Here are the results of the competitions held at X2004!

The results are based on grades given by a selected jury of 10 people,
who are not competing in the competitions. The numbers of points is equal
to the sum of all grades.

SID Results

Drax        - The six-pac man                - 80,5 points
Fanta       - The Pop Inside                 - 77   points
Orcan       - Solomatic Fly                  - 75   points
Jeroen Tel  - Alternative Fuel               - 74   points
Jammer      - Latex Sensation                - 73,5 points
Dalezy      - Jegoroff                       - 71   points
GRG         - Club 69                        - 68   points
Rambones    - Creeper                        - 67,5 points
Vegeta      - My Life                        - 61,5 points
Hein        - X-Inchromosomnia               - 60   points
Luca/fire   - Scuba samba                    - 59   points
Randall/MSL - Transmitting live from Brasil  - 58,5 points
Richard Bayliss - What if.....               - 57,5 points
Intensity   - Are am eye - commodore mix     - 54,5 points
Agemixer    - 007 retrogold love             - 54   points
Data        - Bells of Glory                 - 53   points
Goto80      - Exy                            - 51,5 points
Klak        - Break                          - 51   points
G-fellow    - destination X                  - 49,5 points
Murdock     - X 2004!                        - 48,5 points
ne7         - Last stand                     - 46   points


Deev         - Lost                 - 73   points
JSL          - Witchcraft           - 62.5 points
DCMP         - Beneath Subspace     - 61.5 points
Oxidy        - Stick Figure Anguish - 55.5 points
Luca         - Xmuse                - 49   points
Almighty God - Killer Instinct      - 41.5 points
Genius       - X2004                - 41.5 points
Sebaloz      - Deadline             - 36.5 points
Metalvotze   - Tumor Pr0n           - 34.5 points
Bugjam       - Coder's Delight      - 34   points


Focus                 - Dialogue          - 84   points
Chorus                - Demode            - 80   points
Resource + The Dreams - Real              - 75,5 points
OPI                   - Panta Rei 80%     - 74   points
Dekadence             - Virtsarakko       - 61   points
WOW                   - Nomen Nescio      - 59,5 points
WWE                   - Delighted         - 55,5 points
Co-op                 - Autumn Clouds     - 54,5 points
Active                - Active-X          - 50,5 points
X-tra-designs         - Primary's Color's - 42   points
CWA                   - TDWNMBG80         - 42   points
Abyss C + Metalvotze  - X2004 Coop        - 38   points

IK+ Compo (organised by Ninja/The Dreams) Results!

first round : winner is the one who first gets 15.000 points
2nd round   : winner is the one who first gets 25.000 points
final       : winner is the one who first gets 35.000 points

Steppe ----\
MDZ --------> MDZ ------\
Spectator -/             \
Oxbow -----\               \
Hein -------> WVL  ---------> WVL -------\
WVL -------/               /              \
                          /                \
Dylotic ---\             /                  \
Megabrain --> Megabrain /                    \
Crazy Bird /                                  \
                                               > Nightshade
c0 --------\                                  /
Rambones ---> G-Fellow -\                    /
G-fellow --/             \                  /
                          \                /
Quasar ----\               \              /
DCMP -------> Nightshade ---> Nightshade /
Nightshade /               /
Murdock ---\             /
Moren ------> Murdock --/
Ninja -----/

So as a conclusion Nightshade won the IK+ Gold compo...
The prize (a x2004 T-shirt) went to the organiser (Ninja) instead :)

Finally we, the organisers of X2004, would like to thank all the people who helped and
showed up. We had a really good time and we're certainly thinking about organizing another
X-party in the future. Maybe we'll see you there and then.


X2004 organisers

Party archive @