined demo (13 entries):

01 345  liquid lust         fairlight
02 180  Jeff                Candela
03 179  kebab               rebel
04 101  Niveus              StÜlverk 80
05  90  Avast               AMC
06  89  bargad?             even
07  87  Barstow             The German Diplomats aka Never
08  76  Transcendens        DXM
09  55  Electric Africa     Speedfisters
10  47  the muscular demo   musculman/megahawks 
11  30  Volatile            Panda Design
12  15  a small demo        Zen Coders
13  13  The Failure         HyperCube & Co.

freestyle gfx (9 entries):

01 188  blood                         Stefan Lundal
02 187  three friends                 lithis
03 177  rejvÑngel                     Kalaspuff
04 141  birdie 16                     kryssar/zen coders
05 130  Pingvinen vill inte sova      dunz0r
05 130  Spela fîr fiskarna            Gazman/HyperCube
07 124  sightseeing                   spenen
08  96  Liten Gul Katt                Salome
09  47  Poly 4 tha queer generation   Kallisti/Luna LoveGood Experience

streaming music (18 entries):

01 129  Desire                          EuroFrog
02 101  4 Days And 3 Nights             Dna The Synthmaestro Feat. Dj Nightlife
03  99  Juliet (Aan iemand vond ik)     Anglia
04  97  Yomi-net (birdie edit)          malmen/beepdealers
05  95  vilken jÑvla tjej               nagelbandet
06  83  Still Hunted                    Antishock
07  82  blippinated                     tewmten
08  78  Tremendous                      PuXie
09  76  Mela lis                        Barden
10  61  Sockerkick                      Ysel/ITG-GHX
11  57  Feel Blue                       tHiborg
12  53  Luna Lovegood Experience        Salome/HyperCube^Luna Lovegood Experience
13  45  Super Sexual Education Land     Death by Tennis
14  42  your body                       lithis & tjaja
15  37  Capitulation of the Nosferatu   GibIt
15  37  Torque                          Per Fasth
17  36  Dan                             Gouafhg/The gang
18  35  Return from Silence             Kallisti/Luna Lovegood Experience

tracked music (9 entries):

01 206  shadow runner         malmen/beepdealers
02 127  slut pa korv          bachler
03 126  Lesbian Domination    Kallisti/Luna LoveGood Experience
04 112  Gazman on the Block   Gazman/HyperCube
05  96  Igelkottens HAEMND    kottemor och kottefar
06  95  satan & jesus         jallabert
07  85  gorgonzola sun        lithis
08  66  Varan                 Gouafhg/The gang
09  52  Silly Thing           Salome vs Kallisti   

WiLD (many):

01 439  Mongo frÜn yttre rymden - Det Stîrande Ljudet   Woodgrove
02 229  Birdieland                                      DiscoCrew
03 108  Gnomerace2k6                                    Schien enterprises
04  68  Gamebit.se presenterar Birdiedunk 2006          Koski/Gamebit.se
05  51  Banden                                          Infodesk
06  49  Birdie Crew Allstars                            South Birdie Studios
(and many others)